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Help customize my Albino!

Posted 2020-12-08 18:26:18

gave it a shot :]


Posted 2020-12-08 18:27:32

lol my bad. wrong link, here he is


Posted 2020-12-08 18:28:25 (edited)

I made a sunset-fox type design, and I might add a few more!

Entry 1

Entry 2 

Entry 3 - here I just played around with whites and blacks, I tried to make a gradient look but I didn't turn out as well as I thought.

·˖˚ Rainii ˚˖·

Posted 2020-12-08 18:29:03 (edited)

Will add more but here’s the first

First Style

2nd Style

3rd Style


Posted 2020-12-08 19:14:12

Even if I don't win, this sounds fun!!

Here he is - Link!

And here he is with some of his base messed with - I know you mentioned you'd prefer not to, so this is optional :) - Link!

I'd say he's real handsome under all that white!


Posted 2020-12-08 20:58:19



Posted 2020-12-08 22:17:11

Mine ^-^ 


Posted 2020-12-08 22:40:13 (edited)

I came up with a few. 

wolf design 1

wolf design 2

wolf design 3

wolf design 4

might send in some more :)


Posted 2020-12-08 23:18:31 (edited)

Decided to give it a shot! All of these entries before mine are sooo pretty 😊

1a. Only changed the eyes and added markings (For a cheaper option, just in case)

-- (1a.) Clicky

---- (1a.) 100% Markings

1b. Same changes with the above (1a.), just a different look (red/brown/white)

-- (1b.) Clicky

---- (1b.) 100% Markings

🐾These down below were just extras I did for fun, cause why not🐾

2a. Changed base, kept all markings/nose/skin/eyes/claws born with, and added rest of markings

-- (2a.) Clicky

---- (2a.) 100% Markings

2b. Changed base/nose/skin/eyes/claws, kept markings born with and added the rest

-- (2b.) Clicky

---- (2b.) 100% Markings

3a. Overhaul on all bases and markings (while keeping the Inuits)

-- (3a.) Clicky

---- (3a.) 100% Markings

3b. Same with the above (3a.), but only keeping the Black Inuit

-- (3b.) Clicky

4a. Same with the above (3b.), but only keeping the Honey Inuit

-- (4a.) Clicky

4b. Complete overhaul (taking away all markings born with and replaced them with others)

-- (4b.) Clicky

** Okay, I promise I'm done! I had too much fun with this 😅

Eternal Destiny

Posted 2020-12-09 02:44:12

Russet base (Warm Dark II custom), 7 Markings

Wardrobe link


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