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Design my arkose boy! 3 winners, GC and free studding(s) prize [winners posted!]

Posted 2020-11-20 12:52:53

Gave it a whirl with a bit of a muted, natural scavenger look :D


Posted 2020-11-20 12:54:27

Here's mine good luck :)


Posted 2020-11-20 13:35:13

Here are two more looks I'm submitting:

Strawberries and cream

Celebrating the new black cover marking


Posted 2020-11-20 14:33:58

Here's my design!

Fun pastel pink-white thing. Detail in the markings of the face, makes me think of cherry blossoms.


Posted 2020-11-20 18:58:36 (edited)

I went with a gradient red/pink look using the new cover mark. I hope you like it.

More of a faded design.

OleanderOmen [Prev. Ori]

Posted 2020-11-20 19:56:06 (edited)

I hope all these are normal markings. I can't tell. 

-Celtic Gem-

Posted 2020-11-20 20:19:20 (edited)

Here are my Entries Hope you like them! Good luck everyone!

Entry 1: Gradient Natural look

Entry 2: Face Focused

Entry 3: Pastel Dreams

Also Please Message me if I won thank You!


Posted 2020-11-20 21:01:36 (edited)

Entry 1: X

For this one I went for a more blended pink look; very simple and pink with lots of cream and red markings to brighten the pink. This one is pretty plain, for if you are looking for a more muted simple look. (The rest won't be :) ) 

Entry 2: X

For this design I went for a smokey black top with pink bottoms, with small hints of red and cream. This design looks good with yellow and white eyes and is fairly simple yet bold. I do really like this one :)

Entry 3: X

For this design I used mostly black and the pink of the base, accentuating the pink with some red markings. I used very light touches of white to brighten and add some interest. I quite like this one too. 

❀ Pizzamuffin ❀

Posted 2020-11-21 10:18:14 (edited)


This is the design I came up with. I tried to go for a more “natural” look, but that does mean less contrast. I hope you still enjoy it, though!



Posted 2020-11-21 11:10:22 (edited)

Wolf 1 - giving me some Halloween/fall vibes. wanted to keep some dark colors with this one.

this is all for now, but i'll likely add more in the future (will focus more on the specific markings you like as well with later submissions!)


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