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Write your story: Wolvden RP (CLOSED)

Posted 2021-01-15 10:07:17

Sutīru laid her head on her paws with a light huff. I got worked up about nothing. She thought, curling her tail to rest beside her flank. The she-wolf did not notice a honey-and-white wolf gazing at her from the other side of the river, and it was strange that she didn't feel her looking either because she was usually able to do that.

This spot doesn't seem all that bad... She yawned lightly, gazing up at the clouds from an open spot in the canopy. She wondered briefly what it'd be like to fly, and then followed that idea with wanting to keep her paws on the ground and stay a wolf.

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Posted 2021-01-15 11:14:31

Coco sees the wolf get comfy and go to sleep and she figured she should too the only problem was her den was in the direction of the sleeping wolf and coco did not wish to wake the sleeping wolf fir it may not be friendly 

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-15 11:16:42

Coco noses her way toward the river slow and quit her den was in the mountains on the rivers age she crouched down and set her beaver down to get a drink

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-15 11:26:34

She finished drinking and headed toward the woods knowing she would be less of a target any hunger wolf would come and fight her for her beaver she walks in the woods till she gets to her pack the hunting team is back and they have got a doe you put your beaver with the rest of the food and after checking on everyone you get comfy in your den and go to sleep dreaming of beavers frolicking in a meadow and you feel like a wolf is watching you though you look around and no one is there

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-15 13:21:50

Lunar sniffed the air and sighed, Still nothing. he thought to himself. he trotted over to a nearby creek and saw a glimpse of a wolf leaving, he niffed the air once more, Male? No, Its a female, but she doesn't smell  like she's from a pack. It doesn't matter I must protect my pack. Lunar followed the female, keeping his distance not to be seen. She stopped, laying down in a sunny spot beside a bush on the other side, her icy eyes looking out for other wolves. This is my chance, my chance to show what happens when you trespass on my turf! Lunar leaped into the air, claws unsheathed, ready to sink them into her back...............

@Tiger you can decide what happens next if we fight or not or if I take the first mover or you do!


Posted 2021-01-15 14:55:45 (edited)

In the morning coco wakes up and checks on everyone and eats her beaver from last night the scouts go out first than are hunters and finally I start of after checking on the pupsitters and pups I decided to go exploring in the riparian woodland my favorite place to go who knows maybe I'll find another beaver 

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-15 15:49:17

Hinode's ears flicked. Something seems off.. He was at his territory, but decided to head back to the river, it wasn't too far from his territory, but not too close either.

Solar Flares

Posted 2021-01-15 15:56:10

As coco walks she looks carefully around for she was stupid yesterday for letting that other wolf creep up on her suddenly she hears leaves crunch and leaps behind a Bush 

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-15 16:02:53

She sees the wolf from yesterday your about to move from your hiding place when you hear a mother sound and by the looks of it so does the other wolf

Lost Howl

Posted 2021-01-15 18:29:13

kaito | @/sutiru & @/lunar

unbeknownst to those whose paws collided with the earthen dirt, a pair of pale eyes peered down at them from high above. kaito was perched contentedly upon a branch, simply lounging and surveying the bypassers below. his ears twitched, sensing the presence of each wolf when they appeared. the triangular ears pricked with mild interest as he analyzed the other beings in the thick woodlands. the wooden topiary enshrouded his masculine frame, leaves crowning him and shielding his furred skin from the scorching rays of the sun. he was ample shaded as he lounged.

he mutely regarded the she-wolf whose belly brushed the ground and stayed low, hidden in the coarse thicket. for a moment, he wondered if she had picked up on his presence, but he remembered that there were other canines nearby, wolves that had passed by him previously without awareness. his head turned, losing interest as she stayed put, but his attention was returned when he smelled the arrival of a newcomer.

haunches recoiled and sprung as the male leapt from his limb post, leaping to a lower branch and bouncing from there to the ground. a blur of orange-speckled white fur. he intervened the event, his broad figure barreling into the other male who was mid-leap. his shoulders contacted the other wolf's flanks, the force intending to push him off course. the impact made him stumble back and his shoulder blade dully ache, but he stood at his full height and moved between the two wolves, sturdy build blocking their access to each other. his eyes momentarily grazed over the female, instinctively assessing her for any injuries, but they focused back on the male attacker, analyzing his next movements. his stance was neutral, not indicating an offensive position or desire to fight, but his muscles were taut with tension, prepared in case the other male launched himself again. his eyes regarded the other coolly, head tilted slightly.

daffy ღ

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