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Crafting Recipe - Jerky

Posted 2020-12-11 02:14:54

I support this with the jerky you craft having half the uses of the carcass it was crafted from. After all if you look into actually making jerky, the reason it's so expensive is because a lot of meat goes into making relatively little of it, so it would make a lot sense there would be far fewer uses~


Posted 2020-12-18 13:15:07

Support! This would be lovely and so useful - and so much fun, too!!! I've been loving how the Wolvden crafting system works.


Posted 2021-06-28 21:20:58


This appears to have already been suggested on this topic, so we'll be locking yours as a duplicate. While your topic does expand more on the mechanic than the original post, it is still suggesting a similar feature.  You are welcome to comment on the other topic and add on any specific suggestions from this topic you feel may be beneficial to the feature as a whole, though!

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