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lööps' 100 GC Raffle 2.0! Winner Announced!

lööps' 100 GC Raffle 2.0! Winner Announced!
Posted 2020-10-18 14:28:52 (edited)

Congratulations to the winner Hayley with ticket number 3016! :D

Layout by ♥ Boba (#1999)


Posted 2020-10-18 14:57:20 (edited)

Purchased Tickets (Thank you!)

Creepyfish (#2232) - (1-240)

🐾 Neco (#3408) - (241-256)

xena [Lights ON ] (#914) - (257-497)

poppy ❁ (#4694) - (498-526)

WhiteTiger (#2763) - (527-647)

Litty (#1237) - (648-698)

ThePupBandit (#3751) - (699-749)

Dead (#3399) - (750-830)

Geminiism (#3915) - (831-906)

blaqqula🐻 (#246) - (907-927)

Dingo Booty (#4255) - (928-959)

Lip (#3007) - (960-1095)

Gacheru (#742) - (1096-1146)

Eelia (#1355) - (1147-1148)

Wolvenflame (#5150) - (1149-1218)

theRavenflight (1219-1220)

Brovotics (#3519) - (1221-1342)

Croissant (#11450) - (1343-1362)

hyenaboy (#5040) (1363)

Jefenech (#8292) - (1364-1403)

Kymirria (#7228) - (1404)

junko enoshima (#10052) (1405-1412)

DragonOfChips (#7005) - (1413-1418)

Stone (#2278) - (1419-1439)

simone🌤 (#9038) - (1440-1470)

Rajani (#12195) - (1471-1473)

Flybynights (#11789) - (1474)

BAAAAKING (#7877) - (1475-1478)

junko enoshima (#10052) - (1479-1506)

MoonlightStar (#1760) - (1507-1577)

Mikaces (#15381) - (1578-1628)

WhiteTiger (#2763) - (1629-1703)

Lun (#14293) - (1704-1714)

RustyEyron (#731) - (1715-1721)

Greentusk (#1635) - (1722-1786)

Rusty (#9419) - (1787-1807)

Kai Snow (#14265) - (1808-1817)

Iceblink (#3695) - (1818-1828)

Chipz (#18651) - (1829-1835)

cabezan (#8008) - (1836-1837)

LollipopMischief (#8330) - (1838-1840)

Fefefafa (#11360) - (1841-1861)

nugget (#13227) - (1862-1872)

oscenavis (#14187) - (1873-1883)

junko enoshima[lights on] (#10052) - (1884-1904)

Wolvenflame (#5150) - (1905-1938)

RoadkillRat (#1687) - (1939-2004)

Dabin - Lights Off (#3124) - (2005-2075)

Dum (#13271) - (2076-2096)

Cari 🎃 ⥹ Lights on! ⥻ (#18321) - (2097-2107)

Mystic (#947) - (2108-2143)

Uhuru (#8305) - (2144-2155)

Echolre (#15526) - (2156-2221)

Jewel Wildmoon (#5859) - (2222-2226)

Xanus (#9769) - (2227-2277)

Fallen (#15524) - (2278-2308)

| leos | (#18671) - (2309-2310)

clover (#17655) - (2311-2331)

Coretta (#3148) - (2332-2482)

Nekkoya (#15857) - (2483-2505)

♡ allybean ♡ (#13517) - (2506-2533)

Rana (#5869) - (2534-2554)

 Twi (#10666) - (2555-2576)

nugget (#13227) - (2577-2607)

Spanan (#17161) - (2608-2683)

𝚕𝚊 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚘🐍 (#5971) - (2684-2874)

Voodoo21416 (#6371) - (2875-2925)

APlotLoophole (#20211) - (2926-2936)

kenndoublen (#16472) - (2937-2947)

Loxen 🐈 [Lights Off] (#5331) - (2948-2978)

MaxineTheBee (#6092) - (2979-2986)

Taniwha (#16996) - (2987-3007)

Hayley (#8642) - (3008-3079)

Wolvenflame (#5150) - (3080-3144)

Comatoast 🐀 (#2523) - (3145-3282)

Samson (#7523) - (3283-3313)

Cormia (#3878) - (3314-3344)

Silent Winter (#8727) - (3345-3365)

Onyx's Haven (#11937) - (3366)

SilverCanyon L-On🎃 (#23900) - (3367-3378)

Kalarhi (#1112) - (3379-3522)

Faeyne (#7280) - (3523-3548)

Amaranth (#3323) - (3549-3559)

Sterling (#24275) - (3560-3564)

Ashlynn (#5248) - (3565-3850)

flambino (#16298) - (3851-3876)

FrostNightPup (#19807) - (3877-3897)

Irn (#13484) - (3898-3918)

xena (#914) - (3919-4189)

Wolvenflame (#5150) - (4190-4306)


Posted 2020-10-18 15:02:52

Another? Well sign me up~! I've got 2 instant pup delivery feathers :) will trade in a sec


Posted 2020-10-18 15:04:00

Creepyfish - thank you! congratulations on winning the first raffle! :)


Posted 2020-10-18 15:04:34

Thank you darlin! Trade sent :) I just like raffles. fun for all


Posted 2020-10-18 15:05:14

Just sent you a trade, I literally was reading this as a WIP post then saw your post in the side chat ha ha

🐾 Neco

Posted 2020-10-18 15:07:09

thank you both! I just added you in :))


Posted 2020-10-18 15:09:11

sending 2x guaranas!

xena | recessive breeder

Posted 2020-10-18 16:44:43

trade sent!

poppy ❁

Posted 2020-10-18 16:50:34

Sending trade in a second! 


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