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Preserve Food

Preserve Food
Posted 2020-11-17 15:11:50

Since food in more plentiful in the spring and summer,  I often end up with lots of food going to waste during those seasons. The "salvage" mechanism helps, but I would like there to be a way I could use the food during the winter, when food is scarce.  

Here is my suggestion:

For food items, there would also be a "Preserve" option alongside the "Salvage" option. When pressed, you would receive a "Preserved Meat" item with half of the uses of the selected food item (similar to the current "Salvage" mechanism). The "Preserved Meat" would still go rotten, but would take ~2 weeks in real time. This would allow it to be used over the winter when food is scarce. 


Posted 2020-11-17 15:14:33

this would be very useful for large carasses expiring in say a day and you didn't use up all of it's uses in one go (copied from your other post)

junko enoshima

Posted 2020-11-18 12:11:29

I def support this. As it is rn, I have to sell most of my carcasses because I simply don't use them fast enough


Posted 2020-11-18 12:35:11

Wolves IRL in parts of the world do cache away carcasses for later. Since burying doesn't stretch out their expiring date, it would be nice to have something that can save a bit of food. 


Posted 2020-11-18 12:37:46

I support 

However, personally, I feel like we should have to "jerky" our meat with herbs rather then be able to "jerky" it on the spot another thing to note is that I feel like if we do decide to "jerky" the meat it should provide less food since it'll last much longer perhaps 5% for adults and 10% for pups 


Posted 2020-11-18 12:39:39 (edited)

Oh, yeah this would be great.

For example, I just changed my hunting party (switched the NBW out for my actual long-term pack members), and out of today’s 10 hunt... only two were successful.

If I could save some of my current food for the future shortage that will inevitably arrive, that could be great.

Granted, I am also aware that hunting for newly formed parties was made hard on purpose, so 100% get it if the staff doesn’t want to implement such an idea.


Posted 2020-11-18 14:37:59

One way I can imagine being able to Preserve Food in game is by adding salt as an item into the game.


Posted 2021-09-24 16:05:08

Halving the uses without requiring herbs sounds alright to me, but if the process requires herbs or other items then I'd rather it not halve the uses because it's already taking extra resources. The idea of the preserved meat being called 'jerky' is appealing, since it feels less unnatural than 'preserved meat' even if the meanings are similar.


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