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1x1 Rp w/ Ai! (NVM THEY ALIVE)

Posted 2022-12-28 08:31:00 (edited)
Ahh I see ! So much happens at the end of December, things can get hectic.

Judging by Hitashi's pause upon being asked the question, he knew it'd been too long. Family was very important, you didn't get to pick them so keeping a civil relationship was best. Those who'd been seen as family in Grim's eyes were no more in one way or another.
"This is definitely over due then." He mused with a more relaxed stance now that it was just them two conversing. "Hopefully I'm not being too, um, abrupt with these plans but I've organised a trip for you to see them." A better word would've been 'formulated' than 'organised' since he had to do some scheming.

I'm back on my PC so I opened all my gifts ! Hopefully the mods will fix that bug soon.
Ngl the only idea I initially had as to why they dance together again was that they go to the capital for a ball. Which also prompts the question as to why Grim would be invited, suspicious~ It'd be cool if Grim and Hitashi left a bunch of higher-ranking people flabbergasted and fixated on them.


Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-12-28 09:02:07 (edited)
Sigh. It's always so overwhelming this time of year, but oh well TvT

. . Home? He was going home? The whole world melted away upon hearing those words. He was thankful that Addie and Aaron had left, because he had zero control over what he did next. The blanket he had been holding in his arms fell to the floor as he stepped forward. Only a moment later, he'd pulled Grim into the tightest hug he'd ever given. Once, he may have hesitated to do such a thing, but right now, it was clear as day that he couldn't care less about formalities. Something he'd forgotten was that Grim wasn't a fan of being touched. "Ah shit- I-I'm sorry!" He stammered out as he immediately let go, taking a small step back. "I just-" He paused. "Thank you."

Oooh- Nice!
Oooooh~ DrAMa >:3
And OMG yes. Like- It would be the best 'F YOU' I can think of! XD
Do we want to come up with a reason for Grim to be invited right now, or should we leave some mystery and brainstorm it later? :3

EDIT- I'm also gonna bring up the injuries thing again later so we can do that mini scene! BRAINWAVE! What if it's brought up either at the ball, or while they're out near Hitashi's home? Feel free to add or edit anything you'd like! These are just suggestions! ^v^


*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-28 09:11:43 (edited)
Yeah, too much to think about
For some reason this roleplay gives me vibes of "The cobbler and the princess" and "Nu Carnival", probably because of the setting/atmosphere

Grim didn't know what to do, his mind went blank and it felt like his heart had skipped several beats. It was just a hug, a simple sign of affection. It felt impossible close like Hitashi would begin melting into his skin. "N' problem." He replied once his train of thoughts re-railed, heart thundering in his pale chest. Hitashi's apology probably hadn't registered in his mind.
Had he ever asked him much about his family? He didn't recall saying much about his own, at least maybe not while sober. It seemed to be a personal topic for both.

Brainstorm it later, for when we actually have a place for that plot to come into play

For some reason I can't imagine homemade brownies, had too many of the cold pre-packaged ones

EDIT: We could have something in between Hitashi's visit home and whenever the ball will be ? Have the injuries addressed during that in between ?

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-12-28 09:20:35 (edited)
WAIT NOOOOOOOOOO- WhY ARe YOu RIgHt?!?!?!?//??????1?!?1?/1?!/!?

Hitashi stayed there for a moment with a smile on his face before his mind began to process things properly again. "Wait- Will you be coming with me? I'm sure they'd all love to meet you!" He asked, not having any ulterior motive behind his words. Grim was his friend, and he held a special place in his heart. "Y'know, being the man who's held me hostage for so long and all." He raised an eyebrow, clearly just messing around.
"You just asked if they wanted to come meet your family. Are you stupid?! You should know what that sounds like, and they've got better things to do than waste their time in some miniscule village on the edge of nowhere!" His thoughts went rampant as he processed what he had said. "You don't have to if you don't want to- I just figured it would be, uh, fun? I guess? S-Sorry. I don't have the words." He apologised again, stumbling over his words a bit.

Okie dokie!
Ehh- Those are deffffffinitely not my favorite. They have a weird texture- Homemade is my go-to!

EDIT: Ooooh- That's pretty good! It's up to you! I like them both, so it's whatever would be more interesting! ^-^

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-28 09:49:08
FOR REAL ???!!!

He'd had an intention to accompany Hitashi, bit now faced with the question he shy away. It was his own assumption and one that he realised was a little too forward thinking, even though the other had voiced his desire for him to come. He found himself awkwardly cackling at the hostage comment, keeping him at the estate for so long was an error.
"You're in luck I suppose, I've been studying the art of illusions once again. It could prove useful." Grim let him know, leaving the book be in his pocket. There was no need to empathise and show him the text, unless he understood spells it would be pointless.

