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Cow's Custom Decor

Cow's Custom Decor
Posted 2022-03-03 06:01:30 (edited)

Recently returned from a LOOOONG hiatus! Thanks to all of the purchases over the past 2ish years that have added up from my old custom decor - I now have a sizeable stash of GC, this means more custom decor!! wooohoo!

Hello! :)
Welcome to my little forum post! This is just an archive for all of the custom decor I have or plan on creating! I am also taking suggestions and special requests, see the next post below!


Click HERE for a full gallery of available CD

Gentle Snowfall
Default, Sentinel & Relaxed
6GC or 5GC + 500sc

"A very good boi"
Default, Relaxed, and Sentinel
6GC or 5GC + 500sc

Herbalist (spring)
Default, Relaxed, and Sentinel *considering adding variations with respective plants/herbs and colours for the other seasons
6GC or 5GC + 500sc

Shaman (blood moon)
Default, Sentinel, Relaxed and Motherly
6GC or 5GC + 500sc

Polycephalic Survivor (melanistic)
1GC or 5GC + 500sc

Pending Customs

Herbalist (fall)
Relaxed, Default, Sentinel

Current Projects

  • Working on more re-colours for herbalist and shaman

  • "The Rancher" - companion

  • More environment CD


Posted 2022-03-03 06:36:08 (edited)

Please understand that I am still new to customs and that there are some things I may not be able to do!


I'm always looking for inspiration! Have an idea you'd like to see as a custom decor, drop a suggestion below and I might give it a go!

If I do end up creating a decor idea you've suggested, I'll send you a copy and add "idea by X" to the items description! *note this is NOT a private request, and the decor will be up for public sale

Suggested Ideas
  • Herbalist (purple/pink re-colour) - suggested by AmberWolf (9552)

Personal Requests

Have a specific wolf or thing that you'd like a custom for? I can take a request and make you your own private decor! *note this custom will be private to you and not available to the public.

You will get all copies of the decor upon completion OR two copies and a discount if you allow me to keep one copy (will not be sold or traded).

Please note that I will try my very best to work with you and create what you are hoping for, but I there are some things I don't have as much experience with and may not be able to do

CLOSED - wip

In addition to the prices below, you must also supply the Custom Decor Creator from the grove

  • 4GC for eyes: custom colours, shapes, and effects etc.-1GC if I may keep 1 copy

  • 8GC for simple decors: lighting, simple/small tattoos, simple scars/wounds, small accessory etc. -2GC if I may keep 1 copy

  • 10GC for medium decors: complex tattoos or full body paint, complex scars/wounds, horns/antlers/extra fur, bigger accessory etc. -4GC if I may keep 1 copy

  • 15-20GC for complex/large decors: mutations, environment, or companions -6GC if I may keep 1 copy

Order Forum
  • Category (simple, medium, complex):

  • General Idea of what you want (please be specific):

  • Reference Images(optional, recommended for more complex ideas):

  • Link to wolf that custom is to be made for (optional, leave blank if decor is not for a specific wolf):

  • Would you like ALL copies?: (yes = full GC price + 3 copies, no = discounted GC price + 2 copies):


Posted 2022-03-04 02:28:37
oh my god I am absolutely in love with your decors! I think I would get all of them once they are accepted :o would you consider making the herbalist one with the symbols in purple with purple/pink flowers?


Posted 2022-03-04 07:30:33
Aww thank you :3
I defiantly could do that!! My current version didn't get accepted as I forgot about the line art on the flowers, so I have to go back and make some adjustments, but if my re-do gets accepted I'd definitely be happy to do a recolour!


Posted 2022-03-06 16:36:59
After much re-work with the flowers, I am happy to announce that Herbalist has finally been approved! :D


Posted 2022-03-06 16:37:46
Yay! It's so cute!

Posted 2022-03-06 16:38:32
Thank you :D


Posted 2022-03-08 12:56:37
Polycephalic Survivor has been approved :D woo!


Posted 2022-03-08 12:59:17
Now I need a sentinel pose lol, love how it looks!

Posted 2022-03-08 17:21:41
Thank you xD I am trying to make a version for default (and possibly relaxed), but I'm just finding it tricky to figure out where/how I should add the second head so it doesn't look so awkward :,) I've tried a frontal view as well as tried to fit the same image that I have for the sentinel but neither seemed to work and still look natural lol


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