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Chasing-Adjacent Weekly Challenge - Minimum Trade Value + Rewards

Chasing-Adjacent Weekly Challenge - Minimum Trade Value + Rewards
Posted 2020-11-05 21:49:15 (edited)

I saw a couple of topics in the vein to this but nothing that really matched the scope so! I'll throw my two cents out here. This is NOT meant to be an event in the sense of... what I understand Liodens to be? Which are like holidays it sounds like? This is a weekly competition without wolf or exclusive item rewards, nor is there an individually owned currency for it.

Wolvden generates a ton of puppies with relatively low value which can't find homes in the aution house.

Wolvden could potentially introduce a system for members to compete with sending pups away somewhere. Give them a worthy calling - conservation effort, service to a cause, something worthwhile that's not just sending them to the wild to fend for themselves. In return, wolves get a small reward of SC or low-value item like a blue jay feather. 

Members could compete to win weekly, weeklong rewards that they benefit from, possibly discounts at the Raccoon shop, an exp bonus, and/or luck battling - just some spitballed ideas. The number of winning packs and tiers that could be won would depend on how many participants there are. i.e. The top 5% get first prize, the best discounts and exp boost, the top 10% get second with a smaller discount and boost, the top 15% get third prize. Every week it resets. If the same members winning over and over is an issue, they could go on one week cooldowns after winning.

The scoring system could be based on how many wolves a user sends away, possibly to a "national park," which also comes with a small (3-7SC?) reward for each one sent away. Potentially wolves with higher level/proficiency/rarer markings could be worth more SC. Wolves sent away in this manner could be sent away immediately rather than going on cooldown, to make market spending and breeding more useful than NBW collecting from explore.

This "Conservation Effort" challenge serves many purposes:

  • Motivation for users to send away low-value wolves, AND to buy them in the trade center
  • Minimum value is established for wolves which is above 0, even people who don't participate in the weekly challenge can benefit because wolves will never drop below a set SC in value no matter how many there are, and can be sold more quickly
  • Increased value of wolves in the trade center during intense competition for placing, making the market more interesting and selling more strategy based (also a potential increase in GC sales by determined players?)
  • Motivation to breed to potato studs who are cheaper, thus giving them value beside the fancy adonis studs
  • Wealthy users would spend SC on lower level players sales, helping lower level players build up currency and easing the wealth gap between longtime players and new ones
  • Gives something reliable to spend on once past a certain seniority in the game, with benefit of discounts or exp to fund personal projects that are expensive
  • Beneficial in keeping the market moving (people WITH SC will SPEND SC, even more on art or luxury items from other players) + not discouraging currency-poor newbies with nothing valuable


  • It can be sad when you sell a pup in the trade center and it's immediately sent away, but many have to resort to chasing these pups anyway
  • This would be a significant undertaking coding and balancing wise, requiring a lot of work and resources to implement

I've already seen a forum game based on the premise of keeping the market moving by buying wolves to chase, this would turn that into an official feature

I'm sure this would need more tweaking and there are other angles to consider, but there's a rough at least! If there's discussion I'll try to keep this top post updated with ideas/streamlining too!

Other Suggestions:

  • Making it clan based, so groups team up together to win rewards, making it seem more achievable and encourage participation, as well as being able to opt out by not joining a competitive clan
  • Making it den sized based, so dens sized 5-10, 11-20, 21-40, are only in competition with each other for weekly rewards, allowing small and large dens to both be competitive
  • Making it biome based, so that Desert territories compete only against Desert territories. OR making it so that all Desert territories compete in a group against Tundra territories, etc.

  • Could still allow somewolves sent into this "overpopulation" event to appear in explore or through other places, but giving a small SC gain as a reward from other animals for keeping nature in balance

💜 WynBird 💜

Posted 2020-11-05 22:10:39 (edited)

I really like this idea! I wouldn't even mind if it was a group/faction effort either.

I don't mass breed or buy/befriend wolves often and therefore would probably never be in the top percentages. In a group, I might stand more of a chance and feel more pressure to contribute. But I get that I'm outside of the norm in this case.

Either way, I like this idea and would be excited to see it implemented.


Posted 2020-11-05 22:47:30

I enjoyed this on FR and always try to contribute somewhat to my Flight on there when I can. I would be interesting to have either groups, not Clans if they are like LD as you can be in more than one, or 'tiers'. Tiering could be a simple matter of breaking up into certain categories of Den space. 5-10, 11-20, 21-40, etc. As more space in your Den is more breeding room to take advantage of.

If some separate to Clan grouping system was implemented that would be even nicer as you could completely opt out of this whole mechanic by never joining one.


Posted 2020-11-26 08:14:31

Support! I’ve never played flight rising, but this mechanic could make breeding that much more enjoyable and establish a better sense of community. I would love to see something like this integrated into Wolvden someday! 

❈ Lavender | T3 Breeder ❈

Posted 2020-11-26 14:32:34

I saw this thread right after I wrote up a similar idea which is also based on FR exalting. So I agree, the game would be much improved with something like this!

🌠 Ꮚ𝘺𝘳𝘥𝘸𝘶𝘭𝘧 🌌

Posted 2020-11-26 14:43:50

I fully support this idea, we need a system in place to help take care of the broken pup economy and inability to sell puppies 


Posted 2020-11-26 14:55:04

Support.. it could be grouped based on territory and size.. similar algorithms to FRs with active players ranking which biome is in the lead

LissaJo 🦕

Posted 2020-11-26 18:30:58

Support!  The fact that breeding slots for a male are a minimum of 100sc but we sell for most pups for 10-20sc is a huge difference!  A higher price for pups would drive others to breed to wolves other then their own since that would be more likely to get their investment back by selling extra pups.


Posted 2020-11-26 18:32:05

Heck this seems like a very fun idea overall and could def help the overflowing in the pup economy 


Posted 2020-11-26 21:24:41

Very into this idea as a possible solution to the pup glut we're currently experiencing - I honestly don't like chasing my pups since it just feels so weird, so if there were more options for sending pups off without flooding the market I'd be into that.


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