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Looking For: Every applicator. Willing to pay good silver cones and gold cones in time!!

Looking For: Every applicator. Willing to pay good silver cones and gold cones in time!!
Posted 2021-05-27 05:17:48

Hello! This is my first Lunar Event and I didn't know the decorations were staying every month, unlike appearantly the applicators. Then, I heard I have two events to get the applicators, but I fell in bad luck because this is the last month of these. I don't have ANY of them except the eyes, and this is the last day of the event... 

There is no way I can catch up. Feel like helping me out? 

I need every single one, and I am willing to pay good game money for them. I don't have a lot, but if you ''reserve'' them for me I am willing to save up a lot for them!! 

Who has the patience to help me out? Please? 

I will pay a fair price in items and currency, and if I befriend a wolf that I don't want then you can have that one too! 

So let me know if you are interested ^^

Thanks in advance! 



Posted 2021-07-16 06:59:00

I have the Lusxnei skin and nose right now, and working to get the claws too. Would you be interested in them? i will also work on the Lumino eyes if your interested. 


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