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Story Pack Brain Board

Posted 2022-01-07 14:09:03
Ooh an order from a member— (almost done with what I'm writing, I'm gonna reach out to the owner of who actually owns the wolf I chose and see if they want it)
✨ Pinecone 🌲

Posted 2022-01-07 14:29:56 (edited)
Here it is! (Came out of ELA and so… vocab and forgive of speech is very… uh, well there's a lot of it):

  You see a strange glowing, like a green-golden hue. You start towards it, the light reflecting off your eyes as if they were made of shiny flint.
  You find don't seem to find the source, as you just pad through the seemingly endless forest of night.
  Branches whipped your face as you continue, a swoosh sound above your head.
  Suddenly you reach a clearing, a thin mist hanging in the air. The light is gone, though you could've sworn it had been in this area.
  You heard the swishing sound again, and whirl around, twigs cracking beneath your paws.
  A regal, and slightly luminescent, wolf stands there with what seems to be a dragon, yet made of wood and leaves, perched on her back.
  You can only stare at the green-blue she-wolf, with faintly glowing teal eyes and flickers of winged light that danced around her- but the most noticeable was the dragon.
  The dragon, again, was made of wood- a chocolate-shaded brown with lush dark green leaves with small white blossoms nestled among them. Noticeable as well was the glowing light green eyes and tiny glowing orbs which were the source of the light you had followed.
  "Hello, what brings you into these woods?" She asks, before shaking her head, "Sorry, proper introductions, I'm a bit bad at that… My name's Nessie."
  {} link {}
✨ Pinecone 🌲

Posted 2022-01-07 14:38:52 (edited)
I finished writing the commision and I sent it, thunder!
Geliefd bij de Mut left her pack as a young, adventurous adolescent, eager to form her own pack and make new friends. It wasn't long before she met her soon to be lifelong partner, Pragtige metgesel. They met in the Deciduous Forest, in which Geliefd bij de Mut felt the most affiliated with, this was very similar to where she had been born. As she set up a temporary camp underneath of a tree with swaying branches, she smelled the scent of a newcomer. This was the first time she had smelled another wolf so close. She tensed, ear rigid and hair upright. From between the trees, Pragtige metgesel came. Geliefd bij de Mut Saw that he came alone, and immediately took a liking to the wolf. "Hello, who are you? I haven't seen you before." Pragtige metgesel questioned. Geliefd bij de Mut relaxed at the kind tone and responded "I've been looking for a place to stay. I just left my old pack and I want to form a new one." The two talked through the night, and by daybreak they had agreed to form a pack together. This is how the Nefertari Valley pack came into being. New wolves we're welcome in the budding pack and many new puppies were born. Geliefd bij de Mut and Pragtige metgesel led the pack through the harsh winters and the plentiful springtime alike. The pack's of the region grew to respect the Nefertari Valley Pack and it's leaders. The pack flourished in the lush forests, plenty of prey was to be had and new puppies were always healthy. Though the going was not always easy. Several times, Pragtige metgesel and Geliefd bij de Mut had to fight off other packs wanting to steal the wonderful territory they had. But each time, the two leaders would earn the respect of their packmates by solving the issue efficiently and diplomatically. Geliefd bij de Mut went on to have many litters with her mate, Pragtige metgesel and the Nefertari Valley pack continued to grow and become more influential in the region. Geliefd bij de Mut longed to visit her parents and one day, she went back to the forest she grew up in, only to find her parents had died of old age. Geliefd bij de Mut was in mourning for days, it she still returned to her leadership duties when her pack was in need of her help. Her mate, Pragtige metgesel saw her through this and was one of the kindest wolves the deciduous forest ever saw. The Nefertari Valley pack continues to this day, where Geliefd bij de Mut and Pragtige metgesel rule justly and kindly.

Posted 2022-01-07 14:48:47
✨ Pinecone 🌲

Posted 2022-01-07 15:19:09
Story Pack! Meet my new Story Wolf! Her name's Azymondious! link
✨ Pinecone 🌲

Posted 2022-01-07 15:19:42
Ooh! Nice!

Posted 2022-01-07 15:35:45
Very nice Story Bringer, Pine. :)

Posted 2022-01-07 15:41:44
Thoughts on the following(be honest):

The tabby stood in the entrance to her hide-away. Her tail swishing back and forth across the slick pavement. When she spoke, her meow was soft and dangerous.
"What do you want from me?" She asked.
"You know what I want, Tabby," Dawn Wind hissed.
"Stop calling me that!" The tabby cat spat.
"Oh, come on, Tabby. If you hate it so much, then tell me your name," Dawn Wind spat back.
"My name," The tabby cat snarled. "Is Tabithia!"
"I think we'll stick with Tabby for the time being," Dawn Wind smirked.
"Never!" Tabithia snarled.
Tabithia unsheathed her claws, unaware of another being watching from the shadows nearby. As Tabithia lunged and Dawn Wind ducked away, a new voice cried out.
"Stop!" The voice shouted, it was a human's voice.
Dawn Wind looked up, then changed into his human form. "Who are you!?" He called out.
Tabithia took Dawn Wind's shift and loss of attention to leap again, this time her claws tearing the human's skin.
"Tabithia! Stop it!" The unidentified voice shouted, but this time, instead of a human's voice, it was a wolf's voice.
Tabithia froze, her paws wet with Dawn Wind's blood. Who had spoken? Why could she understand the creature? What was that creature?
"Who are you?" Tabithia sounded alarmed, her mew ringing with mistrust.
"You may call me Wolf," The wolf replied.
Without warning, the wolf ducked out of the shadows and snatched Tabithia up in its powerful jaws. It could feel Tabithia struggling but it held on tightly, drawing small amounts of blood with its teeth. Then it turned and bolted down the empty alley-way. The wolf was neither a he, nor a she, nor even a they. It was just an it. It had no feelings, it knew nothing but other shifters' pain was enjoyment for it and its pack. The wolf, still holding Tabithia in its jaws, ran through the streets. Its claws clicked loudly in the silent night. But suddenly, it skidded to a halting stop.
Tabithia flinched. She was unsure what had made the wolf, or Wolf, or whatever it was, stop but she didn't like it. It wasn't unfil she heard the loud snarls and growls echoing around her did she slowly lift her eyes from the pavement. What she saw made her blood go cold, tons of wolves, an entire pack of them. She felt the wolf that was holding her drop her. She felt the shock of her body hitting the pavement. She saw the wolves coming closer. She saw what the wolves didn't see. She saw a single cat sitting on a ledge high above. She opened her mouth to call for help but a snarl stopped her.
"You have done well, Wolf, but not well enough. This cat will not fight, it is weak and will never learn," A large male wolf shifter snarled.
Tabithia heard these words and slowly began to speak. Her tone was deadly.
"I will fight. I am not weak, not like you are," Tabithia hissed.
The large wolf shifter growled his awful laugh. "Prove it, Tabby," He said.
"My. Name. Is. Tabithia!" With that last word, Tabithia leaped and sank her claws into the shifter's fur. She was glad he was in his animal form or she knew the wolf could have killed her easily.
The large male barked with annoyance and bit the cat's shoulder hard. He felt the cat flinch but the cat didn't let go. He pulled the cat away from his body and shook it, growling.

(Yes, it's not wolves but still. And that's the first chapter of 3)

Posted 2022-01-07 15:49:56
I like it! Very dramatic! (also until, not unfil)

Posted 2022-01-07 15:50:36
I know, I'm too lazy. My editor must have missed that.

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