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Lila's HTML Guide (Including Forum Tables!)

Lila's HTML Guide (Including Forum Tables!)
Posted 2020-09-25 18:25:28 (edited)

Welcome to my guide! In this post, we’ll be going over basic HTML additions that you can put in your threads to spice them up! If you want to try any of these out, simply highlight the coding and paste it where you want to try it! If you need any help or have any questions, I’ll be here to answer them.


Text Decoration
<sup> </sup>
<sub> </sub>

Colored Text
<font color=white (or Hex code)> white text</font>
Highlighted Text
<span style=”background-color:blue (or Hex code)> highlighted blue</span>



Headers (1 being biggest, 6 being smallest)
Biggest Header
<h1>Biggest Header</h1>
Medium Header
<h2>Medium Header</h2>
Small Header
<h3>Small Header</h3>
Font Size
<font size=1> </font>
<tt> </tt>
(Sizes range from 1 to 7)

<a href=”URL”>link label</a>
Line Break
<br> </br>
Paragraph (double spaces)
Center Align
<p style="text-align:center;">
(can also align left or right)
<blockquote> </blockquote>


Image <img src=”URL”>

Sized Image <img src=”URL” height=number width=number>

Linked Image <a href=”URL”><img src=”URL”> </a>

Image Titles <img src=”URL” title=”text here”>

To start, you’ll have to make an unordered list for bullet points.
<ul><li> Bullet 1 </li></ul>

This is how to make a numbered list.
<ol><li> Number 1 </li></ol>

HTML Tables  (Basic)

I’ve had many questions asked about HTML tables lately, and I’d love to share what I’ve learned so those of you who are curious can make your own if you want to! First, we’re going to start by classifying the different components that make up an HTML, and then work on making it look pretty. J


<table> - this tag defines the code as an HTML table. Anything within the <table> tag will be inside the table that you’re making.

<td> - this tag defines a data cell within an HTML table. There are two types of cells, and one of them is a header cell. We won’t be discussing data cells in this guide, but if you want to look into what they are and what they do, go to They offer an abundance of guides and tutorials for all types of coding languages! This tag also defaults elements to be left aligned, so we’ll have to align the text inside our table in order for our text/links/images/etc to be centered. We’ll call this our “outline” if you will, for our table.

<span> - as for this tag, it is an inline container that makes up part of a text or a document- it’s also easily styled by CSS to make fancy HTML tables for forum topics. We’ll be using this tag to color our box and style it.

One thing to keep in mind while coding is that we’ll be using all of these together, they all connect to make the final product/look of the table! Now, let’s start with the barest of tables. Example:

Centering & Font Families

<p style="text-align:center;color:#000000;font-family:Roboto;">

Here is a simple styling for a table. We have center aligned our paragraph text, classified the text color as black (#000000), and made the font family the default for Lioden- Roboto. Quite a few fonts work on the site, but I would be sure to research safe to use HTML fonts that work before just putting in a random font. I mention this because different computer systems use different fonts by default, so if a font you want to use doesn’t show up, it has fallen back to font that Wolvden uses or doesn’t allow.

The Fancy Stuff (Headers/Bodies)

This is going to be our header box. After we have this all coded, we’ll close all of our tags and start on the main box, where the majority of our text will go.

Now here’s the code for our main content:

<span style="color:#000;background:#FFF;border:1px solid #000;float:left;height:auto;width:90%;padding:22px;margin:5px 1px 10px 30px;font-size:12px;">text text text text</span>

Margins Note:

margin: 5px 1px 10px 30px

The 5px is the first margin we’re declaring, but first, let’s give ourselves an easy abbreviation to remember: TRBL. Top, Right, Bottom, Left. So the top margin will be 5px, the right margin is 1px, bottom is 10px, and finally, the left margin is 30 px. These dimensions will give us a nicely margined box!

And finally! Put it together

Let’s put all of our code together! Here’s a default box that I put together that is great for new learners. I hope this was easy for you to understand, but please feel free to reply on this guide or message me if you have any questions! Feel free to copy our box below and reply on this thread with it, and play with it as you wish! Thank you for reading if you made it this far. <3

<table style="height:auto;width:100%;border:1px solid #000;"><tbody><tr><td style="background:#ededed;"><br><p style="text-align:center;color:#000000;font-family:Roboto;"><span style="background:#385f71;border:1px solid #000;float:left;height:auto;width:90%;margin:1px 30px 10px;padding:15px;"><b style="font-size:18px;color:#FFF;">Basic HTML Box!</b></span><br><span style="color:#000;background:#FFF;border:1px solid #000;float:left;height:auto;width:90%;padding:22px;margin:5px 1px 10px 30px;font-size:12px;">text text text text</span></p></td></tr></tbody></table>

Want to see what it looks like? Look down below this post or here:

Links to table explanation images:

Thank you for reading, and happy coding! :)


Posted 2020-09-25 19:10:56 (edited)

Basic HTML Box!
text text text text


Posted 2020-09-28 10:11:25

How do I change the colors and background of the table? Mods have given me zero answers after my code broke from trying to use lioden html

Scouting for Booty

Posted 2020-09-28 11:20:12

For the outer border- <table style="height:auto;width:100%;border:1px solid #COLOR;">

For the table color- <td style="background:#COLOR;"> (can also use a URL but those are finicky, you'll have to update the code every time you update your thread)


Posted 2020-09-28 11:22:04
Lawd I hope they fix that. Thats the codes I used and when I go to edit my post, it screws up all of my code, not just the background image code. I reported it to bugbox and the mod didn't tell me what code I should use instead 

Scouting for Booty

Posted 2020-09-28 11:26:38

I've been avoiding that so I don't have to worry about updating every time, but I'll play with it a bit and let you know if there's a better alternative!


Posted 2020-09-28 11:33:39

Definitely appreciated. I know basic stuff, and I had just how I wanted it and then needed to go in and edit and it screws up the entire code and its frustrating that I now can't edit my post at all cause otherwise its going to get messed up or I'll have to start all over again

Scouting for Booty

Posted 2020-09-30 21:47:46 (edited)

Its a message in a box, However, this code won't save when I leave. Its odd. Do you have any recommendations to get it to work?

< div style="width:100px;height:100px;overflow:auto;border:1px solid; background:#HEXCODE;" > TEXT HERE< /div >

Is what I am using


Posted 2020-09-30 21:57:18

Hey there!

Div style is used mostly to style CSS. For Wolvden, you'll have to stick to table, td, and span style for them to work properly. Example:

A simple box!

And here's the code for it: <table style="height:auto;width:100%;border:none;"><tbody><tr><td style="background:#333;color:#FFF;padding:15px;">fffffff</td></tr></tbody></table>



Posted 2020-09-30 21:58:38

Oh Thank you Lila!

I've been fightin with this for the past hour lol 


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