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➵ The Pupper Games ➵ 2nd game FINALLY CONCLUDED PROPERLY

Posted 2020-10-09 17:35:51 (edited)

Oooh thats generous Lloma! I will send a girl over tomorrow if you have room to keep her?

Edit: looks like you are all full so I will set up a trade the last day of autumn so you can accept at your convenience and IPD her and send her back the first day of autumn 

LissaJo 🦕

Posted 2020-10-09 17:40:31

I will have the room tomorrow LissaJo :D No worrys ^.^

Also, you can IBF her too, i trust you all that you follow the rules :D


Posted 2020-10-09 17:41:10

Can’t IBF, it’s not winter yet <3 ^


Posted 2020-10-09 17:42:52

"last day of autumn so you can accept at your convenience and IPD her" I thought IPD meant IBF xD But apparently.. it makes no sense


Posted 2020-10-09 17:43:48 (edited)

I think Matsu just means if you insta you gotta do it on the first day of Winter, otherwise the pups are gonna be too old to compete

Edit: Oh, gotchu, gotchu :)


Posted 2020-10-09 17:53:03

Yeah, I got that. I was just confused about the abberration :D


Posted 2020-10-09 18:06:48

"last day of autumn so you can accept at your convenience and IPD her" I thought IPD meant IBF xD But apparently.. it makes no sense

IPD is instant pup delivery.. wolvdens IBF :) (and i was meaning if you got on shortly after RO on the first day of Winter, you would be able to accept and breed then send her back whenevr you got on)

but we worked out a new deal soooo <3

LissaJo 🦕

Posted 2020-10-13 10:58:46

Woahhh pupper games!!!!! I might if I can get enough money from art sales to have extra GC for an IBF :333


Posted 2020-10-13 18:45:18

Hey guys! The first day of winter is coming! I'll be sending out Day 1 PMs and updating the thread, but here's an early reminder to get your girls ready to be birthed! Breed em if you haven't already, nest em, and get 101SC ready to be sent!

New information: This is our first winter on wolvden, unless you were a beta tester, and if it's really as harsh as people describe, then these games should be interesting! IF we hit the THIRD rollover and NO ONE has died/only 1-2 people have gotten injured pups, then I will implement a new rule in which pup mothers may NOT be fed/play with till 100! So mood/hunger must remain <100. This is not set in stone yet, let's just see how the first three rollovers go! Thanks <3


Posted 2020-10-13 19:00:22

I will send my entry when I pick my pupper in the morning

LissaJo 🦕

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