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fellow anxiety havers, what obscure things do you dislike?

Posted 2023-01-13 19:52:36
Phones ringing in public places - What if that's something about me???
Talking on speakerphone in an open space - People could overhear things
The dialing sound made when you are making a call - what if they don't answer? what do I do then? do I leave a voicemail? what if they do answer? what am I supposed to say?
Light switches left on when a room is unattended (also made worse by my OCD)
Privacy fences with lots of holes or dark knots - I honestly don't know why
Overhead announcements - I suck at listening, and it's even worse when others are talking, and I get anxious that I won't hear something important
Walking in crowded school hallways - not because I am claustrophobic or anything. I can't see anything (short people problems), so I can't see if there's someone who needs help, or a fight, or why people are yelling, and I can't easily get to any escape routes without trampling people. I also don't want to be rude and cut in front of people or bulldoze them, but I also want to get to class on-time.
Perseus [HIATUS]

Posted 2023-01-22 21:46:12 (edited)
Can't recall most out of the moment because it has become my normal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Loud noises in general, but once I'm already on edge a loud tv can push me over.

Legit nothing at all. Everything is fine and then, boom, crippling aniexty.

People being around me, even when I know most aren't paying me any mind. Eye contact is also an aniexty struggle.

Doing nothing. I gotta be doing something. (have a hard time relaxing my mind)

Anticipation of feeling\being ambushed by family.

People whispering. (social aniexty)

Talking to others. (social aniexty)

Approaching people that look busy.

Here are some silly ones.... :p
-  Towels. I image the towel sliding in between my teeth and drying my gums. This never fails to make me shrivel in disgust.

- Items placed near a edge of a counter, such as glass cups. Absolutely can't stand it. Like what if my clumsy self knocks it off?! XD

- Packing for the "what ifs" of leaving the house. Like what if I need this band-aid, extra water bottle, charger, another ear bud, snacks?? Leads me to having what my family calls a "grandma pursue." But they stop laughing when it actually comes in handy. >:D

oh! and mirrors. That copy cat gives me the creeps.

...posting comments. "Was that stupid to say? Maybe I should deleted it.. omg that spelling is wrong!" qwq


Posted 2023-01-24 14:06:35
pretty sure most, if not all, my anxiety would be cured if I didn't live in a world ran by capitalism and greed

just makes it feel like I'm being forced to agree and go with their terms and wants no matter what happens... I can't even make it out of the country because it's so expensive to leave. Nightmares don't scare me anymore unless they're realistic enough for me to fear having to pay money to fix my injuries.

we need to fix this world before there's nothing left of it.


Posted 2023-01-24 14:23:15
What's wrong with capitalism? Did you want to share your GPA and grades with every student in your school while you were there/or are there? Even with the lazy students, those that would graffiti the walls and not do any of their schoolwork, the bullies, etc... Or do you want to own your home that you can actually defend from who knows who might decide to break into your property with whatever intentions they have. Or do you want to put all the things you worked hard for all in a box, so even the slackers get rewarded for doing nothing. Have you ever worked in a group, but someone didn't put any effort into the project, but you did, amd you both get the same grade? In capitalism you can own your own property, defend yourself from potential murderers that decide to break into your home because it's your home,  and if you do the work you do the work and you have earned your wages. There might be big businesses out there that decide to distort things and give workers a much lower pay than they should, but that's the business's fault, and they should get things fixed up. I'm fine if you decide to move or whatever that's fine and I don't have a problem with it, just you can't blame capitalism. I really hope that whatever business or whatever is doing all that to you, gets fixed up soon. :)
🌲 Asorki 🌲🌲

Posted 2023-01-24 17:53:09
You're right, can't just blame capitalism. I blame the greedy ones that prefer money and power over Healthcare, education, protecting its citizens, abiding by promises made, food safety, homelessness, tax fraud, the foster care system, overall happiness of its citizens, the water, soil, and air.

I blame the greedy.


Posted 2023-01-24 18:07:13
Anxiety around never knowing if I'm going to be financially, physically or emotionally secure because everything that is connected to that system of greed/profit is not meant to benefit any of us.

I truly think in order to  "fix" the businesses, Healthcare, safety and education of the country we'd have to start at the base, no more hoarding wealth, punishing the poor, ignoring the safety of citizens. Not many developed countries have the same problem we do, we rank low on many lists. This country is merely brooding ground for them to work us, make us dependent on their products and force us to have more generations to continue the wealth.


Posted 2023-01-24 18:54:22
Loud noises
Cramped spaces
Escalators (but weirdly enough, I love elevators...)
Eating in public (got called fat recently and treated like garbage...)
Being alone
Crowds when I'm at work

I could go on for days...

Perix- Badger Hoarder

Posted 2023-01-27 14:42:05
Crowds/Being Cramped
Being Left Alone
Public Speaking/Speeches/Being Yelled At
Raised Voices/Arguing
Guns/Gun Shots
Talking About Myself
Crying In Public/Being Sensitive
Being Blamed/Treated Unfairly
Being Touched/Physical Contact
Deep Water/Lakes/Ponds/Ocean
Being Chased
Being Called Ugly/Fat/Weird/Useless

...Yeah there are more but I think I have said enough.
I am also extremely paranoid and have ADHA and PTSD so those go add to my anxiety. I have separation anxiety as well so I have a fear of being abandoned or forgotten. Oh! Sleep paralyzes and nightmares contribute to hose fears.
The deep water fear is because of the multiple times I've almost drowned and no one tried to help me, instead they laughed. The yelling and talking about my past has to do with my PTSD so I hate when my parents argue or when they yell at me or my brothers. Being touch and physical contact are also things having to do with my past, I hate being hugged tightly or when people try to pick me up. Being called mean things is hurtful because I already have such a low amount of self-confidence, plus people say I don't look how I'm supposed to and get made fun of often. Darkness, being chased, and heights are fears that have to do with my sleep paralyzes and nightmares.

Anyways, I should stop talking now as it may make other uncomfortable. If I did please tell me and I will delete this post.
Another thing is yes, I am fine. A fine, so don't mind me. :)


Posted 2023-01-30 11:44:19
I have a weird fear of moldy cheese, I think its because my brother's toe once got all fuzzy and I though it was because of the mold on the cheese.

Posted 2023-01-30 11:53:29
I'm afraid of thinking about death or serious injury
I'm afraid of my neighbor's chihuahua, Hazel
I'm afraid of jumpscares and scary sounds
I'm afraid of being stuck in a laundry drier that turns on when I'm in it
I'm afraid of too wide and empty and tight spaces
I'm afraid of being skinned alive
I'm afraid of prison
I'm afraid of being cut open for an experiment
I'm afraid of getting rabies
I'm afraid of drowning
I'm afraid of going to hell
I'm afraid of sudden, loud noises
and I'm afraid of going insane and killing/ mutilating myself

I have ADHD and autism so that might be a factor to some of these

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