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For 👑🐷JAckRAbbit🩸🩸 #40782 and Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊 #62703 only

Posted 2022-08-07 16:30:18
Solbra thought the response was a bit odd, and could even sense the pups even odder worry. but she shrugged it off assuming he was just nervous to be home. it wasn't too long before they got back to Lunars pack, probably because they knew where they were going this time. the sun was setting over the green trees and the cicadas buzzed and hummed in the surrounding area.

Polar-bear let out a deep howl when they were reaching the boarder. he wanted to let seige'wing know that they have returned and were friendly visitors, rather than intruders.


Posted 2022-08-07 16:38:08
Saige'wing and Nebula came running along with one of the scouts 'The sky's the limit' or sky for short.

"Where is the grandpup! I want him." Saige hurried over and snatched the pup. "AH, hello visitors. Sorry for my rush to the pup. Quite rude of me. Would ou like to stay for the naming ceremony?"
Nebula waited patiently, she was happy to have everyone home safe and sound.
"Grandwolf!" The little pup was so happy to see Saige. The puppy lunged into Saige's grasp.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-07 17:35:04
the two bowed in unison. "we would be honored to stay. im just glad we managed to get the young on back without any trouble." said Polar-bear "Im sure it was quite the scare for all of us." the two of them followed behind Seige'wing and gave friendly greetings to the other wolves nearby, even if they didn't give one back.


Posted 2022-08-07 19:31:51
The Herbalist came over with a happy trot like she had just been gifted something. "Hello fellow wolves!" She said cheerfully.
Saige happily carried the pup to the middle of the camp. She climbed up onto a rock pile with the pup and sat high where the whole pack could see her. Nebula sat next to her on the second highest part of the rocks, as the heiress she was to attended with her mother.
"Welcome my pack and welcome visitors, today is the day this pup will receive his name."
Her voice boomed from her rock. She stood tall raising the pup high.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-08 11:52:07
Polar-bear and solbra sat down with calm, happy faces, but inside both were quite excited to be apart of such an experience. the naming of pups back in their home territory isn't celebrated or seen as a big deal - and some may not even ever be named. Both of the wolves have seen certain ones grow up to adult hood without ever having a named picked.

but for now, they appreciate this moment, and may even try to push a naming ceremony in their town.


Posted 2022-08-08 13:24:57
"This pup will be named for his skill as most pups are given their names. This mischievous pup will be named for his ability to disappear and leave the pack without any wolves noticing." Then gave Lunar a glare. She then set the pup down next to her and looked him in the eyes. "My sweet grandpup, you will be named Phantom and your nickname will be Ghost." Turned to the crowd "This pup shall be know as Phantom!"
The pack howls his name in unison as the pup wagged his tail.
"Hehehe! I'm Phantom." He smiled bright and proud.

Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-08 17:27:04
the two wolves joined in on the howl, feeling quite proud of the young pup even after everything he went through.
"Phantom is such a great name!" exclaimed solbra. "And very well fitting too." Polar-bear said with glee.  after the crowd had died down a bit and dispersed, the two went up to Saige for a final chatter. "That was quiet a show! what is you plan now for the young one?" asked Solbra.


Posted 2022-08-08 17:42:22
"He will be trained as a hunter or scout. He will be given his rank when he reaches the age of an adult his rank and job will be given. For now he gets to enjoy his new name." She nudged Phantom with her snout and smiled proudly at him.
Lunar looked displeased at the whole thing. She ran off to do something else and steal information from the archives.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-08 22:04:49
"Well he will have plenty of time to do so. I just wanted to say thank you for allowing us to be here for such an important moment. but its about time we get back home!" exclaimed Polar-bear "But between you and me, I would keep a closer eye on his mother, if you know what I mean." then the two bowed in respect once more before trotting off into the woods to head back home - both unsure if they were to be punished for interacting with the enemy, but home was home. the two spent the walk looking up at the stars and giving quiet prayers to various wolves.

but a storm was brewing, one neither of them would ever expect.


Posted 2022-08-08 22:09:07
"Come Phantom, let's got to bed."
This night the pack slept together under the stars. This was done after a pup was named for reasons that the pack had lost to a fire many many years ago.
The pups were surrounded by the older wolves on the outside in a lopsided circle kept from any cold or predators.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

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