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Meadow Herd (Wild herd rp)

Posted 2021-04-20 12:40:01
the 2 foals stop and turn around and look back *spirit* "shes right i can hear them too you guys need to run or do you want to be captured again!!!" he looks in the direction of the noise and sees 4 humans nearing estrella and midnight through a gap that he found through the trees *both of them* " you need to run there are 4 of them!!!!!!!!!!!"

Posted 2021-04-20 15:06:16

Estrella sighs lightly but gets up and bolted she gallops further away from the humans and gallops for about 30 minutes before finally slowing down with few hughes trying to catch her breath. She looks around for Midnight. 


Posted 2021-04-20 15:37:57

opal stands beside her with a worried look on her face "where are they!?" she takes 10 steps foreword hoping the boys are close behind but theres no sign of them

spirit trys to remember which way the girls went (please be safe opal) he thinks.


Posted 2021-04-20 16:01:05

Estrella walks a bit more before finding a good spot to lay down a bit exhausted. 


Posted 2021-04-20 16:07:45

"i'm going back for them!!" snowdrop says in a determined tone

"midnight come-on lets go they've already realized we'er here" spirit says in a worried tone


Posted 2021-04-20 19:05:44

Estrella sighs knowing she won't be able to stop her. She wasn't going back though even though she wanted to she was sure that Midnight and Spirit were going to be okay. 


Posted 2021-04-20 19:06:33

"You would be a wonderful mother," Midnight assured the young mare. "Look, you've already freed us from our prison and found our herd a safe place to live! You're a good alpha and so you will be a good mother too."

He looked up suddenly as he heard hoofbeats approaching, and surged to his feet. Opal and Spirit had made it out of the enclosure too, but were sprinting as though terrified. They warned him and Estrella of humans approaching. The entire herd rose and began to run again, but with his blood loss Midnight soon tired and fell behind. Spirit stayed with him.

"Come on," Midnight said to the colt, "we've got to catch up with our herd." He trotted onwards, following Estrella's scent.


Posted 2021-04-20 19:25:36

Estrella lays down a bit exhausted and falls asleep. She dreamt and slept peacefully even though she knew she shouldn't be sleeping laying down. 


Posted 2021-04-20 19:30:03

Midnight felt a surge of relief as Estrella and Opal came into view. He cantered forward to meet them. Estrella was asleep laying down. Midnight knew she was exhausted from all the running, but it wasn't good for a horse to lie down for too long; if she was unable to get back to her feet when she woke there would be nothing any of them could do to help. He gently prodded Estrella with his snout.


Posted 2021-04-20 19:34:00
Estrella lays down for awhile more not wanting to get up she eventually struggles to her feet. She goes to get some water to think and clear her mind some. 

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