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Posted 2021-03-16 12:51:28 (edited)

I have found a wolf and am no longer in search of one.

Hello there! I am looking for a Gen 2 400+ stat wolf to pair bond to my heir. I have SC and GC and a soon-to-be Selene breeding male, so we can work something out price-wise if I like your wolf. Below is a list of what I'm specifically looking for, but these are just general guidelines. Show me any wolf you think might work! My only hard rules here are no big studs and the wolf can not be any greater than Gen 3, though Gen 2 is highly preferred. I will probably be fully customizing or partially customizing the wolf, so looks honestly aren't a dealbreaker for me. 

  1. Gen 2 or Gen 3 (preferably Gen 2)
  2. No big studs
  3. 400+ stats
  4. Young (less than 2 years)
  5. Base category: TII muted dark or warm medium (bonus points for breed-only bases)
  6. Any gender (male preferable so I don't have to sex change, but meh, it's probably the least important thing on this list)
  7. Matches well with my heir! 

That's all, folks! Basically, if you have a young Gen 2 400+ stat wolf, I want to see it. Thank you! 

Here's my heir in her customized glory, for reference:

Here she is!


Posted 2021-03-16 13:16:44


He’s not a T2 and his looks are... not great, but if you’re customizing him anyways This fellow might be worth considering! I have some other Gen 2s up for sale too, but they’re all female and no T2s there either.


Posted 2021-03-16 14:29:35

I took a look and will definitely consider him and the other pups! His dad has a Fox kid so I worry that line might get bigger than ideal, but definitely good contenders. Thank you!


Posted 2021-03-16 14:36:56

I happen to be trying to create a new heir so I have a number that might be what you are after. They are mostly related to my private line.

This lady, she is gen 3 and cool but 443 stats (also her price is set wrong but I have to many watchers to cancel it)

and I have two (marengo and maltese) who are also gen 3---only on one side--- with low 400 stats.

I do have some additional 420+ stat pups but they have a longer lineage, but no leader-board ancestors.


Posted 2021-03-16 14:37:58

Thanks for considering! You have a good eye, I hadn’t noticed someone fox-ed one of my stud’s pups. 


Posted 2021-03-16 16:22:11

salt&shell, I've bookmarked your wolves (specifically the Marengo and Maltese) to consider too :) Thank you! 


Posted 2021-03-16 17:22:39

No problem. Good luck in your hunt!


Posted 2021-03-16 20:39:12

I have a few high stat g2s but they might require some customization.


Posted 2021-03-16 20:48:00

They're not very special, but I have some 400+ G2's

Gray Darker | 5M | F | 420 stat

Gray | 4M | F | 419 stat

Jet | 2M | F | 421 stat

Waffle 🧇

Posted 2021-03-16 21:15:57 (edited)

Check out my boy Justin here. Matches all your asks except #5


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