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[Grouse House Guide] Coigreach | November Event

Posted 2021-11-16 20:31:32
They only appear at night when you get the encounter to follow the single wisp. I limited my exploration to night time only during the quest and got all five in one day, but some of my friends have had tougher RNG odds.


Posted 2021-11-16 20:33:20
Thank you!!! I will try exploring at night.
Lin Fox

Posted 2021-11-16 20:34:35
You're so welcome, good luck! Also don't worry if it takes a little while to get them all, completing it says to come back on the 20th for the next step. 😁


Posted 2021-11-16 20:34:52
Yeah, I work during the day and my break and when I get off work are during in game day time. It's been rough haha

🧿 Cornix

Posted 2021-11-17 10:27:01
I followed the advice to explore at night and it worked really well, I managed to find the 5 caves and complete this part of the story.
Thank you, guys.
Lin Fox

Posted 2021-11-20 18:30:04
I felt so bad after forcing Maeve to give up her pups… cuz I am cheap and these wolves are just pixels. But I still feel so bad.

What's the alt storyline? So i can pretend she and her pups are safe and happy?

Posted 2021-11-20 18:32:46 (edited)
It's actually pretty cute. You bring the pups and they run up to her wagging their tails and cheering "mama! Mama!" before they head off together. The latter dialoge also has a much happier tone with maive being her normal bubbly, commanding self.
Nudging the pups along with your nose, you guide them to the mouth of the cave. Quany is at your side, and Sirona and Maeve watch from a safer distance.

Bronagh's spirit focuses on the puppies, and her energy seems to practically thrum with happiness. Beside her paw, the trinket knot is shining.

"Oh, sweet ones, is that you? Come here, mother is here..."

The pups are confused at first, then they seem to recognize her as a wisp blinks in front of them briefly and then disappears.

"Mama? Mama!" They pad to the mouth of the cave, little tails wagging, and Bronagh leans down to nuzzle them.

"My puppies! You have returned! Oh I knew it, I knew those Faelcu would have to give you back. Come sweetlings, let's go home."
Lily (GH!)

Posted 2021-11-20 18:52:29 (edited)

thats so freaking sweet

i am so so so sorry maeve
I feel so much worse now. This alternate universe could have happened, and the decision was my choice.

Posted 2021-11-21 01:20:05
I gave my pups to Bronagh! I'd really like to know what happens in the alternate storyline where I refuse to sacrifice mine!

Posted 2021-11-21 07:22:36
so she says that she can sacrifice her pups cuz lowens not there to help her raise them, she feels as if they will get more love from bronagh

shes also very sad

I'm sorry this isn't the best description :/ maybe someone else can give you a better one :/

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