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For 👑🐷JAckRAbbit🩸🩸 #40782 and Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊 #62703 only

Posted 2022-08-05 20:05:07 (edited)
Sorry again! had to take my permit test today! (and i passed :>)
Rosvellta Quietly rose from her seating, and walked down between the two long dining tables, with nothing but the loud banging of her crane filling the tense air. it was only when she was a few paces away from the group she stopped.

She lowered herself just a bit to become eye-to-eye with Lunar. "So you are the - she waved her hand, searching for a word - Mother, I presume. I am quite interested in knowing how your child managed to make it all the way out here."


Posted 2022-08-05 20:17:04
Oh cool! Congratulations!
"He's a curious little shadow phantom. Always getting in trouble. He just happened to sneak away when I was busy." She said sharply but added a chuckle making it hard to understand hat her point was or emotion she expected them to see.
The pup played with his mum's tail happy to see her. He didn't understand she didn't love him and didn't understand that his mother was trying to give him away to his grandmother. His mind was too young to contemplate that his mother didn't want him and too young to understand her actions.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-05 20:29:08
She gave a deep low chuckle. "I am a mother myself, Yknow." She turned and pointed towards her children that was in the process of Eating. "there's Tybalt," a dark red wolf with rusted old armor and a glint in his eye that showed he wasn't every welcoming. "Cait," the brown wolf was meek and shy but showed two Different colored eyes " and finally the young pup over there" she pointed to where a puppysitter was busy taking care him.

she turned back to Lunar "So I can understand when the little ones can become a little ... mischievous.  BUT! nether less it was quite the trip to come up all the way here. why not stay for some food? I heard our latest hunting party caught a bull elk.." 

Rosvellta said while pulling out a spot at the table for Lunar


Posted 2022-08-05 20:43:23
"Are you sure? I am a high ranking wolf in your enemies pack. I have been taken to your pack without permission so I feel I'm am intruding. My pup has used up enough of your hospitality I feel."

"Mommy! I'm hungry!" The pup barked tugging on his mother's fur getting a small growl out of her to quite the pup who fell backwards in surprise."

Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-05 21:21:14
"Please, I insist. just an hour, I ask. then you would be free to go."
She claps her hands, which gives a silent order to a majority of the other wolves in the room - it was a sign to leave. only a few guards stayed for protection. this meant the room was left to Lunar, her Pup and Rosvellta.

"And besides - I have a proposition that I feel like you may be interested in." as soon as she finished, a group of wolves carried out large plates of glorious foods and drinks and set them on the table. "let's talk. its the least you can do for me. I am quite busy y'know."



Posted 2022-08-06 12:32:13
"Fine then, I would like to hear what you have to say." Lunar was intrigued as to what Rosvellta had to say to her. She wanted to go home and finish her project but she also was wickedly curious.

Lunar pulled her pup close underneath her as she sat so the pup wouldn't get into trouble.

Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-06 17:35:08
"Good." Rosvellta smiled from under her mask "As you would be well aware, I have declared war against your pack. you family. if you will.  why do you think that is?" rosvellta rested her hands on her chin, eager for a response. the dining room was filled with mixed smells, stretching from cooked meat to roses and the room itself was lit by a dim candle light that reflected off of her mask..


Posted 2022-08-06 18:38:24
"Well, seeing as my mother said she would pass the coniferous forest to keep our pack alive and such I'd expect anywolf would be understanding but your not so happy about it. Unfortunately I have a hard time caring what other packs want or even what my mother wants. I'm busy with my own power taking of sorts to give two shakes of a rabbits tail about anything of the sorts. If I had it my way my pack would already have the full power of the Goddesses and God's but seeing as my mother has other priorities that hasn't happened. I don't care about other wolves I care about me. I know it's selfish but that is me. Sorry if that upsets anyone but I'm not changing for anyone." She was sharp yet amused that anyone would ask for her opinion or question her mother through her. She didn't care and would rather kick her own pup off a cliff if that got rid of him. Unfortunately she would be killed immediately if she did that since everyone in the pack but her loved the pup.
The small pup whined for his mother to let him eat but she wouldn't let him.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-06 18:53:31
Rosvellta hesitated to respond, thinking carefully about what Lunar had said. "And what would you do with the power of you Gods, assuming your mother was out of the picture? clearly if you have no intention to care for one wolf or a pack - surely you have bigger ideas.." she let her voice trail off, letting it sit both as a question and a statement.  in the moment Rosvellta unbuttoned a bottom portion of her mask to take a sip of some bloodied wine.


Posted 2022-08-06 19:17:20
"If my mother, my sister, and my pup were out of the way and I had the power of the gods I would be the most powerful wolf in the world, only then I would be able to stop pain and suffering. I could end famine and drought. No one would go hungry and I would remain the most powerful. Wolves would worship me and then I would become a goddess and ascend the material world."
Lunar gave in and gave the pup some meat. He munched on it happily.
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

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