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Toggleable HTML

Posted 2021-07-27 16:11:22
I think you're looking at the issue from the coder perspective and not casual player. For us and our usage the WYSISYG worked perfectly fine. I had never anything broken while using it, I also did not go over the top with coding (because that's not what I play for). I used it simply for keeping track of things like customisation and stat gain. And from what I've seen most people did, especially in wolves bio.

I don't see how changing back to what we had already WHILE devs are working on the toggle button and new HTML editor (so everyone can be happy) could make the situation worse, especially for people who are currently unable to write/edit anything at all (due to their lack of knowledge, using mobile, vision impairment, dyslexia etc.). And it's not the case of "just go learn some basic HTML then". It's a game about pretty wolves, not school :/ And menu provides the basics as long as you use it to post one time only... because once you want to edit something, anything you already posted, you have to work through lines and lines of code. And as I can see in the topic here, for many people it's really hard to do.

PS ctr + f is fine and I use it often. However, it falls flat when the word is used many times. Take stats gain for example. My scout came back with +2 to wisdom. I want to update that info in his bio which also have his lvl up history. There's a big chance that "wisdom" appear over 20 times in the text, so ctrl + f is not that handy anymore ;)

πŸ„ π•—πšŠπš›πš”πš’πšπšœπšžπšŽ

Posted 2021-07-27 16:12:09 (edited)
We don't even know if the way WYSIWYG as it was is even compatible with the new editor. What if them both being active at the same time means that your text breaks entirely and it's impossible to fix? (And I mean beyond a jumbled confusing mess, I'm talking unsalvageable.) What if you use WYSIWYG and it appears to work fine, but the second you click save, it wipes everything on the page?

We don't know what throwing in a haphazard fix will do, ESPECIALLY if it's so rushed that it's untested. I'm sorry for the frustration, I really am, and I truly get where you guys are coming from, but I'm not willing to risk everything breaking just to add a toggle that might work.

Edit: Also @Valkyrae, people HAVE asked for an update on the editor. The old editor has a master post in the bug report area, it's one of the most talked about problems there in the entire game. So many players did have issues, even if some didn't.


Posted 2021-07-27 16:15:50 (edited)
That's what a testing phase is used for. :)
Literally takes a day or two and those of us experiencing issues can mark it as a bug

And while I understand that MOST of us have not. Take the whole wolvden community ty

† Salem Trials †

Posted 2021-07-27 16:16:39 (edited)
But if people are asking to get it done and get it done soon, it cant be properly tested. That's what Kas and I are saying. Testing live is a dangerous tactic and often does more harm than good.

Edit: Valkyrae, I AM considering the community. Where have I not agreed with this suggestion???


Posted 2021-07-27 16:17:56 (edited)
If they have the coding from before it literally can be that fast

They test stuff live all the time lmao that's what the bug box is for

† Salem Trials †

Posted 2021-07-27 16:20:05 (edited)
You don't know that. If you try to jam stuff together that may impact each other, you dont know what will happen. That's all we're saying here, I don't see how that's unreasonable!

Edit: In any case, I'm done commenting here, at least for now. You seem to be getting heated and I didn't intend to aggravate.


Posted 2021-07-27 16:23:42 (edited)
You don't see how it's unreasonable because you aren't experiencing what we all are. Some of you are perfectly fine with the coding and that's great.

But with the change, for a lot of us, OUR WHOLE WOLVDEN IS TAKEN. Bios, forums, messages, art threads, contest, css etc. All that stuff we CAN NO LONGER TOUCH without getting a migraine. You may find it easy and not a big deal, but a lot of people have barely touched wolvden or their regular things they do because of this update. It's taken away 90% of our game play. If we wait for an update, hell basically take the game away from us.

† Salem Trials †

Posted 2021-07-27 16:26:00
i respect that opinion, valkyrae, but its not a solution. i get wanting wysiwyg, the current system isn’t as fulfilling and i too want wysiwyg back for ease of use.

but like someone else said, its a bandaid. what i said was not to never bring it back, but just to give the devs space and time to bring it back functional. they are people too, they dont have a magic fix for this. your code should still work, it just will take some more patience to navigate.

you make the argument it has no issues that you noticed but the code you are seeing right now, is the code you WERE using. thats my point here, bringing back the old broken system fixes nothing. your grief is with the old code, not the new one. it just happens that you can see it now in its raw form. wolvden didnt change the code, it was how it was before.

i am with you guys, that this is inconvenient. it takes longer to update my stuff, but there are ways to manage it. that i think are worth it, if that means the devs can bring us a good editor that works for everyone

☘️ [Slow] Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2021-07-27 16:26:30 (edited)
oh good lord i type too slow ^^;

and can we please not argue, this is not really a place to do so. we need to be respectful of other’s opinions. its getting heated yes, i probably wont respond beyond here.

what you do with your content is your choice, if you choose to give up the game because html that is too your choice. im not too sure what to else say, other than to encourage people to work with what they have until the devs are responsive. regardless if theres a quick fix or not, theres still time to wait out between.

☘️ [Slow] Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2021-07-27 16:30:17 (edited)
Yeah of course, I understand that. But we don't want to learn this new way because most of us don't go into coding that deep. A lot of our gameplay is taken away since the coding changed.

I definitely understand they may need some time, but they'll need to take into consideration that some players don't even want to touch wolvden until its fixed. Losing players over a code toggle. They've done it before when people had issues with other things, it took them a day. I dont see why a toggle button can't be added in.

I understand a testing phase may be needed, but atleast get it going and not leave us here with this coding only. Like I said before, a LOT of our gameplay is gone now.

I'm not saying they need to do it RIGHT NOW. But soon, as soon as possible i and a lot of other players would prefer

† Salem Trials †