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The Dragon Wolves Group Pack Discussion

Posted 2021-03-03 16:00:40

it hurts hearing thoes words, because thats exactly how ive been feeling to these past few months, im so sorry i didnt realize sooner, ill try to work on it when you get back, if i feel like you are doing somthing wrong ill make sure to put effort into helping let you know how to fix it and what you did right in the scenario, ill make sure to help let you stay close by in anything we find competitive (which i was trying to let you do befor the bot got corrupted) and ill make sure to try and remind myself everytime im about to slip up


Posted 2021-03-03 16:01:37

i sometimes strive too much, and i hate that too

Ya Dragon Gurl

Posted 2021-03-03 16:02:47

no, no, dont blame yourself for not knowing.

"you cant help what you dont know", like ive said a few times.

Ya Dragon Gurl

Posted 2021-03-03 16:05:21

ive never tried to "fix" just  you either, its more of a, we need to work on what hurts us and work to try to stop it, but never will i expect you to ever be perfect, when im upset ill say things even about myself that arnt true, but the moment that blindfold is lifted and i calm down enough to were i see what ive said thats not true, i try to turn things around, you belong here, if anything when you said you might leave for good it made me feel like the world was falling apart, because we need you, you are one of my best friends, even if at the moment were struggling, you still are


Posted 2021-03-03 16:08:22

and i should blame myself for not seeing it sooner, im not going to beat myself up about it, but i still should of noticed sooner, ive always been told im good at seeing the emotions and intentions of others, and while i could feel the pain when you speak, i never saw were it was comming from, if i had i could of stopped or helped sooner


Posted 2021-03-03 16:09:26

but thats in the past now, and now that i know, i can work to help


Posted 2021-03-03 16:24:31

theres somthing i will say however, i dont do well away from the server, ever since i left ive been feeling nothing but dread and feeling even more stressed than normal, more than im used to, so if you need to take a break past the time i need to join back, we need to figure out somthing because i dont have anywere else to go were i feel safe other than there, and i dont know how long i can last isolated from it in the mental state i am


Posted 2021-03-03 16:26:15

i was thinking of tomorrow or friday, so let me know what you want to do when you read this


Posted 2021-03-03 17:57:11 (edited)

one last thing before i let you be to take youre break, now that i know exactly how you feel in general, i will update the bounderies and fit them to work better with how you are doing, if you want me to dm them then you can ask, i also want you to know that i do not and have never considered you a bad friend, but i understand that somtimes i seems like i do when im upset, the same happens to me, you will be upset and ill get the wrong idea and feel like you dont think of me as a friend but a pest, which causes conflict at times, but that doesnt change the fact that im here, if i didnt think of you as a good friend, i wouldnt be here speaking to you, trying to get things together, trying to get along, if i considered you a bad friend i would of left from the start, emotions can twist ideas and words to make them somthing the opposite of what they originally ment, you may not see it, but both me and cele can see you are slipping down the wrong path, i am to, which is why we both need to comunicate better, tell eachother whats going on from the start so we can prevent further problems, so we can turn ourselfs around, get back on our feet, and follow the right path, while were separeated, we can work on what we think we and the other needs help with most, and when we get back, we can figure out a plan, altho, im having an issue with not being able to be in the server anymore, its hurting me being gone from my safe space so long in this state (being more depressed than normal after leaving), so its hard to think, work, sleep, or even keep myself from breaking down out of nowere, is there a plan we can make for that


Posted 2021-03-04 13:30:56

I'm not responding to you Mighty because I thought I made it clear we need time apart, yet you still try to drag me back.

Chao is angry because she's fed up with the constant vent, and just wants you to stop, but you haven't, despite her asking nicely.

Mel and Cele are confused as all hell because they aren't used to a steady stream of vent.

Mel is particularly upset because you're still even venting to her when she's at school. 

Grieve, Green, Topaz, Rose and Apollo just want this drama to end.

Don't you have a therapist to vent to?

Ya Dragon Gurl

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