Ew short replies from me

Homemade is always better ! Or at least when they're warm, it's better. My Nan made cookies and they were good but hard because they were stored away for a day or two. Not fresh

It's just more spacing out, more slowburn

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-12-28 09:59:50 (edited)
Hitashi was wondering if he had unintentionally made Grim uncomfortable with the hostage comment, but he felt that it would only make things more awkward by apologizing again. "Illusions.? What would you need that fo-" He stopped himself as he realised that Grim would have to hide his appearance yet again. "Ohhh- Nevermind, I get it." He murmured, glancing down as he did so. He noticed the blanket that he'd dropped to the floor, and quickly bent down to pick it up. Bad decision. His back immediately reminded him of why he hadn't been able to work for the past few days. He gritted his teeth and stood back up, not giving it any further acknowledgement. "You'll be using spells if I'm not mistaken?" He asked, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Short reply twins- XD


*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 02:04:52 (edited)
Happy new year's eve ! I'm at my boyfriend's house waiting for him to get back from his 6 hour shift hhh

At Hitashi's question he was ready to explain himself better, it seemed he'd done a lot of that but this conversation wasn't taking suspicious turns. He smiled widely with a gentle nod once it'd clicked in the other's brain what he meant. The almost forgotten blanket was brought back to attention when Hitashi bent to retrieve it, not that he'd noticed he'd dropped it in the first place. He knelt down with practiced grace to retrieve it for him, folding it over his own arm as he stood back up straight. "Yes, nothing extreme of course. Don't need to take chances. The features attached to my head is all I require to cast an illusion on." He clarified, referring to his hair, eyes and face. There'd still be an air of despair him but while under a disguise people would not panic or chalk it up to their own paranoia.

I didn't know if Hitashi was able to pick up the blanket or not so I freestyled


Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-12-31 02:17:54 (edited)
Yesssss! Viv and I are gonna watch movies until the ball drop! Oof- I usually just bug Viv's phone while she's at work when I miss her :>
(She hates it)

As he attempted to listen to Grim speaking, he couldn't help but grin. "So he can smile. I've never seen that before. . At least, not since the festival." He noted, laughing quietly at that memory. They had both been idiots that night, but it was something he would never forget.
"I personally don't think you'll need to hide your identity. Not many people from that far out will know who you are, and I doubt Natsia remembers you referring to yourself as Arius. In fact, I'm not sure I ever even told her." His recollection of that night was a bit foggy due to his formerly drunken state, but he had done his best to remember. "Besides, I think you look quite nice as is. You do look good when you smile." He mentioned casually, not really even sure why he had said it. There was no need to point out his opinions on the other's appearance, and yet he did. No matter- He meant what he'd said, and there was nothing wrong with that.

Y'know what- That actually works out really well :>


*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-12-31 02:34:04
Probably gonna do the whole new years kiss thing, never done it before !
How do you bug her phone lol

Although he trusted Hitashi's word, since they were going to his home place and all, it still felt a little careless to not make an effort to conceal his identity. He would be able to be himself in public? Sounded like a clean plate waiting to be dropped in the mud.
That festival had been wonderful, he came away from it meeting Hitashi and his sister after all. He didn't really interact with Natsia though, his bodyguard for that day Aeshma had probably spent more time around her. It didn't seem like they'd spoken much or at all to each other during the brisk escort.
He was a little too focused in on his own thoughts to process what had been said to him offhandedly. "My hair can be cut, it's long overdue anyways. Hm, but then again.. What did you say?" His brows went from beginning to knit together to lifting a little in a surprised and curious way.


Why are they so fruity <333 AHAHAHAHAH

I just won something on all of my Wolvden slot spins today !! Black sage, a Muskox carcass, 400SC and 2 bones ! So glad to finally get the jackpot achievement, I like collecting every achievement

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-12-31 02:47:23
Wait really? It's super fun! Viv and I took pictures last year! We weren't dating yet, but yeeeeeah. I don't know how I couldn't tell she was gay. We LITERALLY KISSED?! Smh-

Hitashi shook his head slightly as half of what he'd said seemed to go right over Grim's head. "He's so focused that he hardly noticed." This thought only caused him to shake his head even more. Only this time, it was to rid himself of those thoughts.
"I said you look good when you smile. It's nice to see you taking a break from all that doom and gloom stuff." He sighed a bit at that last part, seeming truly relieved. "I get that everyone is obsessed with hating on you, but that doesn't mean you should hate yourself, too. Just remember that you're allowed to be happy too, Grim." Despite his mood seeming to dip down a bit, Hitashi's smile never faded. It was warm and gentle-- something he'd gotten from his mother. "I don't see why they all despise him so much. He's just- He's kind, and nothing like they make him out to be." He couldn't tell if he was just feeling sentimental, but he felt calm. Not just a typical sense of calm, though- It was a warmer feeling than he was used to. He'd felt this way before, but not for a long time. "NOPE. Just feeling sentimental." He assured himself, pushing away that feeling.

THAT'S AWESOME! I'm so happy for youuuuu! :0

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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