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Fox Base Progress/Info Gathering

Posted 2020-12-30 14:54:58

I got 2 gray tails then!


Posted 2020-12-30 14:56:37



Posted 2020-12-30 14:57:12

We REALLY need red ones. I only have 1 😕


Posted 2020-12-30 15:30:55

I can also keep my skull for the eye recipe 


Posted 2020-12-30 16:24:05

Yes. True. Maybe we should just hoard stuff and hope we eventually get what we need. It's looking like it's still gonna take a while 🙄🤦‍♀️


Posted 2020-12-30 18:31:32

Highly tempted to buy gc and just buy items as they pop up. 


Posted 2020-12-30 18:47:07

It would likely to be cheaper if you simply bought a fox pup. Pups go for about 300-400 in auction, where a single fox tail or hide can run you 100-150gc. Some folks will accept SC too, but expect to spend an obscene amount. I have a fox tail, but only because I paid a pretty penny for it in sc.

You would probably have to spend about 300 or more real dollars on gc if you wanted to just but the required items, and that's just taking into account the fox tails and pelts. The claws and fangs will probably run you another 200 or more.


Posted 2020-12-30 19:01:59

I actually did that and have a fox base lead now. I would prefer to have the app so I could put it on one of my own bloodlines though, and one of my higher stat ones. But for now I have the fox, and hopefully someday I can get the app too. Having a hard time finding any of the items though. 

Snowcat13 🌞

Posted 2020-12-30 19:06:41

I have specific plans for a fox base, but it's long term so I don't mind slowly saving up. I'm also hoping the market will go down in a month or so once the fox base is spread out more. Personally I haven't found a single fox item and I've done nothing but exclusively fight them. I've gotten meat and salves and stat points, but no fox items.


Posted 2020-12-31 19:52:39

I have a question about the fox trophy drops. Are only the red and gray fox items usable with the applicator recipe? Can the arctic or swift items be used at all?

Quiet Tempest

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