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Coigreach Interaction Recording

Posted 2021-11-01 18:05:00
Decidous Forest
You notice strange but beautiful, purple flowers. They're tiny yet stand out starkly against the landscape on a lonely patch of dirt.

Check them out

You are not an herbalist but you can say that you haven't seen such flowers before. Not in this region, for sure. Someone with greater knowledge has to check this out. When you sniff the ground around the plant, you find a small, strange object.

You got +1 SQ !

Decidous Forest
Strange, unearthly orbs of dim, greenish light are floating slowly in the distance. They resemble flames with the way they glow, but the light they give off doesn't penetrate the dark. This sight sends shivers up your spine.

Approach / Escape

You're not sure whether the strange green flames are real or just your imagination. You probably shouldn't follow it - but it looks oddly interesting, and it seems that it's trying to lure you in. After a while, you decide to come a little closer to check it out, and stop if it moves away. To your surprise, the light simply vanishes in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, the area feels normal and ordinary again. The only thing that may be proof of something unnatural is a tiny object you found in front of your paws. Additionally, you feel suddenly energized.

You got +1 SQ ! You got +10% energy!

Decidous Forest
A strange, ginger rodent is sitting comfortably on the ground, minding its own business. It's definitely a squirrel but why is it so bright? And why are its ears so pointy?

Sniff / Chase

The chase was short, and soon you are devouring the squirrel, which tastes just like any other squirrel you'd eaten before. You're a bit disappointed. You got +10% hunger!

Decidous Forest
An exhausted looking wolf chances upon you, and seems relieved to see someone to talk to. He asks about his lost son who disappeared the day before.

Stop / Ignore

After hearing a description and sniffing his scent, you don't have good news but you promise to contact him in case you find any trace of him. You spend some time talking about this strange phenomenon and the wolf gives you something he found on the way. Maybe you'll make good use of it.

You got +1 SQ ! You got +5% energy!

Decidous Forest
They don't catch your attention at first, but when you notice the lights they cause both fascination and unconscious fear in your chest. They emit a calm, dim glow like a cold flame and you can't seem to look away.

Don't move
/ Turn back

After a while of staring at this eerie scene, you catch yourself considering the thought of following the lights. Your instincts tell you to stay still for your safety but something inside your mind pushes you to go. You fight with this inner voice and when you raise your head, the lights are gone. Was that your imagination? Now, when you feel safe to move forward, you find something strange placed on the ground in front of you.

You got +1 SQ !

🔮 Divineclaws 🔮

Posted 2021-11-02 03:06:53 (edited)
perhaps we need to make a google doc out of this to organize it all better? and mayhaps also add images for clarity ;  v ;;

Deciduous Forest

"Two curious pups are sniffing and playing around the weirdest mushrooms you've ever seen. You're no expert, but they definitely don't look edible."


"You approach to warn the pups not to eat or lick the mushrooms, explaining to them that they aren't native to this land and may cause them to get sick. The pups agree not to touch them again and to inform the herbalist of their pack as soon as possible."


"You approach to warn the pups not to eat or lick the mushrooms, explaining to them that they aren't native to this land and may cause them to get sick. The pups agree not to touch them again and to inform the herbalist of their pack as soon as possible.

You inspect the mushrooms yourself to be sure, and you notice a small object tucked between them.

You got +1 SQ!"


"You are an experienced wolf and you've seen a lot, but this strange animal has you questioning yourself. Weird antlers can be explained, but these teeth? Is it carnivorous? And why is it here?"


"You keep a safe distance and try to figure out as much as you can while stalking. The deer looks unfamiliar with the area and it looks like it is completely alone here. Deep in your thoughts, you lose your focus and the creature disappears from your sight. A bit upset, you decide to rest for a while. You got +5% energy!"


The strange bird encounter is also in deciduous and also gives 1SQ when approached.


"A large cluster of floating lights appear up ahead. They glow brightly, and move almost as if in slow motion."


"You approach the lights in a strange, hypnotic daze. The lights never seem to get closer, and as they grow dimmer you feel a deep disappointment."


