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✅ Axolotl Representation - Artwork

✅ Axolotl Representation - Artwork
Posted 2021-02-08 21:53:14 (edited)
At last... The axolotl has gotten its makeover!

Before I begin please note I have nothing against the artist of the axolotl, the existing one is adorable as is, but I thought I might share my opinion as an axolotl lover! If suggestions regarding artwork are not allowed I apologize- I reviewed the guidelines and nothing explicitly indicated this topic was off limits.

Currently, the axolotl looks like this:

First off, this axolotl is pink. My issue with this is wild axolotls are not pink and are in fact black/dark colored! I will attach a few reference images below. You might think isn't this very nit-picky-and not worth a suggestion, but I have a rather passionate reason for suggesting the color is changed. 

Additionally, the cute fin on the tail isn't there! I was bummed to see it not included, it could be wrote off as perspective but the tail curls which would likely make it visible. The tail (and general body) is also more chub and quickly tapers at the end instead of gradually and whip/string like. These changes also makes the axolotl more recognizable!

Now, why the suggestion?
Axolotls are classed as critically endangered in the wild, and wild-type axolotls have very little representation in media. They have an estimated 1000 or less remaining in the wild as of 2020. They are restricted to Lake Xochimilco in Mexio, and are otherwise absent in the wild. I think it would be really cool and sweet if we saw the art change to represent a wild-type axolotl.



☘️ [Slow] Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2021-02-09 22:21:25 (edited)

I actually really support this!!

if wolvden is meant to be a ‘wild’ setting, it would make sense to have the wild variants of our “prey” creatures. Not to mention, I agree with proper representation being beneficial. For example, I knew they were critically endangered but I was not aware just How Bad (less than a thousand????)

i also would like to see a bit more chub to our current art. Again, like OP said, it is beautiful and no disrespect is meant! But i honestly thought the one in the  artwork was meant to show an underweight one ^^;


Posted 2021-02-13 09:59:06

I support because they are an endangered species. This game has a few endangered animals in it that are encountered in explore. They look very close to the real deal.

I think it’d be fair to give these guys the same love and respect. But I completely understand if they didn’t change it because of how tedious art can be.


Posted 2021-12-19 15:41:00
Support! While our own wolves and packs aren't very realistic, the wildlife in-game is, so depicting just pink pet variety of axolotls seems a bit strange.

Venex 🦅

Posted 2021-12-19 16:09:05
Support, the pink one could stick around as a rare variant trophy maybe :}


Posted 2021-12-21 03:58:48
Support! A great suggestion for improving the representation of an endangered species! The species that appear on Wolvden are depicted pretty accurately, and this change would be in line with that standard.


Posted 2021-12-21 07:54:53
Support! There is a lot of misinfo about axolotls, and people prioritize their qualities as a cute exotic pet without knowing their status as wild animals.


Posted 2023-07-09 09:07:41
Support! I think it would be pretty simple to change the color scheme of the existing art and maybe fatten it up a little lol

Posted 2023-07-09 12:26:25
Support! I actually own both a pink ( leucistic ) and a wild, and it is just as adorable as the more commonly thought of pink <3


Posted 2023-08-10 17:23:08

☘️ [Slow] Kaziah (Kaz)

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