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Lower GC increase on immortal wolf slots

Posted 2020-11-30 15:07:13 (edited)

Partial support. The immortality slots are very expensive which makes no sense because as someone previously said it is cheaper to have wolves die than keep them alive. The only issue I see is people who have already purchased immorality slots. Would they be refunded? It would seem unfair if someone spent a lot of GC on immorality slots only to have it wasted. Perhaps for those people who had previously purchased immorality slots, they would have the option to email staff and get their GC refunded? ❤️

🌿 Fern 🌿

Posted 2020-11-30 16:00:13

I'm all for immortal slots being cheaper as honestly, they get expensive very quickly, and honestly, I'd love to immortalize my lore wolves however I'm forced to wait for those immortal slots out for mutated wolves specifically the lethal kind due to the price tag however I'm more or less worried about those who spent huge sums of GC on slots since y'know imagine spending $30 on immortal wolves only to find out a week later that the price has gone down drastically I'd imagine it being pretty frustrating as well


Posted 2020-11-30 16:46:51

Since immortality slots cost a set amount and can't be transferred, it should be easy for the site to automatically calculate a "refund amount" for people who already bought slots, based on how many they already had at the time of a change in price. 


Posted 2020-11-30 16:49:48 (edited)

i agree that a price change + refund to those who bought would be the most ideal outcome! im just not sure how willing the staff would be to consider that, and i wouldn't want that to be the sole reason that they wouldn't change it OTL


Posted 2020-11-30 16:52:14

Maybe they could give those who bought more slots the extra slots they technically purchased in the cost? Or like, a little gift packet from the grove?

Alan Dracula

Posted 2020-11-30 17:05:09

tbh what if they just capped it at like additional slots dont go above 40 gc, that's $10/slot which is pretty hefty but not insane and there would probably be less refunds needed since i doubt many people have bought more than 4 immortal slots at this point?


Posted 2020-11-30 17:31:43

@chibi that could also be a good option!!

@snow honestly i'd be fine with an upper limit like that as well!


Posted 2020-11-30 20:03:50

Wow, that price progression is unrealistically steep. Even from a business point of view, how many players are willing to part with nearly $500 to max out their slots?? Almost no one.

$10 per slot up to ~$20 would be much more reasonable, and people are more likely to make repeat purchases at a less punishing price point. The game would end up making more money in the long run if it were more affordable, because people would actually buy it instead of being put off by the impossibly high price.

As for the issue of refunds, I agree it seems easy enough to compensate with extra slots equivalent to whatever they paid, like someone mentioned earlier. Support!

🌠 Ꮚ𝘺𝘳𝘥𝘸𝘶𝘭𝘧 🌌

Posted 2020-12-01 08:58:31

thank you for the thoughts, wyrd!!


Posted 2020-12-01 13:03:57

Yeah I support this, that price increase is just plain ridiculously high! Straight up way over the top


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