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Shifting Winds: Private RP between Crazed and Dawnblaze!

Posted 2022-01-06 21:01:49
"Yes, of course! But...Your names are kind of confusing. Are you always named after something outside? And... what do you think my name would be?" Cinnamon glanced warily at Tigerthorn across the clearing, making sure to try and stay out of view of the warrior.
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-07 23:49:34
"Uhm...yes? I mean it isn't like we get the luxury of being inside anywhere. Aside from dens...but a cat named Denkit might be odd..." He pondered for a second before laughing. "What would you want it to be? It would mostly be decided by our leader if you were to join, can have a little bit of say in it I am sure." His eyes seemed to study her, trying to come up with a fitting name for a kittypet as beautiful and unique as she.

Posted 2022-01-07 23:56:09
"I'm... not sure what name I would want. You don't know what cinnamon is, right?" Cinnamon asked, returning his gaze, then chattering on without an answer. "I wouldn't expect you to, even I didn't know until a few months back. I thought it was an exotic bird, but it's actually some spicy brown-red powder! If you get it in your nose, it tickles until you start sneezing. I sneezed for a whole minute straight last time my Twolegs  accidentally dropped some cinnamon on my nose."
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-11 08:15:06
"And you say our names are odd" he teased with a purr, "you're named after powder! At least our names make sense.... sometimes. There was once an all white kit that someone named blackkit.... probably not the most creative or fitting name for a white kit but, what do I know? I'm not a parent"

Posted 2022-01-11 08:23:30 (edited)
"Oh, no. You'd probably make a terrible single parent. 'Young lady, just where are you going? Everyone knows you aren't allowed to gallivant like your father does!'" She fixed a grumpy expression on at the last part, deepening her voice to mimic his.
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-11 08:38:15
"pfft! Is that what you think I am like? You don't even know me!" He nudged her playfully, "the world should prepare for when I have kits" Rushpaw laughed, "they'll probably be trouble."

Posted 2022-01-11 19:03:17
"Definitely. No one would be able to keep an eye on them," Cinnamon agreed. "How many cats are in your Clan? Are they all warriors or apprentices?"
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-11 19:57:04
"Most are warriors or queens with their kits. We have a lot of mothers right now. The nursery is near packed! I'd say there's probably 30 something of us. We have 5 elders and there's actually only a few if us apprentices. Thank starclan! It's going to get real cramped when the oldest litter of kits becomes apprentices next moon."

Posted 2022-01-11 20:06:12
Cinnamon tilted her head. "Wow, you telling me all this really makes me feel very... unsmart," She commented. "So... what do I do now?" She cast a nervous glance at Tigerthorn, the specific warrior Rushpaw had told her to avoid. "Do I just... find the leader, or..."
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-12 05:33:15
"oh! You're serious about joining?!" He asked, tail twitching excitedly, "uh, I don't entirely know...I guess we'd find the leader. Hopefully he doesn't skin me alive for sneaking off on den duty" he shuffled nervously. "But you want to join? Cause there isn't any turning back... don't let what you see now fool you, it gets hard out here. It isn't for the faintest of hearts. It's why most kittypets stay in their homes. Constant source of food, never having to worry about battling for territory from other clans...sickness and the cold. Protection from it all. I think that's why most of us clan cats don't like kittypets. They don't understand their life compared to ours."

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