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Sending out more hunting groups

Sending out more hunting groups
Posted 2021-01-09 16:37:21

So I had an idea where instead of sending out only one group of hunters (a single party) at a time, why not more? 

First to address the hunts are only 30 minutes and I feel like as a users pack grows, the more food should be provided. Kinda tedious to have a schedule of going back and forth every 30 minutes and adding the chance of getting NOTHING? 

Using the time limit as well, the wolves only have ten hunts per roll over- meaning a user would be spending 5 hours trying to hunt with a single party (if they instantly checked the time the hunt ended), then if we add the 'hit or miss' chance along with the amount of total synergy... Personally I question why you would make more groups if you have a high synergy in one and use it the most? 

Having multiple parties out hunting would increase the probability of gain food and also putting to use the other groups you make. I dont think this would be an issue since even with high synergy there are chances where you dont get a successful hunt, but again with more parties out- the result could not end in total failure...

I could be missing a few things of course but I thought it would be interesting to put out


Posted 2021-01-11 02:19:16

Support. On LD it isn't a big deal because lions are almost guaranteed to bring in 1-3 prey items each time. However on WD fail chances are much higher and certainly inconvenient.

If mods think the idea is too overpowered maybe it could be tied to pack size or the biome difficultly 

Lily (GH!)

Posted 2021-01-11 14:06:43

Huge support

Right now having a secondary hunting group feels like a waste of space when only one can go out at once


Posted 2021-01-11 16:44:43

Yes! Not only would players be able to collect more food as their packs grow, being able to send out multiple hunting parties would make increasing wolves’ stats more feasible. It’s kind of difficult to see the point in having hunters be one of the only roles with an  unlimited number of slots if only the five in your main hunting party actually do anything.


Posted 2021-01-12 10:28:43

Support! Hunting is tedious when you can only send one party out.


Posted 2021-01-12 11:31:10

I understand the frustration, but hesitate to support. I worry that making it possible to send out more hunts at a time would not only make prey easier to come by because you would be able to hit max synergy on more teams, but also because you would therefore be able to rotate out more wolves and train them up. I think this would negatively impact the already over inflated wolf sales because there would be more trained up wolves to go around the game and would ultimately decrease their value over all. Keeping something hard to obtain keeps it valuable.

Honestly, the fact that the game makes you choose 5-10 wolves to really focus your stat boosting on when it comes to hunts helps keep the market more stable because everyone won't have 40 high stat wolves they are breeding constantly, ya know? Instead they are limited to maybe 10-15, in general. There's always exceptions to this rule for the "puppy mill" accounts, but for the most part that's what I've seen.

I do understand the frustration, really, I do. I feel it myself when I have a busy day and "miss hunts." However, as someone who has not bought GC and has just played the game as-is from the public launch, I find the challenge to be at a good pace as far as difficulty in the beginning vs difficulty once you have established hunting teams. I think the survival element of the game is a big part of what differentiates it from LD and has keep me interested. I'd hate to see the survival part of the game diminished. 

From a SIM game point of view, I like that prey is hard to come by like it is in the wild--that makes sense to me. Most hunts fail in real life. Team synergy and limiting how many wolves can achieve it is a good way to motivate players to be selective about which wolves they keep and which ones they sell or chase because having a good hunting team matters to your pack's ability to survive.

Personal feelings about realism aside though, I really do suspect that the current limitation of one hunting team at a time may be an intentional choice on the part of devs to help force players to keep their packs smaller, in general. By limiting the number of wolves that can be in roles which impact survival, players are unable to realistically keep every puppy or breed every NBW just to see what marking combos you get. Players are forced to make a choice to let some wolves/pups go because of basic resource management. And I think that's a good way to keep the general population down somewhat to, again, keep high quality wolves rare and thus more valuable.

Not having enough limits has made LD basically unplayable for many. The market there is way over saturated with "rare" marked lions with high stats and currency inflation is ridiculous because everything is too easy to come by. I really don't want to see that happen here too. Not that I think this idea would be the sole cause of that, but it would be a contributing factor. Just my two cents, no offense intended.


Posted 2021-01-12 20:39:47 (edited)

So what if you meet synergy quickly? In harder biomes, it does not matter. You can have max synergy and still fail all the time if you don't meet stat benchmarks. Similarly, you are stuck with hunters that barely level at all. Relatively young-ish NBWs I had with me for their entire lives as hunters made it to level 10-11 and then capped out and died.

Similarly, we're a far ways away from anything approaching realism. This is Sparkledog: the Game, in which wolves with full winter coats comfortably populate a rainforest, and this isn't even getting started on ethological stumbles made in the name of Sparkledogging. There is no such thing as realism here.

'Survival part of the game' is basically just crappy RNG at the moment, with arbitrary caps on a number of hunts that can be performed on any given day, and biomes with good levelling locked behind a wall of stat requirements that no one seems to know. Allowing more hunts is not going to change that, or make a low stat hunting party more effective, and not everyone has the SC or GC to throw around to purchase or breed high stat pups.

In any event, 100% support. I'm tired of Scouting being the only viable path to leveling at any appreciable pace.


Posted 2021-01-13 12:31:24

I would like the ability to send out more than one hunting party at once.

I don't care (and might even enjoy) if it is an achievement or leveling based or territory based calculation, but I would like the choice.

It would be incredibly pertinent for the game (at the very least) to increase the number of hunter parties you can send out at once with the number of territory slots.

For instance:

< 15 slots unlocked: 1 hunting party

At 15 slots: 2 hunting parties

At 25 slots: 3 hunting parties

Or, if you want difficulty that's not linked to SC/currency:

Lead Wolf Level < 10: 1 hunting party (because the wolf is too low level to manage the pack well)

Lead Wolf Level 15: 2 hunting parties

Lead Wolf Level 20: 3 hunting parties.

In short, I don't mind working for it, or having it be something a little difficult to achieve, but I would like to have it one way or another.


Posted 2021-01-13 19:44:00

Provided that it isn't another feature that can be circumvented by a Grove purchase, I don't mind working for it, either.


Posted 2021-01-14 22:39:45

I support! 

More specifically supporting the ideas to work for it based on the level of the main wolf and territory size. If there is an option to do so with GC, sure, as long as it's not exclusive access via the Grove. 


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