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Foragers -A role that produces amusement uses at roughly half the rate as hunters produce food uses.

Foragers -A role that produces amusement uses at roughly half the rate as hunters produce food uses.
Posted 2021-07-27 10:41:41
As with most RC packs I have a horde of puppies around at any given time that need to be raised to adulthood, but absolutely do not pull their weight with bringing in food / amusement for the pack like the adult members do (because they’re well… puppies…). I have a hunting team that’s good at their jobs and food isn’t a problem most of the time, except maybe during Winter when food is scarce for everyone anyway.

But. I do have one needed resource for my pack that I never seem to have enough of. Amusement.

If your hunters go after large trails for all of their hunts, and you live in an easy area like Deciduous Forest, letting you catch most of them, you can usually bring in 100+ food uses a day from 20use elk bulls alone. This is more than enough to feed almost any pack, especially combined with the fact that exploring in the Tundra biome gives you even morefree food uses from walrus and seal pup carcasses. In fact it’s usually an excess.

But there are only three ways to get amusement that don’t involve just buying it off other players (which doesn’t solve the base problem - that there is never enough amusement to go around). These options are:
1) Rescouting. Would be a viable option except it takes an hour for your scout to complete this task in the first place, which only produces 2 or 3 amusement items at a time. If you’re lucky, you get things like Gyrfalcon Feathers with high uses. If you’re not… well, enjoy your 1 use Blue Jay Feather. Then it takes just over another hour for your scout to recharge a full energy bar, which is necessary to rescout again. Even if you check your account religiously to send out your scout every two hours - most of us can’t do this anyway - the amusement you can get barely covers a small pack, let alone a large one.
2) Exploring. There are some biomes that drop more and better Amusement items than others, such as the Swamp, and they can help a little. But unfortunately these encounters tend to be few and far between, and you’re likely to spend a full energy bar and get nothing out of it.
3) Slot Machine. Sometimes it’ll drop things like whale rib bones. Yay! I don’t think I have to explain why this one is barely an option though, to the extent it’s not even considered helpful in the search for amusement items… for the gist of it: expensive to play repeatedly over long periods, it’s smarter to just buy from the TC, and you get a low chance of specifically an amusement reward anyways.

So. My suggestion, now that the reasons behind why I believe this is necessary are listed.

Foragers! They’re a team of five wolves, similar to hunters, except instead of the main role requiring Agility/Speed, it requires Wisdom/Smarts, like a stalker, because you have to find those amusement items in the first place. There are three of this role, maybe “Scavengers?” Then there are two “Haulers” who require high strength because they’re the poor wolves who have to carry all this stuff - sometimes Including heavy bones - back. I want to include a speed/agi role as well but can’t think of a spot to fit it in.
They produce roughly half the amount of amusement uses that hunters produce in food uses, because wolves lose hunger twice as fast as mood. They can have proficiency and stat gains in their levels that help them became more adept in their jobs, just like hunters. They can take adolescents out to train them. And they take 30min on each “mission” also just like hunters. Basically these are literally just hunters but for amusement items.

Hopefully this post makes sense. I’ll come back and try to edit it later if it doesn’t.


Posted 2021-07-27 15:50:09

As a reminder, per the Game Development Guidelines thread, please keep replies to a suggestion topic constructive, whether in support or opposition of the presented idea.  Comments that are simply things like "support/no support/yes/I agree/I like it" etc will be deleted.

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Posted 2021-07-27 17:17:25
I fully support this! As someone who is a regular R&Cer, it was really rough when my lead died since I could no longer obtain food/amusement from the Tundra and the Glacier. I agree with the stat distributions for this, however I believe there should be only one Hauler, so a 4 wolf team unless another possible role could be made. I get that bones are heavy but a majority of amusement items are feathers (at least in my experience), which wouldn't be all that heavy in comparison to a bone.

Breezy [Hiatus]

Posted 2021-07-27 17:21:00
I want to agree, just because it makes logical sense, but only if I can think of a way to include speed/agility in there too so the distribution would be:

1 role focused on speed/agi | 3 roles focused on smarts/wisdom | 1 role focused on strength
Similar to the hunting distribution. Otherwise it would feel like a waste of an open spot considering it could be used to train up high Strength stats.


