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Personas listed in hunting team creation

Personas listed in hunting team creation
Posted 2022-08-15 09:16:33 (edited)
I didn't see this suggestion anywhere else, or in the list of developing ideas, so apologies if this is something already being discussed, suggested, or implemented.

It would be super convenient if when creating hunting teams along with the wolf name it shows their personality (friendly, stoic etc.) And maybe give a warning, or highlight somewhere, if members of a party won't get along. I think that would be easier than having to toggle between a bunch of different wolves, or just trying to remember who is what personality.

Posted 2022-08-15 10:28:40
It is sort of a pain to go through, and match personalities :\ I've had like 10 tabs of different wolves open plus the personality chart just to try and match up one hunting team. I usually get fed up and just change the whole team's personality to the same one anyway :\


Posted 2022-08-15 10:29:35
To be fair, the Personality Snake already exists for this purpose. You can have the snake analyze your hunting team and it'll tell you which wolves don't get along. This also functions as a SC sink, and heaven knows we need more of those.

Rippleskip Kisses a Girl

Posted 2022-08-15 10:36:00

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Posted 2022-08-15 13:37:38
all i said was yes


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