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Monster Hunter: Wolvden

Monster Hunter: Wolvden
Posted 2020-10-03 11:16:58

Anyone else here like the gaming franchise called Monster Hunter? Because I sure would love to have more pals to discuss the game with and share the hype for the upcoming new game Monster Hunter Rise - where we also have canine companions aside from our felyne friends. 

Monster Hunter World is my first MH game, if DnD based on the game doesn't count, and I'm in love with it. I've met nice people trough it and bonded with one of my classmates by spending countless hours hunting together. And I can't wait to get my hands to Rise and with more experience take on the new challenge and new monsters. 

What is your favourite monster? What is your main weapon? Thoughts on the handler in World?


Posted 2020-10-03 14:19:14

YES !! omg monster hunter is my favorite series of all time!!

my favorite monster has been shagaru magala since i first faught him in 4 ultimate. the build up and lore behind him made the fight feel so heavy and the whole intro scene with him was honestly pretty epic.

I'm an insect glaive main, kinsect go brrrrrr
i like the handler!! I think shes cute! but if you ignore her for long enough it gets a little annoying lol.

if you play world on pc hmu~! i'll add you on steam!


Posted 2020-10-03 14:38:58

I LOVE the Monster Hunter series! Started with 3 ultimate, but World is by far my favourite.

Fighting Zinogre is always fun, Diablos is also a good one.

I mainly go dual blades but recently switch to long sword and have really enjoyed it. Me and my brother have spent many many hours hunting.

SO excited for Monster Hunter Rise, it looks so good and the palamute is best pup.


Posted 2020-10-03 14:40:51 (edited)

I would gladly add you but I play on PS4 :''DDDDD 

I'm light bow gun main, I've used it like +95% of the time and if I can say so myself, I am damn good with it lmaooo  I love my rapid-fire sticky ammo 2 with nargacuga's spare shot + evading reload. I go pew pew pew boom boom boom. I do sometimes use insect glaive as well, but also a bow and long sword. 

I have a couple of favourite monsters in World, but both Odogaron's and Vaal Hazak are definitely sharing the top one spot! 

I'm wondering if Magnamalo in MH Rise is going to go a similar route as Shagaru Magala, and turn out to be or becomes an elder dragon in the end. Kinda doubtful that the next big bad would just be a regular monster.

// Edit

Zinogre is a fun monster, and the howl is so beautiful. I do feel bad whenever I hear it whining and limping as it goes to sleep in the nest. 


Posted 2020-10-03 14:46:38

i've never played a mh game, but my husband just picked up world a few days ago and let me design his cat for him, which i was very happy about. cute kitty...

if you guys have any tips for him as a new player, i'd love to hear them! 
he's using some comically huge anime-style katana for his weapon


Posted 2020-10-03 14:51:52

yes, love monster hunter!! :D my first MH game was actually stories, but world was what really got me into it.

i'm a chargeblade main!!! i play heavy bowgun too sometimes, but chargeblade just feels right... yknow... and my fave monster has GOTTA be kulve taroth. shes so cool and i have a little keychain of her <3 but nargacuga is a close second!

i am hyped as hell for rise, even though theres next to no details yet haha. so im setting myself up to be disappointed

aaaand the handler is horrible and i hate her with a burning passion


Posted 2020-10-03 14:57:08 (edited)


  • At first, to get a good supply of items to craft with. It's a good idea to just run around the maps and collect everything you see. To craft potions and other useful items. 
  • Always eat before missions! There is a canteen in Astera, but your camps in the wild also have a small canteen next to the tent. Also try and find all special items that add an ingredient in the canteen, some of them need special conditions. But it makes your life easier to have all the meal combos available to get good food skills. My behind has been saved many times with "extra death" type of food skills.
  • Capturing monsters give better rewards. You can capture monsters when their health is low (skull appears), and then you just need tranq bombs and traps. 
  • It's good to learn where to focus on hitting with your weapon. Slicing goes to the tail, the impact goes to the head to put it simply. 
  • It's good to finish all optional quests too, they might have special rewards. 
  • Make a couple of different weapons, both of the main weapon and some others too. For melee weapons, it's kind of nice to have eg. poison weapons or paralysing ones. 
  • OH, lastly. Befriend with all the different cat tribes etc and raise the friendship to the max. 


Posted 2020-10-05 20:42:59

I started with Tri, but it was after the servers went down. Got every mainline game I could that came out after that.

MR Kirin is a bitch on a good day, but Velkhana's a fun fight. Once you learn its moveset, anyways.

and I main the longsword too. Partially aesthetic, but mostly because it fits my playstyle the best. And I'm more hyped for the Stories sequel than Rise tbh.


Posted 2020-10-05 20:59:53

Ooh!! MWH:I player here!  :D 
MHW is my first MH of the franchise. But damn does it have me hooked for the rest of my life. It's such a lovely game. I am so hyped for MH: Rise. What's everyone's expectations or things they might be looking forward to for MH: Rise???  For me, it's fighting new monsters. But Old World monsters are just as interesting. I'd love to see some Old World monsters return in Rise as well as some World monsters in Rise as well.

Favorite Monster... I'm not sure. I love the look of Namille though. 
Most annoying monster... right now by far is freaking Fatalis. DX   I have yet to defeat Fatalis once. But I love the fight so far. And that Monster Hunter theme near the end of the fight is just glorious.

I main the Greatsword and the Insect Glaive but am fairly adept at the Bow and Lightbow gun. I tend to be a support player with either GS or IG as I can dish out damage and keep my teammates alive. I had to completely switch my build for Fatalis; but I found a comfortable playstyle that allows me to not be a glass cannon build, but still deal decent damage.

I don't quite understand the hate with the Handler. But I will say she is annoying at times. Lol.
If anyone wants to add me if they play on the PS4. Lemme know. Always lookin for new people to play with. Haha.


Posted 2020-10-06 00:15:08

Kirin is kind of annoying to fight at times, because sometimes in Coral you can't see well where the lightning strikes are coming during the daytime.

I'm expecting to see nice new monsters and as always, returning monsters. I'm hoping to have old-world monsters I haven't fought yet. Like Mizutsune, but I'm open to anything really. I'm though lowkey hoping that kushala, teostra and lunastra skip these games. But I'm pretty sure they are going to be in every game, like rathian and rathalos. 

I haven't even been able to face fatalis yet, I haven't beaten alatreon x__x With my friends we have been fairly close, but if I SOS random people I always get people that are like... one third of my MR and just get killed immediately. Maybe one day. It's kind of annoying to try to keep winning it too, so now I'm just going to try to get all achievements on Iceborne as well haha. 

And sometimes just go show off in high-rank quests and just destroy monsters for new players :P


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