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Pupsitter interface more user friendly (With mockup idea included!)

Pupsitter interface more user friendly (With mockup idea included!)
Posted 2021-05-10 15:42:09 (edited)
Edit: This has been implemented now!!

We all know the Pupsitter interface is...lacking. It's not user friendly having to tab between *three* different pages, calculate how much protection each pup needs, and try to see which pupsitters can protect what puppies based on their protection amounts.

For someone like me who has ADHD and learning disabilities, trying to figure all this out is hard and I end up just stockpiling NBWs to assign one to each puppy without calculating.

After talking with a few other people, I came up with a quick little mock idea. This basically shows a few things in ONE page:

  • The specific pupsitter's name and headshot when selected by the dropdown
    • For convenience, the headshot would ideally link back to the page of the wolf itself too.
  • Pupsitting information - Proficiency, and total protection.
  • Which puppies the wolf is currently protecting already
  • Unprotected puppies - Survival chance and the option to assign them to that wolf to be protected

The idea is that when you change the drop down for "Choose a pupsitter", the first three sections would change for that wolf - so in my mockup instead of Astrid showing, it would be a different one (Second edit showing Mica).

Then we could at least see at a glance which puppies are unprotected and what their survival chance is without a pupsitter.
The "Puppies at risk" page is still handy because it can show puppies that ARE protected but still aren't 100%.

Of course, it can still be improved on I'm sure - but this is what I managed in like 30 minutes.


Posted 2021-05-10 15:43:50

Loving it dude! Full support


Posted 2021-05-10 15:46:39

I support this! No longer will I have to calculate everything out on paper before setting up my pups with their sitters!


Posted 2021-05-10 15:46:45

This would be so amazing!! 100% support if it not on the devs to-do list already.

I have gotten my pupsitters so close to 0% energy just from bungling up who and how many they are protecting, and for a while I didn't know the pup sitter on the pup's page was a link. It was so hard to figure out what was going on.

I know a lot of people who have to name their pups how much percent survival they have, or have a bunch of workarounds for what is really just poor UI.

Your mockups are amazing and would make the game 3,000x more user friendly! SO MUCH SUPPORT


Posted 2021-05-10 15:51:13 (edited)

Support! It's annoying having to cluck through 50 different pages.

edit: click*


Posted 2021-05-10 16:12:24

I've never seemed to use this page before.

I like this mock-up. After analyzing those screens, I can imagine how fast it'd be just to copy already implemented features into one page.


Posted 2021-05-10 16:15:34

Yes, absolutely support!

It's always a pain to figure out which puppies are being protected by which pupsitter when you have to go to each of their individual pages to get that information, and figuring out how you need to redistribute pups when you get new ones is even worse. On top of that, you can only remove puppies by going directly to the sitter they're assigned to as well, rather than it being on the dedicated pupsitting page.

This idea would certainly improve the user's experience with this mechanic and lead to far less confusion and frustration.

One suggestion I have is to show the portraits of puppies on both the pupsitting and puppies at risk pages because all puppies have the same name of "New Puppy" unless you rename them, which makes it difficult to tell which puppy is which.


Posted 2021-05-10 16:28:25


i'd also really like if it if you could also un-assign pups from that same page, it's difficult to have to find which pupsitter has a pup, and then go to said pupsitters page to un-assign, rather when it could all be done in the pupsitting tab :) 


Posted 2021-05-10 16:30:27

i support. 

i have a learning disability too. 

i love your idea. i'm supporting it 100%. 

i hope your idea gets added to the game. 


Posted 2021-05-10 16:51:41 (edited)

Honestly, super support! Not being able to manage all this from one page can be such a pain at times! 


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