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Shifting Winds: Private RP between Crazed and Dawnblaze!

Posted 2021-12-23 09:30:49
"I never said I was like the rest of my clan" he shrugged, stopping at the border of the camp. "Yep! This is it." He gestured to the entrances with his tail where a cat stood guard. "Those are the warriors set on guard duty tonight. It flips every so often. There's also the nightly patrols to look out for. I have a friend on one" he tried to think of what all he could tell her. "The big rocks over there with the little cavern beneath it, that's Archstar's den. He's our leader." He gestured to the main towering rocks in the clearing. It allowed their leader to have a good meeting point. "he holds meetings there and such. Has the apprenticeship ceremony and warrior ceremony...things like that! The leader's make all the main decisions, but they have a second. That would be the deputy. They arrange the patrols and hunts and stuff. They become leader once the current leader loses their ninth life and joins starclan"

Posted 2021-12-23 09:34:28
"Should I hide or something-" Cinnamon's fluffy fur bushed slightly as she took in the bustling cats.
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2021-12-25 19:22:43
"No, just stay close to me. It's night, so the camp is a lot less active. We are pretty hidden over here. Just stay low, the mud will help blend you in." He said softly, observing his clan for a moment

Posted 2021-12-25 23:23:41
Cinnamon crouched, her chest fur brushing the ground. "Your camp is huge," She marvelled breathlessly. "How do you keep track of every cat? Is your mentor here?"
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2021-12-25 23:24:32 (edited)
(whoops double-post!! sorry!!)
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2021-12-27 06:16:11
"Well I've known everyone since I was a kit, so it gets easier the longer you're here. My mentor should be here..." (Which one did you want to be his mentor?)

Posted 2021-12-27 06:57:34
(I think the opposite person was supposed to be the other's mentor, so... maybe Stormshade?) Stormshade was in deep conversation with Tigerthorn, swapping battle tips with the other warrior. Her whiskers twitched as she nodded her head in agreement to something that Tigerthorn said.
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2021-12-28 07:35:03
His eyes scanned over the clearing of cats, settling on the familiar silver-blue coat of his mentor. "There she is! That's Stormshade. The blueish one! And the one she is talking to is Tigerthorn. He hates kittypets. So if you get caught by anyone, avoid him the most" he chuckled

Posted 2021-12-28 07:46:46
Cinnamon shrank back, her fur pressing to her flanks and making her seem even smaller than she actually was. "Stormshade? That's your mentor's name?"
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-06 20:47:52
"Yeah!" He answered, looking down the clearing at his mentor for a moment before looking back at Cinnamon. "it's a really pretty name, don't you think?"

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