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Same Sex Pairs

Posted 2020-12-23 15:01:03


🔥 Tanthoblade ⚔️

Posted 2020-12-23 15:07:45

As a bisexual, I fully support this! Not only is it inclusive, but it could provide new and interesting game mechanics, such as adopting New Befriended Puppies that have been chased off by other players.

Maybe all Pair Bonds just get XP boosts and/or mood boosts due to their love? Plain and simple.


Posted 2020-12-23 15:10:15

but also yeah i just want gay wolves


Posted 2020-12-23 15:17:11

Same-Sex Pairing in Wolves

A Brief Essay

     Same-sex animals are commonplace both in the wild, and in captivity. While permanent lifetime pairings are more rare, they do appear in some of the more intelligent species. As well as intelligent species, where lifetime different sex partners naturally appear, so do same-sex partners! This is both natural, and commonplace in the wold, and adding it to the core game mechanics would add to the lore and the general freedom of the game itself.  

    Homosexuality is known to be practiced in many different animals, including lions, penguins, dogs, and even shrimp! (BBC) It is not at all uncommon for animals to engage in bisexual activities as well. In a study involving Chimpanzees, almost all of the animals were found to engage in mating with BOTH sexes, not just those different from them. Animals are quite promiscuous. 

   According to Bruce Bagemihl, Homosexuality is commonplace in the animal kingdom. According to one of his most recent studies, over 450 of the 500 species in the study engaged in same-sex mating, pair bonding, child-raising, and more. These aren't just animal friendships, but something more...uh.. intimate? anyways, I'm writing this essay to say that the mechanic for same-sex pairs is not only wanted for lore, but for realism as well. There is no evidence to suggest that wolves do not engage in homosexuality, so it shouldn't interfere with the realism at all! If you're looking for suggestions on how to implement it, I'm always open to chat, and I'm sure theres a group of raging homosexuals on here somewhere who will be more than happy to help.

  I hope you enjoyed my little essay, and I hope it will serve as a word of encouragement for this small request. Until we meet again, BYeeEEEEE


Posted 2020-12-23 20:41:48

I like that essay, I think it’s very spot on


Posted 2020-12-24 14:04:44

SUPPORT 1000%!!


Posted 2020-12-24 16:47:48

id love this! i was already planning to have unofficial pairs for lore reasons anyway, being able to make them 'official' on the site would be a big plus


Posted 2020-12-24 16:50:08 (edited)

My whole pack is a lesbian pack in lore (even though a couple are males in-game),,, I would LOVE THIS SO MUCH,,,, PLEASE I WANT TO SHOW THE OFFICIAL PAIRS IN MY PACK and having the ability to do that, even WITHOUT the pupsitting boost or whatever is decided on (but that would ofc be super cool too for it to have an in-game function since they can't breed), would be so amazing!!!! pls... a christmas present for the gays...


Posted 2020-12-27 11:08:50

Agreed! I have two same-sex pairs in my pack


Posted 2020-12-27 11:14:37

Here’s a thing I have to say. I think that technically it’s a bug, but you can bond two wolves of the same gender. The only thing is you have to sex-change them in order to do so, which costs GC. I honestly don’t know if they’re ever going to add same sex bonding, but if they don’t, I hope they don’t fix the ‘bug’ because it’s actually quite useful.


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