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Guidance Needed

Guidance Needed
Posted 2021-01-06 12:13:19

Hello Everyone!

I joined Wolvden right after Christmas. I'm hoping to be guided to guides posts that will help me understand the game better. Currently, I need to find a way to get more SC because I have 4 pups and don't want them to leave my pack due to space problems. Other guides would be helpful too! I am very into writing lore so any coding guides would be appreciated as well. Thank you in advance for your help!


Posted 2021-01-06 19:14:23

I'm pretty new and haven't seen any guides about sc, BUT this is what I've seen other people recommend so far to get more sc.

1.) Explore, explore, explore! Some actions reward you some sc (such as giving acorns I think) and winning battles.

2.) Hunting! I've been selling small critters/animals with 4 or less uses to the raccoon at Raccoon Wares for some extra change and it really makes a difference! I think I remember seeing someone say that if the uses is over 4, then it's not worth selling to the raccoon, but you could save it for your own use or put it up in the Trading Center. So making sure you're constantly hunting throughout the day will really help. (I'm still in school so logging on before, in between, and after classes is how I personally am able to hunt so often --but you could also set timers on your phone if you're super invested)

3.) Completing Daily Quests! This helps a TONNNN because the Quest Snake will give you ~100sc if I remember correctly, which at least helps me out a lot with buying territory. 

That's about all I know so far!


Posted 2021-01-08 04:53:21

Yeah, all of that is helpful! Selling healing salves and lucky feet can get 30 ish SC in the Trading Center.

I'd say don't sell any herbs or medicine other than healing salves because you will need them later. Obviously you collect herbs pretty easily and it might seem like, "oh it'll be fine just to get rid of a few" don't. Unless you have 12+ of one type, don't get rid of anything and even then sell 3 at the most. I learned this when my pack all got fleas. It is somewhat expensive to get more herbs in the TC.

If you have a good hunting team, usually you can sell some carcasses. But be careful. Make sure you have enough to feed your pack for at least two rollovers. If you do run out and desperately need more, I have lots spare. And I only offer because I know it's hard and now I have three teams doing hunts each day so I get a lot of food to spare.

One of my problems was toys. I never had enough. So you rescout. Once you unlock the prairie and desert, those are the two most helpful places (go to the Grouse House Guide, I can't link but it's pretty easy to find). I have two scouts and usually I send one out to explore possibly a new place and the other goes to rescout an area. You usually get two toys each time you rescout. Also, do NOT use acorns as toys. Save those for the prairie chicken (it says like, A Greater Sage something is prancing on an old skull, trying to impress the females or whatever. Always give it an acorn unless you need toys in which case you choose the strut option. It will give you a carcass of some sort.) 

Also, if you see an encounter where it says "A group of small mammals races past you, possibly away from a predator" or something similar, choose Turn Back or you will enter a fight with a wolf, coyote or cougar (those are ones I've found). When it comes to "You find a small pond. There is something under the water." (all of these are arounds what it says) Choose Inspect. Either you get cave building materials or a healing salve.

That's all I can think of for now, send a PM if you want more information!

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2021-01-25 08:09:56

I don't know if pinging works but thanks @Necon and @indiepea22. 


Posted 2021-01-25 14:33:31

All good, glad to help!

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2021-01-25 14:38:58 (edited)

The Grouse House has a few pretty helpful guides! They have all sorts of guides made.

Also as said before, the daily quests definitely help with SC because I have over 5k mainly from doing just those (and I made some sales of herbs and such ofc but not many)

(also no pinging doesn't work)


Since you also said you're interested in writing lore, may I interest you in a fine slice of ✨ Lore Clan?(If you aren't already in it, of course)


Posted 2021-02-01 15:37:29

Thanks! And I'll definitely check out Lore Clan.


Posted 2021-02-03 17:52:58




Posted 2021-02-03 17:53:43




Posted 2021-02-03 17:54:31

Wolf   oh. So thats that. Now how do I do images? Lol


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