"As you step towards them, you see them receding back but still visible. Something sharp pricks your paw pad, and when you look down in annoyance you notice a shiny, sharp gem. You quickly look to see if the orbs are still there, but they're gone.

You got +1 SQ!"


"A small hole in the ground is poorly camouflaged with sticks and leaves."

[Take a look]

"This hole is really narrow but you nose around inside it and manage to pull something out.

You got +1 SQ!"


"A wolf is inspecting the area very carefully, sniffing every rock and every branch with visible pain in his eyes. You can almost feel the tension."

[Can I help you somehow?]

"The wolf doesn't seem to even notice you until you come really close. His gaze shifts away from you for a moment. "I don't know if anyone can help me. She's gone. My beloved... She's completely gone. No trace, no scent, no sign..." Before you can ask further, he's gone, nose to the ground, searching desperately for any scent."


"You track an unfamiliar but very tempting scent that leads you to a few deer-like creatures. You don't recognize them. They look like deer but are much smaller and their antlers are much less intimidating. Do they taste like normal deer?"


"There was only one way to find out. Without a second thought, you start chasing the deer. With the deer disadvantaged by your sudden ambush, you manage to take one of them down before it can get away. Ha! So easy a pup could do it!
You got +2 Meat Chunks [Large]!"


"You come across a young pup wandering alone. You look around but there is no adult wolf nearby."

[Are you lost?]

"I want to go home but they're still there." He lowers his voice to a whisper and you can see genuine fear in his eyes. You check the way ahead of you but if there was anything strange here before, it's gone now.

The young wolf gathers his courage after hearing the good news. You follow him for a while to make sure he's safe.


uh that one rock encounter I missed to record gives between 1 - 3 SQ


will add more later
📚 Ophelia ⚔️

Posted 2021-11-02 03:32:21
I've considered trying to organize it a bit better but I don't have the time atm ;v; but figured a start on compiling them couldn't hurt at least still
Might try an easy Google doc when I get off work today if I'm able tho

🔮 Divineclaws 🔮

Posted 2021-11-02 08:02:57 (edited)
Alrighto, I made a googly doc to organize this all better!

For now it is view-only as I am afraid it'll become a mess otherwise but you can always just PM me for access or smth. Thus far almost no images are included but I would love to add some more so please throw those at me
📚 Ophelia ⚔️

Posted 2021-11-02 08:19:09
Will edit op later to include link on first post ^^ ! Thanks to Ophelia again for the help

🔮 Divineclaws 🔮

Posted 2021-11-02 10:08:02
added Ophelia's google doc compilation to the OP as well as a link to the WIP grouse house guide ^^ !!

🔮 Divineclaws 🔮

Posted 2021-11-02 12:55:41


Posted 2021-11-02 15:08:13
Coni Forest
Two curious pups are sniffing and playing around the weirdest mushrooms you've ever seen. You're no expert, but they definitely don't look edible.


You approach to warn the pups not to eat or lick the mushrooms, explaining to them that they aren't native to this land and may cause them to get sick. The pups agree not to touch them again and to inform the herbalist of their pack as soon as possible.

You inspect the mushrooms yourself to be sure, and you notice a small object tucked between them.

You got +1 SQ !

🔮 Divineclaws 🔮

Posted 2021-11-05 18:16:21
Unfortunately I didnt think to take screenshots of this encounter but here's the basic rundown:
At night in the grasslands there was a single glowing orb, and the only interaction given was to follow.
This led to a couple of "pages" of following the sprite into a cave that looked like the maw of an unknown animal, then walking inside to find it freezing cold and so quiet there is not even the sound of an echo.
The final "page" is a choice of two paths in the cave. The sprite goes back and forth between them indicating you could go either way.
I chose to go to the right and encountered a level 16 black bear.


Posted 2021-11-05 19:14:39
Found the encounter again! This time it was in the Taiga
Extremely image heavy so im putting this under a spoiler

This time I went left and still had a battle encounter, but this time the animal was a lower level than my lead wolf.


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