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Chipper's Custom Dragon Decor WIPs

Posted 2021-12-03 14:16:23 (edited)
Thank ya'll <:)

Tho if you still want to hop on a chance to get some cool art a friend and I are doing art doodles for gifts! Art Thread

Chipper 🦊🎨

Posted 2021-12-04 11:25:35
Idk what they said exactly in your rejection message, sometimes their wants can be unclear./

Im guessing theyre looking for more detail on the dragon parts such as markings or make it look like bone or scales. As well as the lineart being a bit to sharp, usually I lower the opacity on my lineart to about 88% otherwise they reject it for the lineart being to sharp. Especially between bone/scales the lineart should have a lower opacity. Enough to distinguish that there is lineart but also to make it flow together nicely and feel like it goes together (if that makes sense)

Big projects like this can be exhausting especially when you have to redo it. I had to redo my bell harness 4 times already and its still under review 😩

I know wolvden artists are busy and so sometimes when they reject something they just say "its so stylized" and dont really say how to fix it, so I thought Id put in my opinion on what they may think and hopefully you wont have to redo everything.

As far as lineart goes I say lower the opacity and take a blending tool and lightly go over it, dont make it look to blurry but enough that its not sharp. Accounting for scaling is fun too 😣

Unfortunately I dont think there are to many existing decors similar to this idea to look at for reference. You could take a look at the dragon companions to get an idea of what wolvden artists want in a dragon.

Definitely take time to recollect yourself, this can be draining not only physically but mentally too. Your art is amazing, just at this moment it doesnt match what wolvden wants, and thats ok!

🧊 BigenderOrthrus🧊

Posted 2021-12-04 11:50:41
Thank you for the advice! I will esp keep in mind the lineart stuff when I get back to it. I didn't feel too comfortable posting the entire feedback message cause I didn't want to come off as badmouthing the art team.

And ooof redoing a decor four times does sound exhausting ;o;

With the way my layers are set up, it would be easier to start from scratch with the experience ive acquired with working on the first version of this decor, rather than tweaking what I already have (esp because id then have to fix the color layers and shading layers). I'm thinking of looking up references of vampire bat wings and monitor lizard/bearded dragon/crocodile scales to help make it look more realistic (cause that was one of the notes) but still push the aesthetic to make it look fantastical.

I want to make this dragon decor cause like you said there aren't many ideas right now like this one.

Chipper 🦊🎨

Posted 2021-12-04 12:03:38
I tell ya! The way I do my layers now is specifically due to custom decors lol. Its especially hard with fantasy stuff to make it realistic bc it simply doesnt exist though there are real life examples as you stated. And I totally get that, usually I discuss the reviews with my husband and on discord with other arists to get an idea of how to fix it, sometimes I just need to take a couple days break and look at it with fresh eyes. Tbh I think Im going to have to redo my harness again, goodness hopefully the last redo is what it takes to be accepted.

Personally I'm not great at realism, I do better with a cartoony style but doing the custom decors I've learned a lot about realism. Tbh I feel like Ive come to a better understanding of art as a whole but idk

Let's not even talk about the process to get Bubbles accepted

The bigger the decor is the harder it is due to having to need more detail but then you have to scale your image down and its a whole lot of work around bc even just doubling the size of the canvas when sizing it back down things can look janky

I believe that you got this and hopefully it wont take to many reviews to get it accepted. I suggest just to redo one stage in a new style, submit it and see if it gets accepted before working on other colors and stages

🧊 BigenderOrthrus🧊

Posted 2021-12-13 16:09:27
These are rad I really hope you can get them approved


Posted 2021-12-20 11:26:42
These look super cool!

Posted 2022-04-17 08:05:10
amazing .o.
when they're done can meh get meh wolf Brownie done for one :3

Posted 2022-04-19 21:58:19
Can i see this woofer as a dragon >:D

Posted 2022-04-20 09:17:20
I dont know if i'll return to this project but if you want to see a wolf as a dragon here's info on my commissions link

Chipper 🦊🎨

Posted 2022-04-20 09:19:59
I can't see the pictures but I love this idea!


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