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Monster Hunter: Wolvden

Posted 2020-11-15 03:54:13

NGL, it looks terrible. Considering the other movies the director's made and the fact that they're including a modern day American military rather than just keeping it to the MH universe... My hopes aren't very high. I don't think the movie's going to be very good but it's probably going to make a lot of money for capcom.

The diablos in the trailer looked pretty good at least so the monsters are probably going to look pretty accurate? I hope that they treat the monsters as animals and not like horror movie beasts but.. we'll see.

But who knows, maybe the movie will end up being good :'D


Posted 2020-11-15 06:35:19

I'm quite sure it's going to go to the direction where an evil military officer or something wants to use "the main monster" of the movie to attack [insert enemy here] and it goes horribly wrong, so they all need to fight some elder dragon in New York or something. 

Like, I would really far rather watch a cliche underdog story of a new hunter raising up the ranks and becoming a hero like in Hercules if it was a fully in-universe movie. 


Posted 2020-11-15 06:40:11

Yoo o/ MHW is the first MH game I've ever played, but I've been hooked. Currently Fatalis being only monster I haven't killed yet, but that's because I promised my friend we would kill it together first time, and trying to get our timetables synced has been pain xD
Nergi and Shara are definitely my favorite monsters to hunt. IG onetrick~

And yea that movie looked... bad. Monsters were cool, but plot? I'm not expecting much from it xd


Posted 2020-11-15 06:41:45

That's probably the exact plot LMAO 

I would MUCH rather that tbh, monster hunter isn't really about the story and that's ok. Would've been really happy with a story that just followed a new hunter and given us game accurate monsters and weapons. Just give us awesome monsters and awesome fight scenes. I really wish they'd just give it the Pacific Rim treatment where it's just a really fun action movie and keep it faithful to the source material. But alas, they wanted that military funding ;^;

Needless to say, I'm not paying to watch the movie. May see it eventually if it's on Netflix or something or uh, other methods LOL


Posted 2020-11-19 18:16:17

Hi, I love Monster Hunter! MHW was my first game and I’m really looking forward to both upcoming games. I HATE the upcoming movie, when ever do hunters look like military with a f*#@ing Jeep. Idk. It could just be sooo much better done. Before I watched the anime “Ride on” which I really enjoyed. 

In MHW I mainly use the bow and my favorite monsters are Narugakuraga and Zinogre (not necessarily to hunt, I just love how they look). 

❀・愛》 JuneJuniper《花・❀

Posted 2020-11-20 15:19:34 (edited)

AAAAA Fellow Monster Hunter fans!

I started with Monster Hunter generations and got hooked, so I went backwards to MH 4 Ultimate and also played through Freedom Unite and 3 Ultimate. But Now I solely play Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and I'm super ready for Rise!

Edit: My favourite monsters are Nargacuga and Kameleos


Posted 2020-11-21 04:02:12

Now after seeing the newest trailer, with one of our favourite palicos. My mind has changed a bit about the movie. But I am still fully expecting some army dude wanting to use our gore pal as a weapon. 

I did also hear about a sequel being already in the works, so that makes me think the ending will have a scene that will prompt for the sequel.

"Oh no, gore didn't die after all" or showing a lone giant egg somewhere, ready to hatch. Or just a new elder dragon for the next movie - possibly nergigante. I would say xeno as a possibility too, but heavily doubt they would like to animate xeno for a movie lmao. 


Posted 2020-11-22 11:02:55

Hii ! Monster hunter is my all time favourite gaming franchises! 

My first game was 4U which I was absolutely awful at. Followed by Gen and GU which I was also pretty bad at lol. I’ve also played world and it helped me understand the previous games a lot better ahah. Now that I actually understand how to play properly I’m super excited for rise ! Also excited for stories 2 as I didn’t think they’d even bother making a sequel to stories. 

I main charge blade and my favourite monsters are probably Gore/Shagaru Magala and Zamtrios. 


Posted 2020-12-12 18:20:39 (edited)

The new monsters that were revealed during the Game Awards are so exciting!

Bishaten looks like a cool monster - similar to Kecha Wacha. More variety in monkey monsters is always appreciated (sometimes it feels like its just Rajang).

But oh my wow Somnacanth may just be my favourite monster we've seen thus far. It's the perfect mix between beautiful, ugly and fishy. Not to mention that it is a mermaid monster! Who can't love that? When water combat returns someday, then I have no doubt that this monster will simply be stunning as it moves through the water.

The returning Great Wroggi and Royal Ludroth have also got some wonderful touch ups as shown in their renders and trailer (Royal Ludroth is now huggable). And I'm pretty sure that the trailer also revealed Great Baggi and Khezu (bit disappointed about Khezu since I was hoping for Gigginox to return, but having the X-ggis return is great).

I am so excited for what is to come!

Blue Pigeon

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