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Be able to sell food/amusement scraps to the raccoon

Be able to sell food/amusement scraps to the raccoon
Posted 2022-03-01 20:05:06
Heyo, not sure if this has been suggested before, but like the title sais, the ability to sell food/amusement scraps at the raccoon shop.

I only noticed you couldn't sell scraps to the raccoon shop when i went to sell some food scraps i had that were going to rot on rollover just now, so i was surprised to see that your not actually able to.

I don't mind not being able to not sell amusement scraps as they can always be useful, but food that's only got a day left till rotting, although you CAN feed it to your wolves, it normally has a high chance of giving your wolves illnesses if eaten so i normally sell rotting food to the raccoon shop if I'm not able to salvage it like you can for carcasses.

Rotting food scraps may not have the chance of giving you wolves illnesses to your wolves unlike other food, but as i haven't had to eat rotting food for a long time i haven't tested if its still the case with food scraps. Regardless if it is or not though, i still think we should be able to sell food/amusement scraps, even if your barely get anything for them.

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