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1x1 Rp w/ Wolf_Runner12 (Round 4!) (FINISHED)

Posted 2022-06-01 17:33:32
I'm back now!))

When Sarah had gotten word about the ball, she was hesitant about going. She could help but feel nervous about bringing Jessie there, but still she was interested in going. Soo....she decided to show up.
She wore something kinda fancy, but being poor, it wasn't as fancy as what most of the other women were wearing. Jessie was propped up on her hip as she and other people walked into the area where the ball was being held.


Posted 2022-06-01 17:39:26
Luvvvv~! How are youuuu? :3 ))

He'd been procrastinating getting dressed for an hour or so before his father threatened to choose his bride for him. He refused the help of the servants and dressed himself in an obnoxiously extravagant suit. His father even insisted he wear his war medals.
His entrance was announced, and he was immediately overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in the room. His father hadn't been lying when he said he'd invited the entire empire. He scanned the room and caught sight of a familiar face.
He panicked, and quickly picked up a masquerade mask from the costume items box. Many other nobles were also wearing masks, so he didn't appear too out of place.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-01 17:43:32
Good! I just ate a donut))

Sarah ended up trying to avoid all the paper. Jessie was giggle at all the people she saw and her mothers seemed to keep to the shadows, seemingly good at staying hidden. She was kinda just walking around and was looking at things with Jessie who would make little grabby hands at everything


Posted 2022-06-01 17:51:42
Lubbly :0 ))
I've gotta go soon, Viv and I are going out to dinner again- I'm not sure how long you'll be awake, but I'll try to catch ya before you pass out :3 ))

It wasn't long before his father began to address the crowd.
"Hello! May I please have everyone's attention?" He announced, smiling.
God, he's so fake. Ryomu thought to himself.
"Good evening everyone! I'm very pleased that you could all join us tonight!" He paused. "Now some of you may already know this, but for those who don't, this ball is being held for a very special reason. . My son has begun to seek out a bride." He waited for the shocked whispers to die down. "Now, everyone here may have their chance to speak with my son! And by the end of this ball, he will have chosen his harem. Any one of these fine women could be the next Empress! Thank you all for listening, and please, enjoy the ball!" He bowed and went to go speak with the officials.
By 'Any one of these fine women', he means 'Any of the nobles'. Why must he make it sound so.. Cheerful? He groaned, running a hand through his hair.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-01 17:55:30
Alright! Enjoy dinner, and hopefully I don't fall asleep before then :3))

Sarah looked up at the Emperor and listened to what he had to say. Huh..
Jessie made little grabby hands towards the Prince and Sarah chuckled softly. "I know sweetie, I wish him the best of luck as well. I'm sure he'll fine someone lovely to marry." She said with a smile as she continued to walk around.


Posted 2022-06-01 18:02:01
I'll try! XD ))

He stood up on the terace, looking down over the crowd. Just then, a little girl caught his attention. He saw Jessie making her usual grabby hands, and he waved back, sticking his tongue out. He smiled as he watched her laugh, and then turned to go to his first round of suffering.
He was in a dining room-looking area, but it was only him and one other woman at a time. He'd speak with her for a few minutes, take some mental notes, and then bid her adeu. The next woman would enter, and then the process would repeat all over again. To be honest, he didn't really find any one of these women more interesting than the other. They were all the same to him; Daughters of powerful men who were being told to try and charm him. They only wanted him for power.
After an hour of that, he was finally able to leave and go enjoy the ball. He was socially exhausted, and snuck off to the sidelines. He quickly had to turn around to avoid speaking with another noblewoman, but accidentally ran straight into another person. He hadn't been knocked down, but she was now on the floor. He held out his hand and quickly began apologizing.
"I am so sorry! I-I didn't see you there! Are you alright ma'a-" He paused, seeing who it was.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-01 18:05:26

Sarah brushed herself off and she slowly stood up, "I'm alright." She said as she stood up, realizing who she had just run into. The crown Prince, "I am so sorry. I was looking for my daughter, I didn't mean to run into you." she said quickly apologizing. She star looking around, trying to find Jessie.


Posted 2022-06-01 18:09:10
He could only hope that his mask was enough. He feared she may recognize his voice, but lucky for him, she seemed fairly preoccupied with finding Jessie. He then did something incredibly stupid.
"Well, I could help you look if you'd like?" He offered, sounding genuine.
Sarah seemed hesitant, even confused. "You'd be doing me a favor! These nobles won't leave me alone, so who are we looking for?" He added, no longer offering. He was insisting.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-06-01 18:11:47
Sarah gave a small nod of understanding, "A little girl. She looks just like me. Her name is Jessie, she should be around here." She said as she quickly headed off in search of her beloved daughter.


Posted 2022-06-01 18:18:42
He knew he didn't really need to ask, but he did. She didn't know who he was, at least not who he really was, and he wanted to keep it that way. They began looking around, and he soon realised that Jessie really was nowhere to be found. He grew worried, and scanned the room once more. He decided to go check the buffet, but ended up nearly colliding with Lady Arisa, a very powerful noblewoman of the Crest House.
"I'm terribly sorry, Lady Arisa. Are you alright?" He asked flatly.
"Oh, I'm quite alright, my prince!" She bubbled, seeming flattered. "So, how are you this evening? I should hope it's been pleasant." She smiled softly, adjusting her hair slightly.
"I am well, thank you. I'm actually a bit preoccupied at the moment, but I should hope to see you again soon, Lady Arisa." He spoke, dipping his head respectfully.
He quickly strode away, not wanting to continue that conversation. He headed for the buffet, and it didn't take him long to find two little feet poking out from under the table. He bent down and lifted the tablecloth, smiling. Jessie giggled evilly, and made her little grabby hands. He picked her up and put her up on his shoulders again, laughing as she messed with his mask.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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