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More ways to get amusement items

More ways to get amusement items
Posted 2021-08-13 03:33:44
Currently we have two ways to get food, per hunting and per exploring, and even with a big pack it is possible with multiple hunting parties to get by.
However getting enough amusement items for a large pack is incredibly draining. Sure, you can get amusement by rescouting, but that are only two items and if unlucky,one of those is a one use item.
I would like more ways to be able to earn amusement easier, maybe more quests where you can earn food or toys, other games where you can earn amusement, or a way to trade in items (like herbs?) for amusement items.


Posted 2021-08-13 14:02:12
i support.

having more ways to earn amusement items is a great idea.

i love the idea of game where you can earn amusement items.


Posted 2021-08-30 16:06:48
Yes, please! I always struggle to get enough amusement items for my large pack, most of the time I have to buy some from the trading center.

Posted 2021-08-30 18:35:41
Support this!

AmberWolf's last suggestion gave me an idea about trading for them. Raccoon trades could be coded so you could choose SC or Amusement when trading. Just as there are two boxes for SC trades there could be two boxes for Amusements - trade in single items or stacks. Maybe dispense Amusements by equal uses, or the set game value of the items traded.

Celtic Ravens

Posted 2021-10-13 19:53:05 (edited)
Support. My lead recently died and I cannot get enough amusement to sustain my pack whilst I re-unlock the map. Due to the price of amusement on the TC, it's only a short term option. We desperately need more ways to gether amusement for large pack when the best places to get amusement on the map are locked

Breezy [Hiatus]

Posted 2021-10-19 19:55:25
100% support! I am a full-time college student; I don't always have time to come online to explore and hunt. Most times, I am only on for short periods of time throughout the day. Alternate ways to get amusement items and food would make this game SO MUCH more enjoyable for me. There have been so many times where my wolves have left and I had to spend tons of money to get them all back, and that can be extremely frustrating. I love this idea.

❀ Pizzamuffin ❀

Posted 2021-12-09 18:53:43
I hope it is okay to bump this again? For currently, it is almost impossible to maintain a large pack with the little amusement that can be found with re-scouting and even hours of grinding in explore; I have to buy additional amusemen items from the TC almost every day.

Posted 2021-12-09 20:30:40
I don't see why not Shiantara #24747 scrounging for amusements is still an ongoing issue.

Celtic Ravens

Posted 2021-12-09 20:49:45

grinding amusement can be very time-consuming, especially since most amusement items (practically every type of feather) are also used for backgrounds or decors. it's very draining for players to gain enough amusement items to sustain their packs unless you're purposefully trimming your pack to manageable levels, which can be annoying or even heartbreaking to do, or are constantly online to the point where you get enough amusement in rescouting or explore encounters, which might be impossible if your pack is big enough no matter how much time you spend on the game

maybe instead of quests or built-in trades (or maybe alongside added amusement quests/trades? no reason we can't have both), there could be a role you can assign your wolves, similar to the hunter role but instead of hunting for food, they hunt for toys? obviously, there must be ways to balance this, such as a daily hunt limit similar to hunters (maybe 5 hunts per day since mood only drops half compared to hunger every rollover) and maybe proficiency or other ways to limit the amount like only allowing 1 toy forager per 10 territory slots. enough to allow your pack to not be constantly on the verge of running away while also not creating so much amusement that it becomes worthless. plus it would create more roles for non-scouts/herbalist wolves other than hunters or pupsitters
macksky [hiatus]

Posted 2021-12-09 21:00:08
haha i cannot find anyway to get toys minus exploring. i hv never found any toys with scouting

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