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Write your story: Wolvden RP (CLOSED)

Posted 2021-01-18 12:09:08

Coco then saw some wolfs fighting near the river and trying to find another way 

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-18 14:52:12

''Hey! We all share these lands, only a monster would steal from another pack, and we aren't monsters. Have some sense at least.'' He told the she wolf who had gotten very agitated. Hinode got between the three. ''There is no need for senseless violence, why not give these two a simple warning instead of jumping straight to fighting?'' Hinode woofed, trying to calm down the situation.

Solar Flares

Posted 2021-01-19 08:29:19 (edited)

Lunar looked at the white and orange wolf, "That doesn't make it any better that she's on Rockpacks land!" Lunar let out a loud bark and two other wolves walked out of some bushes, one female and one male. "This is Flame and Woodwing, we were patrolling our packs borders when I found her now all this is happening!" 

Flame walked beside his alpha leader, he wasnt angry and didnt want to fight he said in a deep loud voice, "We'll leave, but promise me that of me, Wooding, Lunar or anyone in our pack see you two again it wont end so good." 

Woodwing let out a loud bark and Lunar and flame walked towards the river, they saw other wolves but even they knew the river was fir everyone. 


Posted 2021-01-19 13:58:06

Coco ran of astowned by what had happened it happens alot but rarely when she is there

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-19 17:30:15 (edited)

Sutīru mimicked Lunar haughtily, baring her fangs at him. "Yes, a resting wolf, obviously not moving, is taking all of the food within your pack's land." She snapped, trying to bring herself justice.

As she watched the new wolves walk out of the undergrowth, she flicked her tail angrily. "All of this is happening because you decided to attack a completely innocent wolf, and try to further back up these actions with nonsense". Her gaze then snapped to the new wolf that had spoken, the one that had come across the river.

"I am speaking with all of the sense in my body," she growled dangerously, angered further that this wolf had the audacity to indirectly call her senseless. She turned back to the wolf that had attacked her.

"If you don't want wolves in your territory, tell your pack to step up their game when marking, because it smells completely open here, so don't blame me for your pack's mistakes."

With that, the steele she-wolf dug her claws into the ground but stayed behind the wolf that had come to her aid, watching the wolves leave with eyes equivalent to shards of ice.

\/ Character Information \/ 


Posted 2021-01-19 19:45:34

milkysilk was starting to get scared of what might happen to him if he gets caught watching these wolves argue am i insane! i shouldn't get involved in this i should head back to my pack and forget about this he thought once that thought entered his brain he grabbed the fish and crawled away from the wolves and ran back to his fishing spot that was far enough to make him feel comfortable again but he still felt a bit worried is it possible someone followed me? did someone see me while i was sneaking away from the fight? he thought he looked over his shoulder to make sure nobody hade followed he sighed with relief that was until he got pinned by some wolf

(next person to reply be that wolf pls)


Posted 2021-01-20 07:04:58

Ashened, beta of the Galatics pack had pinned down Milkysilk. She had been following her alpha around in secret as he was a clutz and an idiot. She snarled at the wolf. ''Who are you?'' Her bark echoed. ''You do realize you're edging too close to the borders of my territory! We've already had to deal with lowly packs like you killing one of our pups before, and it WON'T happen again!'' She nipped at their ear and backed off, ready to strike again.

Solar Flares

Posted 2021-01-20 08:04:09

milkysilk was still kinda shocked she hade tracked him "i don't kill pups, why would anyone do that!?" he tried to keep his voice calm but he was still kinda scared she was gonna kill him for something he didn't do should i run and hope she does'nt catch me thought thats when the wolf nipped  his ear and backed off of him ill just leave the fish he thought he turned away from the wolf and head back to his pack


Posted 2021-01-20 08:12:11

Lunar stopped and turned around, he stared at the new wolf that came he smiled and said in a deep voice, "You all technically on OUR land. My pack knows the creek is fare game for everyone but the meadow is Rockpack's respectfully!"

Flame walked by his leader his calm, soothing tone calmed down the wolves, "You are on our land and we wont hesitate to fight you." Flame let out a soft growl.

Lunar was waiting for him to finish, claws unsheathed. "Now are you sure you want to fight?" then he started talking in a high pitched voice. "Or is your loner self to s-scared and h-hungry. "  


Posted 2021-01-20 08:47:42

coco had been walking by a meadow and saw some wolfs bulling a lone wolf she ran up and tuck her fighting stance in front of the loner and barked at the other wolf "leave her alone" with a deep loud voice with a growl toured the end to show she meant business.

Lost Howl

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