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1x1 Rp w/ Wolf_Runner12 (Round 7!) (FINISHED)

Posted 2022-07-31 14:01:03
Cherii paused, trying to figure out what she should do. She wanted to help, but she was afraid that she'd make things worse. After a few more moments, she began humming quietly to a song they'd listened to during the road trip. She pressed her forehead to his, not noticing the shocked look on her papa's face.

Doing the final edits to the proposal! ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-31 14:04:34

Blake closed his eyes as Cherii pressed her forehead to his. James couldn't help but looked sho ked when he saw this. He knee, the two probably didn't understand the reason for their shocked faces.


Posted 2022-07-31 14:15:54 (edited)
Karlie took his hand after a moment, tugging him towards the kitchen to start making dinner. . . And also to have a mini freak out about what they'd just seen. "That- That's awesome." He smiled a little, though it was poorly timed.

In an alternate universe or post apocalyptic world(We can choose one when we start), the world is led by one united government. Things spiraled into chaos, and the government ordered for a mandatory memory wipe in order to give everyone a fresh start. Those who resisted went missing, but it's not like anyone would notice anyways. They can't remember.
After 'The Reset',  those with mental and physical impairment were taken into research facilities for genetic modification. They were seen as 'less' than the average human, so it was deemed legal to do testing on them. There were global food shortages, so they were trying to see how they could modify human DNA to use their resources better. Unfortunately, though, this resulted in many hybrid humans being created.
It's been six years, now, and everything seems to be going alright. No one aside from rank one government officials know about the genetics testing being done, and the food shortages have nearly been eliminated. . , but something isn't quite right. *A* can't quite shake the feeling that there's something off about how their world works. Like there's something the elites were hiding from the public. Without warning, *A's* memories begin flashing through their mind, and they realise that they were right. Something has gone wrong in the code used for memory blockers, but they can't let anyone else know that. As they investigate their past, and the history of their seemingly perfect planet, they realise that there may be more to this than there seems.

HOLY SHIT- That took forever to type. Feel free to reject or alter, and ask questions if you have them! You said you wanted to have something with a wolf OC, so I added the hybrids in case you want to do something with it! Your character would be one of the patients in a facility, and we could say there was a break out! That could actually be what triggers my character's memory lapse if you wanted. :3

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-31 14:23:18
Ooh I love that idea! For hybrids would it be someone with different animal features? Or someone who can turn I to one specific type of animal. If that's the case, my oc could have zero control over that. ))

James couldn't help but smile a little. "Well..not the panic attack...i-i didn't know that they would do the forehead thing as well" he couldn't help the happy feeling that he felt


Posted 2022-07-31 14:28:05
Oooooh- Honestly, it's your call, but I feel like someone with wolf features would be A D O R A B L E. I'm biased, though XD ))

Karlie laughed a little and then pulled out his phone, looking for recipes. ". . How do you kids feel about sweet and sour chicken?" He asked, still hesitant to talk to them while Blake was like this. After a moment, though, he heard Cherii reply with, "Chickennn-" Aaaand she sidetracked. He smiled softly, looking over at James. "You wanna try it? It's my Omma's recipe." He smiled, forgetting that James had never actually heard about his mother. The last time she was brought up, Karlie was having a mental breakdown in the kitchen.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-31 14:31:04
Ooh lets do some features then! Gosh, now I wanna do that rp now 😂. ))

James looked up at that and smiled, "I would love to try it...can I help?" He asked. Blake knew everything would be ok now...Cherii had reassured him and he had finally calmed down.


Posted 2022-07-31 14:34:47
I knowwwww- That's why I normally wait until the end of the current rp to suggest the next one XD ))
We're almost done with this one lol. All that's left issss a minor surprise. Also, are Cherii and Blake gonna be a thing, or are they just friends? .-. ))

Karlie smiled and nodded, walking over to the fridge and pulling out a few things. He set out the cutting board and then handed James the knife, gesturing for him to cut the chicken while he got some other things ready.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-31 14:40:37
Hmm, I feel they would probably just remain really close friends. They kinda give off that vibe))
Imma admit. I'm already planning on oc. What should the gender pairing be? You can pick this time :3))

James moved and started cutting the chicken. He had a soft smile on his face as he cut the chicken. He hummed w dong under his breath and he soon finished cutting the food.


Posted 2022-07-31 14:53:41
Sameeeeee- Thinking FxF. And also, broooo- Don't make me pickkkkk! >:,| ))
*The most indecisive person you will EVER meet*

He stepped out after a minute to make one last call for the day, kissing James on the cheek before he left.
"They're already on it."
"Good. Is he moved out yet? I'd like to get back home."
"Yeah, he's gone. I'm warning you, though, he's gonna be pissed if you go through with this."
"I'm counting on it."

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-07-31 14:55:06
Okay nevermind. You pick. No matter which one I choose, I'm not happy with it- Which pairing do you want to do? >:,c ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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