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Immortal Pair bonds

Posted 2022-04-18 18:07:11
;_; thank you so much! I really appreciate the support!


Posted 2022-04-24 09:08:18
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Posted 2022-04-25 00:21:17
Thank you!
I never thought about them breeding again, but I would love it if, as @SweatyRobot suggested, they got to adopt puppies still.
And I'm all for special immortal caves (or the option to make one for cheaper), but I also think it would be okay to have them wherever. Maybe at the back of the cave list since they don't need food or playtime?


Posted 2022-04-25 08:17:45
Now that I come back and look at the topic again
I didn't think about the breeding aspect, but it would be pretty neat if that was also possible but probably have a longer cool down than our mortal wolves.


Posted 2022-04-25 12:54:38
It would be neat either way, I think. If breeding was allowed, then I also think a longer cooldown would be needed, but what if there was a rare chance to get a super rare gene or trait that only immortal wolves can pass on? Like eyes, or nose, or even a marking. And if breeding should stay, what about the downfalls? Like conjoined twins or of the like?


Posted 2022-04-25 15:21:29
If breeding stays- I think the ups should definitely be either really rare bases/eyes/markings/nose etc, that can only be discovered while breeding only between immortal pairs (no immortal x mortal pair can get said rare thing)

The downfalls could be a larger percentage of birth defects than in a normal pairing like for example if the rate is 0.5% raise the percentage a little bit or much more.

Now we have a higher chance of defects, and only being able to breed a small chance at a immortal exclusive trait/gene etc - If breeding is to exist with immortals, would the puppies be born mortal or immortal?


Posted 2022-04-25 16:50:47
I don't think immortal wolves should breed. I think it could potentially be neat to get specific genes from immortal wolves, but the point of being immortal in this game is to just look pretty. They can't take on a role, can't breed; I think that's perfect, since they're immortal. I like the idea of immortal pairbonds, but I think breeding immortal wolves would just be too much. Like @Goldehwolfeh says, would puppies be mortal or immortal? I can't imagine how two immortal wolves give birth to mortal wolves, just like mortal wolves can't give birth to immortal wolves. But, they shouldn't be able to have mortal pups either.
I think of it kind of like vampires in some lore: They can't reproduce due to being "dead," but they still have to hang around and eat because they're half-alive at the same time.


Posted 2022-04-25 18:36:56 (edited)
I mean realistically - no
Mythically - Yes.
I'm all for pair bonding immortal wolves for lore purposes! Some people like the mortal x immortal love trope or immortal x immortal love tropes.
But when the breeding comes in, it would be hard to figure out. If you take mythology as an example for immortality (with the gods) you can get an idea of how two immortals can reproduce together but usually it ends up with the baby in this case the pup being immortal too.

I would say to get an immortal pair bond to breed, there would have to be another grove item that grants 1 breeding (with a awfully long and tough cool down) and maybe it could kinda be like a "dice roll" to see if the pup ends up being mortal or immortal.

It could be a flawed system unless you come up with a way to make it fair to be implemented to begin with if -we- want breeding for lore purposes (or just to try and get cool markings or bases that are immortal only)

1 pup litters only
50/50 chances for mortal or immortal (random roll)
Higher chance of unsuccessful breedingĀ 
Lower chance of pregnancy
A Grove item.

However, before breeding could potentially be considered, I feel like pair bonding immortals would have to be like a trail run almost before considering they could adopt/breed.

((Edit: I apologize my brain is literally everywhere when I come up with small ideas to add to a big idea lol)


Posted 2022-04-25 18:49:22
I wish I could like comments because I would be dropping likes so much. xD
I'm glad people are discussing the idea; it means a lot to me. And honestly, I could go either way for breeding vs. non-breeding. Mostly I wanted immortal pair bonds for my own lore, so my wolves could be bonded with their SO forever.

@Sunny, IF they can't breed, I would still like them to be able to adopt puppies, and even that could tie into someone's lore (maybe?) that the immortal wolves choose a pup to rear since they can't produce pups of their own.

@ Goldehwolfeh. Never be sorry. I'm all for smaller ideas for this BIG one. x3 BRING IT ON! I love it!
I'm also 100% down for there to be a special grove item, as well as everything you mentioned. It'd make it worthwhile to breed something that, probably shouldn't be (but it's our lore to play with as to why???).
And I'm also for there being a trial run too.


Posted 2022-04-25 22:12:05
Ah! The reason why I'm for pair bonding is because in my lore that's a WIP, there is 5 gods! 2 of these gods are "married" and honestly with the looks I'm going for them it'd be sweet to breed them lol. (I have not made these customized wolves yet either still working on them too)

I might just work on a mock up for the potential breeding system for immortal pair bonds because I think maybe seeing a visual of how it could be implemented might help visualize it better

As for adopting, I think that should stay the same as it is for regular pair bonds and that'll give us the choice if we want to eventually make the adopted pup immortal or not.


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