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Lead wolf talk!

Posted 2022-10-03 14:16:53
Mosi swivled her ears noticeably to Laila's response to the comment. She hadn't expected the agreement, nor her own feelings towards the troublemaking dragons. Mosi seemed to appreciate the acknowledgment towards that, but she stayed silent, letting the conversation continue.


Posted 2022-10-03 14:18:06
Verdance smiled, Laila at least, would follow the rules.
(Don;t you dare make that foreshadowing.)

Posted 2022-10-03 14:19:13
She than rested, sitting down on a small rock. She listened as she gave Laila a respectful bow with her head, formally greeting and acknowledging her, just not verbally yet, as the conversation went on.


Posted 2022-10-03 14:23:13
(I want to but that's not Laila's type. Perhaps it is guess who's though. (Guess))

Posted 2022-10-03 14:23:43
(Uhm, Storm+Nabla?)

Posted 2022-10-03 14:24:22

Foiler text

Posted 2022-10-03 14:35:59 (edited)
His confidence being slightly affected by seeing something one would only expect in a pup's nightmares alongside shadow creatures, Voro didn't pay much mind to the carcass which had been offered, nor the words of reassurance that had been given. Granted, whatever that thing, a "Dra-guun" or something wasn't that big, but still...If things like this existed, what else was there that the stars were hiding?
"So, This, Uh, DraGUN is...a what, then? Is it like, a snake, or a gecko...?" he asked as he continued to stare in confusion and minor wariness.

(I am going to make it canon for Voro to butcher the word 'dragon' from now on. It shall get worse from here. )


Posted 2022-10-03 14:37:04
"It's a dragon. Not necessarily a reptile." Verdance said.

Posted 2022-10-03 14:37:39
Sunspots whined softly, his jowls still around the rabbit.

🦊Skulk, Leash & Earth🦊

Posted 2022-10-03 14:41:42
Laila turned her eyes up to the dragon on her head. "Oakland, please sleep on someone else." Oakland obeyed sleepily and fluttered to Voro's head before falling alseep.

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