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πŸ’°βœ¨Lowering the GC price!βœ¨πŸ’°

Posted 2022-05-26 09:35:31
True, but most people don't have time to grind. This is a 16+ site; most players have jobs, kids, school, etc. and don't have time to grind 24/7. Should they be punished for that? No. sure, it might be a little harder for them, but it shouldn't be "punishing".

Most players can't sit and fish for however long it takes them to reach the daily limit. Even if they submitted 10 legendary catchesΒ  and got 10sc for each, they'd still be fishing for at least an hour and 40 minutes. Since that's never happened to anyone (not that I know of,) it takes a lot longer considering more common fish only give about 1-6sc.

Daily quests can give a decent amount of sc (around 350), but even if you completed all of them you wouldn't have enough to buy 1gc, if the current gc ratio is 1:450. If you grinded daily quests only (no enclave, no fishing, etc) for 7 days straight, you'd only be able to buy roughly 5gc. Add in fishing, (which, as mentioned above, takes time), a bit of raccoon selling and enclave questing, and you'd make roughly 12gc every week.
While that does sound decent, not only would you have to sit and fish for hours, but you'd have to sell your soul to get however many SC the raccoon is offering.
Sure, you could sell stuff on the TC, but it's not guaranteed someone will buy your trades, so I won't throw that into the equation.

I'm out of time so I'm gonna end this little rant here.

Β·Λ–Λš Rainii ΛšΛ–Β·

Posted 2022-05-26 09:41:28

I'm Just Gonna Cut In Real Quick And Say That I Love The Conversation That's Happening Here, Lots Of Useful Insight From All Sides.

πš‚πš πšŽπšŠπšπš’πšπš˜πš‹πš˜πš

Posted 2022-05-26 09:43:34 (edited)
once again gc is not necessary to play the game at all, there is nothing except feed all play all that doesnt have a counterpart you can obtain with sc
if you dont believe me, name anything except fapa that you can buy with gc and i have a explanation on why its not a necessity

wolvden is a game thats extremely difficult to pay to win without the trade center, gc on its own is pretty close to useless

i personally think snake and enclave quest rewards should be nerfed or alternatively, the quests should be made far harder,

a lot of players mistake countless other issues with 'not having enough gc' if u dont have enough gc its likely not because u dont have enough gc, its likely because of some other mechanic ur struggling with, turning to the trade center and realising 'oh wait i dont have enough to afford buying that from someone else'


Posted 2022-05-26 09:48:14
Since I have a wonky work schedule, i try and send out as many hunts, scouts, and forages as I can fit in. I have 2 relatively good parties and tend to get around 15 large hunts a day, enough herbs to trade in to make 2 or 3 salves, and a few amusement items from my scouts. On average I get around 3 full energy bars worth of scouting and complete all of my daily quests, and tend to spend around 200 SC a day on basic items and pouncing on some cheap trades. Back when the price of food was up, I would sell whole carcasses and that would get me around 500 a day, add that to quests, and we have around 800 on really good day. That gets me about 1GC a day and 2 on the days when I'm feeling a little fruity. I try and keep 2000 SC on hand at all times in case something goes wrong. And I try and only gain GC via trades for things other than SC since the price fluctuates and I'd rather let my GC appreciate.
It's enough for me to get by, but if I wanted to do literally anything to improve my pack or start any projects, I wouldn't be able to. Granted, that isn't a problem for me, but it is for a lot of people since they enjoy projects and improving their pack.


Posted 2022-05-26 10:09:18 (edited)
i honestly think how youre doing in this game is fine, and pretty intended, i think having enough to feed, play and breed all your wolves is the minimum that players should be able to do, provided they do a couple hunts(4-5 hunts minimally per 10 adult wolves), i ignore instances where bad rng occures because 90% of the time it doesnt happen

starting a project can range in cost greatly depending on what ur gunning for, obviously the newest, most rarest and shiniest things cost more than everything else, thats just how it is, the players that have such things are usually the ones that have contributed the most irl money or most time and effort. in fact, the market rewards players that put effort in to resell, put time to keep watch and generally just interacting with the market, its actually one of the only things in wolvden that properly rewards players for putting in effort to it, breeding wolves for both looks and stats fail to reward effort and the players that are into doing both of these have opinions that reflect this failure to reward

you are not meant to be able to have everything, you are encouraged to trade, make sacrifices etc for things you really want and for the projects you work on, the biggest example of this sentiment is the lunar event, the items you could earn for the event are very good, people seek them and are willing to pay large sums for it, sacrificing your fancy lunar stuff in order to further your own goals

for example, earlier today i put up a luna marking app for 49 gc and it sold within a few hrs

u can gather aproximately 600 lt tops in the lunar event, you obviously cant get everything here, you could buy a base, buy some decor etc and its your choice to decide what you are willing to sacrifice and what you wish to prioritise

additionally, if your project does not relate to the lunar items, you could buy some of the valuable items and sell them to players that want them to obtain currency to work on your own projects at a later date, sacrificing your chance to have the lunar stuff,

this is fair and this is one of the things that make wolvden different and frankly quite interesting from other browser games, could you imagine if they let u collect enough lt to buy 1 of everything in the lunar shop? do you think they will still sell for as much as they do now? do u think the lunar event and its items will still feel as special as it does currently? the same sentiment applies to projects and improvements, its not meant to be easy, you are supposed to put effort in if you want to have nice projects, the satisfaction from having a nice project is partly because pretty things and partly because you worked hard for it

edit: done


Posted 2022-05-26 13:31:44
While all of this is true, my side is that I wish there was a "peacefull" option to playing, where you can toggle certain things in-game, such as illness or how quickly the hunger/mood lowers. I think that would be very beneficial, and be able to target a wider variety of people and their desires.

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Posted 2022-05-26 13:51:01 (edited)
same, i think it would be nice too, though im not sure on how the heckles one would implement it without it being bad for the game as a whole, because like most multiplayer games wolvden players are rather competitive with each other, i myself included

one way would be to split the server into 2, one easy and one hard though splitting a small community in half doesnt sound like a good idea

edit: maybe allowing a person to creat an account on the easy mode server and the hard mode one and letting them decide which is better?


Posted 2022-05-27 18:57:51
Guys, have you seen the new raffle, I think the mods heard us.
Clarissa πŸ’« She/Her

Posted 2022-05-27 19:07:16
holy crap lol, never thought wolvden would ever give out their gc


Posted 2022-05-27 19:08:07
they've done it before

𓆏 rainbowjewel 𓂏𓁹

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