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fellow anxiety havers, what obscure things do you dislike?

Posted 2022-10-08 17:52:03
I cannot stand the sounds of other people eating. The louder they are, the more it grosses me out. Deep bass is music also upsets me a lot. I would up living in an apartment where people would play music late at night and wake me up, so now I get super stressed out around that noise. Also, video game noises when I can't see the game. That drives me up the wall.

Oh, and I hate it when things are "out of place". If I've put something in a spot I don't like it being moved unless I move it. This goes up to 11 when it's things like furniture or other large household objects.


Posted 2022-10-22 08:17:36 (edited)
Agreed with you on the eating/drinking sounds D:

Syringes, or like. Tube-like-things with blood in them, or. ridiculous, I know, but being reminded that we have a circulatory system which is just a bunch of tubes with blood in them, but inside you? Makes my skin crawl. It's crawling right now.
Conflicting sounds. People talking over each other or over the radio.
Repetitive sounds that cut off quickly. I play a lot of video games on mute because of that.


Posted 2022-11-08 20:33:47
I have some I have some!

The texture of most fruits I cant deal with it
Repetition but slow (so like when teacher would dictate and repeat something)
Electrical escalators as well (I am convinced one of them will eat me)

Probably have more that I cant recall

Posted 2022-11-08 20:42:18
- Those hand dryers where you have to stick your hands in? I feel like while my hands are in there a blade is going to come and cut my hands off or otherwise trap me there until I complete some sort of puzzle like in Saw
- Needles in general but specifically in the process of being stuck into something. Cannot watch that process go down
-Songs with long drawn out tones or otherwise slowed down. Examples would be Strawberry Fields Forever by the Beatles and K.K Synth from the animal crossing ost
- When someone walks directly behind me. I used to know people in high school who thought my anxiety was so funny and would love to sneak up on me and scream or whisper into my ear (depending on the person) and even though I don't talk to those people anymore for obvious reasons I think I still get anxious when someone walks directly behind me and get the urge to turn around to just make sure


Posted 2022-11-23 12:56:28
- Self Flush Toilets. Not as much anymore, but when I was like 5, my anxiety wasn't treated yet and I wasn't tall enough to reliably activate it so my mother had to come in and hold her hand over the sensor. I'm also not tall enough for it to be consistant
- Trains. I've had nightmares about almost getting run over by a train in a trainyard
- Caves/mines. It's not that I'm claustrophobic, it's not the dark, it's not anything defined like it caving in. It just makes me freak out.
- Being the first person (most of the time).
- Correcting someone older than me when I'm not 100% confident in my knowledge
- Some kinds of super loud deep bassy music
- Unexplained alarms. Even beeps of construction equipment backing up freaks me for a moment. Only happens because we had 2 false bomb/shooting lockdowns and 5 false fire alarms last year in my highschool in the US and it's a real possibility here.

JDoggyGirl (NC)

Posted 2022-11-24 14:43:15 (edited)
I hate the sound metal makes when it rubs against more metal
Also hate the sound of toddlers singing. It's just so.. ew. Like, imagine this : "BUH BOO PUH DOOO BEH DOO PUH BOO" all day (Unless they're singing actual lyrics)


Posted 2023-01-07 21:55:31
I really dislike the sound that a public toilet makes when flushing IDk it's just, most places the toilet is loud and it's just so unessisary, I straight up don't use the bathroom if it has one of those autimatic flushing censers bc I'm lowkey scared it's going to suck out my organs and put em in poopy water or something


Posted 2023-01-07 22:11:56
Okay so heres some more...
- Phone ringing
- Public Bathrooms (Too loud and people)
- Things that are moved or changed, I hate it.
- Alarms, beeping, etc
- Sound of chalk, whiteboard marker doing the sound thingy
- Group work
- Things not being done on schedule
- Extremely cold or hot rooms
- Loud chattering
- People following me (Even if its 3 steps)
- Loud breathing
- Silence


Posted 2023-01-08 16:36:07 (edited)
For me:
Wind noise during the day but a strong wind or breeze makes me scared a tree will fall over or a branch will fall on the house.
Automatic public toilets~more the automatic lock as sometimes scared it's going to glitch and I get locked inside.
Loud blaring music which is really irritating especially if it's rock, jazz or pop. Also loud people chatting on the bus so that for me it's difficult to hear the bus loudspeaker announcing the next stops.
Pitch dark when you can barely see your hand in front of your face
Power cuts~especially walking across a village garden after dinner even if it's well lit. Plus scared of an imaginary person following me in the dark. (Although that might be because I spook myself as I love watching crime investigation documentaries).
Toilet anxiety~be feeling completely desperate to go but cannot find one. (Currently managing it which is a relief).
Elevators: Getting stuck in a stuck elevator and having to try and be responsible enough and have the courage to press the alarm loudspeaker and having to explain the problem. I dislike public speaking.

Posted 2023-01-12 18:17:39
The first post seems like the stuff movies use to make things not comfortable.
🌲 Asorki 🌲🌲

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