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For 👑🐷JAckRAbbit🩸🩸 #40782 and Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊 #62703 only

Posted 2022-08-06 19:33:55
Rosvellta became highly amused by such a concept. "What stops you from doing the same while mortal? you would be worshiped the same. " she stopped looking down to make eye contact. "or are you afraid of the risk of getting hurt in the process? are you afraid of letting the wolves who depend on you down? are you afraid to make promises you can't keep?"
She was interested in the mind of the wolf who sat before her. highly interested indeed.


Posted 2022-08-06 19:54:03
"I am not afraid of death or betrayal, I don't depend on anyone, and a mortal won't survive the power. In our past we had a wolf gain power of the gods and goddesses unfortunately it burned her from the inside and she died a blistering death. Being immortal will insure I can change things and help the population. I don't care for individuals I care for a population. One wolf is nothing compared to a species as a whole. And I just want the power, who wouldn't? You could do anything with that power and make anything happen but not without consequence and I know what they are."
She knew the consequences to the gain of such power and the immortalization, and didn't care. If she never got attached to anyone she would have no one to disappoint and no one could disappoint her. Once her mother dies and her sister becomes the lead then no one will care what she does, her son will be busy as either a scout or hunter so he won't notice his mother gone.
"Mommy, what are you talking about? I don't understand."
"Nothing pup, I'll explain later." She would not tell him later.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-06 20:22:29
"Then work with me on this war. but you must understand I am not doing this for territory, food, water, money or even power. this war is a prophecy created by my father and I intend to see what it means. much like your gods and goddess, we have creatures called Dracocephalus. rulers of the underworld. this is something we transform into after we die - but its for leads only.  I believe I have found a way to combine the two worlds together and simply...speed up, the process of transformation.

if we work on the same side, I win the war, you get your mother out of the way and we both become satisfied Gods. two sides of the same coin if you will.  granted if you don't decided to gamble away your earnings  that is."

the bargain has been brought to the table. the smell of meat has rotten and the roses have dried. candle wax drips onto the table. the night carries on.


Posted 2022-08-06 20:38:05
A wicked smile crept onto her face and she started to laugh like she was insane. Her head shot up and she laughed loud and pleased.
"If I join your side I need a guarantee  you won't just betray me after we win. Otherwise I'd love to." She chuckled.
The little pup looked scared and confused "What do you mean mama!?"
"Nothing pup, if you tell Grandwolf you will be punished." She snapped.
"O-okay mama….."
"Just keep silent and you won't get hurt." She growled.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-06 20:52:50
"Please, I will have nothing to gain from betraying you. but that is also a saying that must go both ways." she took another long sip, but the tension in herself eased knowing she had a partner in this. "so here is the plan. I can send you a escort home, and you wire back valuable information so I can plan attacks. or I send back a ambush raid with you as the guide. whichever you think works best.. "


Posted 2022-08-06 22:11:02
"It will be easier if I wire you back information. And safer. We as a pack have gotten very good at stopping raids and capturing enemies when being ambushed. We've gotten ambushed many times from many wolves, such as rogues and traitorous wolf cul.ts.. Being rank 1 gives me access to almost anything. I only have two strikes to my rank and even if I get two more I will still be a high ranker so i shouldn't be a problem for me to access information. Unless my mother doesn't include me in meetings but I doubt she will.

I help make all the important hunting decisions and war decisions along with my sister. I don't think anyone will ever suspect me. They see me more of a loner who speaks up at meetings. I rarely get 'in trouble' for things. Just a reprimand. Other more mundane wolves get strikes immediately."
"Mommy! I'm tired!"
"Shush pup." She then rolled her eyes "I can't wait till your named. We have like forty-seven pups. It's getting tiring of just calling you a a nameless thing." She muttered under her breath.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-07 11:35:50
"then it is settled. I will send you back with the party you came with as to not cause an suspicion." she then told a near-by guard to fetch Polar-bear and Solbra. it wasn't long before they had shown up, this time better prepared for the journey. "and one last thing before you go - take some food on the way out." Rosvellta had wrapped some carcass in a bag an handed it to lunar. " I wish you safe travels."


Posted 2022-08-07 12:31:26
"Thank you, my liege." She gave a bow with her wicked smile then took the bag greatfully and picked up her pup and set him on her back. She turned to Polar-besr and Solbra "Ready?" She stood with her head tall and her body long with a Cheshire grin.
The small pup was so confused at what was going on but was too scared to do anything about it.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-07 15:37:33
The trio walked out the of courtroom and headed back to Lunar's home. Polar-bear and solbra gave friendly waves to passing by wolves and avoided eye-contact with Doe-bush and his main crew. but there was a question that was itching in the back of solbra's mind. " So what's going to happen now, that you've got your child back?" it was a very open ended question that could've related to lots of things and she was curious to see how lunar would respond. Polar-bear stayed quiet as  usual.


Posted 2022-08-07 16:01:04
"Now that I have my pup back, I will finally be closer to getting whatI want." She smiled with a dark glint in her eyes. She walked tall and proud. She felt powerful just by having this go her way. A way she get's to win and her mother loses.

The ghostly pup looked scared nod sad. He realized at this time that his mother was deranged and evil. He knew she would be the downfall of the pack if she succeeded and he knew if he told anyone about his mother he would surly be killed or hurt dangerously. His mother was the kind of wolf to do anything to get what she wants.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

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