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Ridiculously Cheap Merles, Inuits, Tamaskan, and Rare Bases!

Ridiculously Cheap Merles, Inuits, Tamaskan, and Rare Bases!
Posted 2020-11-18 23:50:01

I need these pups gone! I'm preparing for more pups and I am running out of pup sitter space. I don't want to chase them, so all of these guys are RIDICULOUSLY cheap.

There are merles (including Ducat Merle!) inuit unders, tamaskan unders, and bases with less than 1% rarity!

Most if not all of them are 10 SC or under, but I need these children gone that I will HONESTLY take less. Please. Please they need to go and I don't have the willpower to chase them off,,, please,,,,


Posted 2020-11-19 01:09:12

I'll take the whole lot for 93sc if you're willin


Posted 2020-11-19 01:15:48

@162226 I'd be willing to do that! I'll send a private trade once I've canceled all their current listings!


Posted 2020-11-19 01:18:13

In case the former offer falls through, I'd be happy to take this gal for 15sc. She's gorgeous *u*

🌈Albi (she/her)

Posted 2020-11-19 01:19:41

@23314 she's actually part of a separate group who just weaned today, so you're in luck! I'll set up a private trade!


Posted 2020-11-19 01:20:12

I agree @ Albi. Reminds me of Halloween


Posted 2020-11-19 01:20:23 (edited)

Oh, awesome! :D I'll def take her then!

@SavageWolf - She really does!

🌈Albi (she/her)

Posted 2020-11-19 01:22:03

Wait, why were there only 11 in the trade? I counted 13 before my offer


Posted 2020-11-19 01:25:02

I accepted the trade trusting all 13 where included but there was only 11 in my unsorted. My log confirms that I wasn't miscounting


Posted 2020-11-19 01:25:27

@savagewolffsoul That's odd, I could've sworn I sent you all of the pups that had active listings? If you aren't picky about appearance, I could send you these two instead?


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