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"wasting" no-remnant items

"wasting" no-remnant items
Posted 2021-12-22 15:12:28 (edited)

Short version:
Given that new recipes are added somewhat often using new ingredients, items that drop remnants should be easily identifiable (visually or through the description) so we don't "waste" items thinking we'd get a remnant when we actually won't until later in the game.

Long version:
I like the remnants system. It's kind of a pain right now because old players who had a whole lot of craftable items suddenly have no remnants to craft with, but in the long run it should even up imo.
But as the kind of person who used up all but one of all toys just so I could craft without waste if I ever needed to, I feel obligated to check whether the toys are used in a recipe. Which is fine for, like, bones, and acorns, that have about twenty recipes each using them, but generally cumbersome given the number of recipes and one-time ingredients.
Now clearly "I feel obligated to optimize resource use even if it's unpractical" is my problem. But other people complained about that too (in the update news), and I think fixing it would still be a nice QoL update for the community at large (maybe people who decide it's too bothersome to care would do it if the game made it easier).

The current way to work around that is to only play with a few items that you remember drop remnants (bones, owl feathers and talons, toucan feathers, for example); you'll soon get to the end of your stack though.
Or you could check with the Grouse House guide or the wiki, every time you play with your wolves, whether that item is in a recipe. Careful with new recipes though, they don't get added immediately to played-managed guides like those. Also it's super annoying doing it every time.

One way to fix this would be to make everything drop remnants.
But some people complained about inventory clutter already, and this would make it worse; I guess we could make only toys and trophies drop remnants, but some food items are used in recipes. It'd be complicated to decide what category of items drops remnants, and in the long run it'd be restrictive for future recipes.

Another way, better imo, would be to have remnant-able items clearly identifiable. That information (will this drop a remnant) should be easily and quickly available from the hoard when you're about to use those items. The same way remnants have a pretty border overlaid over the object icon, the same for all remnants, remnant-able items could have a specific graphic thing to identify them (a different border, a + sign in a corner, a different background color, etc.), or it could be included in the description ("Upon consumption this item drops 'Remnant: Item'"), so that when choosing what to entertain wolves with, people could make an informed choice.
Just like the red on almost-rotten food, it would help people prioritize and strategize, and (I think?) it would be easy to change an object's icon when its status goes from "is used in a recipe, so drops a remnant" to "isn't so doesn't".

Thanks for reading so far, have a nice day/afternoon/night/morning/whatever time it is where and when you are, and thanks devs for the awesome job.

Edit: tweaked the wording to include Cherokee's excellent suggestion.

Fal - semi hiatus

Posted 2021-12-26 12:54:03
Yes, please. I lost two arctic fox tails thinking ALL fox items drop remnants because I saw that other fox tails did! Except not these ones for whatever reason so I just got stuck without a valuable and hard-to-get item for no reason other than not knowing ahead of time which items do and don't drop remnants.

To say I got cheated out of them would be exaggerating but at the same time, I am sour that I lost these items when I could've sold them elsewhere. At a minimum, it doesn't feel like it's a difficult thing to just add a little gold plus to items that drop remnants.


Posted 2022-01-03 13:30:09
Or if not a border, different background, or graphic of some kind (as that would mean more art reworking for the devs), then maybe at the VERY LEAST add it into the item's info box you get when you hover over or click on it, something that says "this item drops Remnant: Item Name Here!" or "this item becomes a Remnant upon consumption". Not as quickly identifyable as OP wants it, but still easier to find the information for instead of looking at a player-managed guide, as all it takes is one extra click or the hover of a mouse to find the info in the item's description. Support!


Posted 2022-01-03 13:41:33
That's an excellent suggestion, I tweaked the first post to include it.

Fal - semi hiatus

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