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1x1 Rp w/ Ari!

Posted 2022-05-14 18:15:53
Yea I think I would tbh last night was my first time role playing but I liked it and I think I would like the others


Posted 2022-05-14 18:17:48
Awwwh, that's adorable! Roleplaying really is super fun! But a small piece of constructive criticism, you move a little too fast. For romance roleplays, it's good to take your time and build context and dialogue for your characters!

How about we finish that other roleplay a different time, I think you'd really have a lot of fun with something of a high school romance story! ^^

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-14 18:19:35
See I kinda felt I was moving too fast last night and I was like ehhhhh how do I fix this? And if you feel like doing a different one that's fine we can try it


Posted 2022-05-14 18:27:44 (edited)
You were doing great, I promise! It seemed like you were a little bit unsure, but we all get like that sometimes. And I really think you'd like a high school romance roleplay. If you don't mind, I think we should try one! :3
There are lots of kinds to choose from though, I'd like you to pick! :
Soulmates : Instant connection, pretty simple, but a little boring.
Enemies to Friends : PLATONIC relationship, so not really a romance I guess, but still fun. Can lead to a romance.
Enemies to Lovers : Pretty drama-heavy, LOTS of fun, but sometimes a little intense. (One of my faves)
Childhood Friends :  Very self explanatory, a little simple, but still fun depending on the people in the rp.
Oblivious : One character has a really hard time seeing that the other likes them, mostly a funny rp. Can be pretty fun if you know what you're doing. This one's a little more difficult for newcomers though.

These were the easier ones I can think of! Take your pick, and keep in mind it can be any gender pairing. :3

I won't suggest anything too complicated, since it might overwhelm you. =,w=
Hell, I still get overwhelmed sometimes XD

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-14 18:30:32
So I read a bunch of books mostly (all have at least some) romance and probably by far enemies to lovers is my favorite I would love to do that one only thing I worry for is loving too fast I've seen some books instantly lovers and others 50 chapters of slowburn for 1 chapter of romance so just kind of tell me if I'm moving too fast or too slow


Posted 2022-05-14 18:33:24
Alrighty then, I love books too! I can't tell you how many copies of "on campus" I own XD.
Since we're talking books, try to think maybe ten to fifteen chapters of getting to know each other and building context, then however long we want to go with the legit romance. Since this is one of your first rps, our end goal can just be a 'happy ending' for now :3

We can list our characters now! What gender pairing do you want? My bio might be a little long tho-

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-14 18:35:09
I think I'll do best being a female role and if your good with it you female too I'm good with that or what ever works and don't work your bio is fine


Posted 2022-05-14 18:35:54
Trust me I have a whole back story on Dove and Storm and I just put them in a story last night


Posted 2022-05-14 18:37:00
Lol, I understand that! And yeah, I'm great in any gender role, so female is no problem!

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-14 18:45:46 (edited)
Name: Fiera Ari Kitsune
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Gay as fuuu-
House location and style: She and her older brother live together in the urban part of town.
Fav food: Picarones!
Danger level (?/10): Depends how pissed she is.
Personality: Pretty popular and bubbly, decent sense of humour, she's fairly athletic, she's gotten into a few fights, pretty good grades, etc.
Eye colour: Bright blue. As in like, ICY blue.
Hair/scales/fur/skin colour/tone: Black curly hair, not quite afro curly, but still curly. Caramel skin, with a bit of a natural blush.
Clothing style: She's comfortable in her own skin, and her outfits always match well. She's mostly into pastel or brown aesthetics.
Family?: Her parents aren't around, no one except she and her brother know why. She has an older brother named "Hiroshi", but she calls him "Hiro". Hiro is 23 years old.
Friends?: She's friends with pretty much everyone in school, but she's got four CLOSE friends. I'll make up their names later.
Hobby?: She's somewhat artsy. She loves video games but won't tell anyone. She's great with make-up.
Weaknesses: Food. Doesn't matter the ultimatum, food will win. Don't test this.
Have any secrets?: Probably. You'll never know. U .U

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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