Posted 2021-07-28 07:31:42
I wholeheartedly agree with this! I understand wolvden is supposed to be a harder, more strategic game, but when it comes to getting enough amusement use, well, there's no strategy at ALL. With pup and adolescent training now in place, as long as you train every single day from the moment a pup turns 2 1/2 months, you are on the journey to creating a wonderful hunter for a full team! It really makes you feel like you are investing in a long term goal to train a pup to be the best of the best in their role. So as long as you train a younger generation to replace your older generation of hunters, food, in theory, shouldn't be an issue. As long as you put in the time and effort, you will be rewarded. Yet, amusement items do not have that same feeling. It's ridiculously hard to find amusement items, and buying them from raccoon wares is NOT worth it! I love the idea with hunting that as long as you put in the effort, in time you will be greatly rewarded. Don't want to put in the effort/can't? Well, there will be consequences. However, amusement is just one big consequence and there's nothing nobody can do about it! How is that fair or fun in any way?

On lioden I often play with my lions and that gets most of them to 100% mood depending on their personality, and those who don't I then give amusement. So I'm hoping there will be a way to bring up your wolves mood somewhat without using a toy, but if not, then something like this suggestion is a necessity, imho.


Posted 2021-07-28 16:54:41
Support! I never have enough amusement items...

Posted 2022-10-31 22:04:33
Hmm I see this is being bumped.

No support for now! Since the new lead talent's there's an option for Wolves to lose 5% Instead of 10% Daily for Mood now.
While Its a touch flawed for people who like keeping nursing mothers bonuses, It should still balance out the amusement market for now.

I currently have 15000 uses, And I sell several thousand every few months! but they key point here Is I have 2500+ In whalebones, and mollusc shells glacier Is no joke for amusment and even the largest packs should do a good job surviving from there.


Posted 2022-11-03 09:07:19
full support! it's way too difficult to obtain a good amount of amusement items without spending in-game currency. i genuinely don't see why a forager role can't be integrated.

Posted 2022-11-03 20:42:40
I used to do R&C wolves but it got to be too much time and resources for me. Of course space plays a part though i Love more Ideas for roles. ^ ^

I'm always creating ideas for things so let's see if i can help out with role names and stat placements. Lemme know if these sound good of give you ideas of yer own ~ ^ ^
They look to find the items you seek, those which amuse all for the pack (Tribe). Being smart and wise will aid in knowing what to look for and where.
They help in digging, removing or even being a distraction if looking for discarded toys is a problem or they're being guarded. Being quick and agile will help either way be it retrieving Or be a sweet/smooth talker to get what they Seek.
They help carry and keep what they find safe mostly though they can also help if the group needs some extra muscle to break, dislodge or even intimidate.
Possible idea?
Maybe there could be a rare chance or so for the Forager's team to bring something else back along with their findings?

* Battle trophies
could be possible as no doubt dead animals are a thing one Can come across while on travels and Might yield something [Antlers/horns, skulls/claws/teeth, pelts/tails, etc].
Not too often though of course
(I get the challenges but sometimes some things are TOO challenging even if requirements are met).

NO Event stuff though.


Posted 2022-11-09 20:30:11
I like the idea but I'm afraid I can't support it as of now for just amusement purposes.

With the new talent tree my wolves can now loose half their usual mood. I play with my nursing mothers and pups daily and everyone else every other day so I actually end up saving amusement uses. Not to mention I somehow manage to do between 30-40 hunts a day, I have 4 teams, and currently have over 700 uses of bone buried from carcasses alone.  With my currently 41 adults and 67 youngsters I'm all set between mass salvage and exploring.

My tip for anyone struggling is hunt literally as often as you can. Explore as often as you can too so you get as much food and amusement as possible. Feed your wolves daily and bury any extras. Sell the 1 use food to the raccoon though. You'll get 3sc per egg for example. The mass salvage even works on buried food so all you gotta do is hit that button and bury the bones that come out of it. They'll be your backup stock.

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