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Pack Names, Wolf Names, & Their Meanings

Pack Names, Wolf Names, & Their Meanings
Posted 2020-09-27 22:33:40 (edited)

Hello! I noticed a lot of users already have set naming schemes for their packs; usually centered around their pack names and themes. I'm currently unsure of mine and ready to change them at any given moment; my current scheme is "What fits and sounds nice" so I'm floundering.

However, I'd love to know what the meanings behind your Pack Names and resident Wolves Names are!


I'll go first as an example:

My pack name is Caligo Pack, meaning "Fog Pack" of sorts. I'm attempting to find a better name; I'm modeling my pack after mountain, fog, and glacial themes!

My wolf names are as follows:
- Blue: Self explanatory! She's blue and I love the idea of a simple character name, most of mine get super detailed.
- Crispin: I originally was going for Latin names, so I typed "cream" into a translator and it spit out "Crepito". The first thing I thought of was "Crispin" and it fit! This boy is sweet as can be and very charming, so it works!
- Meela: Same as Caspian, I forgot what word I used but "Meela" sprung up and stuck!
- Tyra: Got interested in Old Norse names for a second, thought my temporary Beta and one of my top Stat wolves deserved a nice name; so "Fighting Thunder Goddess" she be.
- Arnd: Same as Tyra, Arnd means "strong as an Eagle" so I picked it. He's Khaki so I got a forest vibe off the fella.
- Birch: He's a bitch boy, self explanatory.
- Gunnar: Old Norse again, means "Warrior" or "Fighter". Helps I got some Gunmar vibes off him
- Idonea: I kind of wanted a storyline where she was cast out of her pack and picked up by Blue, so I went for a more plain name. Returned back to Latin for "Suitable".


Thank you for reading! I hope to see your naming schemes in the replies!! :3


Posted 2020-09-29 05:55:48


Narramissic Pack here! I live near a river called the Narramissic IRL and I've always liked the name, so that's where that came from. 

As for pack member names I've been going with whatever strikes me. I don't like to get too locked in to anything. However, since the word Narramissic comes from a local Native American groups language, I have been tending toward native language based names for many of my wolves. I also like nature based names and unusual human names I know of. Oh, and my pack leader and her mate, Ora and Percy, are named after my great great grandparents (been spending a lot of time with my grandmother lately and she likes to tell me about family history).


Posted 2020-10-03 18:29:35

I thought about making one of these and was happy to see there was one already! :D I won't be listing every wolf from my pack, as some are simply there to serve a function, and don't really have a name.

Pack Name
My pack name is Sylvania, named not only for an irl location that holds some significance to me, but also for the Warhammer Fantasy province of Sylvania, which is overrun with vampires and ghouls. I thought it might be a perfect fit for the eerie woods that my pack lives in. Lore-wise, they are not vampiric or ghoulish in nature in the slightest, but many rumours have circulated throughout the land of its "Ghost Count".

Pack Members
Sylvain: The Count of Sylvania, named after the woods in which he was born (in lore). I actually found this name when I was searching through nature-related named on a naming site! It's the French form of Roman Latin "Silvanus", meaning "from the forest". Coincidentally, it's also the name of a god of the forests in Roman mythology, so this name was just the most fitting in all aspects!

Paridae: The Countess of Sylvania. Her appearance actually inspired her name, as when I first created her she reminded of the Black-capped Chickadee, so I gave her their family name: paridae.

Branwen: From the Arthurian name "Branwen" which was comprised of different elements to mean "fair raven". She is the firstborn Daughter of Sylvain and Paridae, and will likely hold some significance later in lore.

Olyvia: A variant of the name "Olivia", which means "elf army". I chose this one mainly for its spelling!

Myrrine: Herbalist / healing priestess. I was searching naming sites under a "herb" category, and found this one, meaning "myrrh". Myrrh is a type of resin that's used in things like incense, and it's even been used for healing purposes!

Selene: After I customized her, I wanted to find something related to the Moon, and found the name "Selene".

Cathartes: His name was taken from part of the Latin name for the Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura. Why? Simply because he reminded me of one!

Livinia: Just a name I heard in a song and I thought sounded pretty!


Posted 2020-10-09 21:39:22

Daily bump! I'm still open to hearing about everyone else's lore :3


Posted 2020-10-09 22:07:11

My pack name is pretty self-explanatory. They live in a place called the Coal Valley in my lore, hence the "Coal Valley Pack", haha. It's actually an homage to my favourite lioness, Coal, from when I used to play LD.

As for my naming conventions, my wolf names are actually based on noises real canines make. I try to make the onomatopoeia look aesthetically pleasing, and also think of a general meaning behind the name (i.e. a shy wolf might be named after a whimpering noise).

So far my favourite names are Ourara, which is a "talking" sound my whippet makes, and Berouthe, which is the sort of quiet bark some big dogs make. I imagine they mean 'brash' and 'sturdy' respectively. Probably will end up recycling some names when I run out of ideas, but so far I've been having a lot of fun with it ^^


Posted 2020-10-16 15:03:01 (edited)

I like the sound of "The Caligo"! I think it's cool.

Pack Name: The Storytellers
Well, as you can tell by my username and my pack name, I personally enjoy telling stories and writing. I was on Lioden for years and after a certain point I realized I had made up a lore for my pride without even thinking about it. I kind of had this 'story' in mind. But it didn't come together very cohesively, so it was hard for me to write about my pride. This time, I want to actually establish a really solid lore for my Wolvden pack and potentially write about their progress!

I came up with some lore for the 'world' my pack lives in. They are considered keepers of lore, the ones who make it a point to remember the past; knowledge is what's valuable to them. They were a non-violent clan/pack that was once great in number (in this world, the terms are interchangeable/preference based). But it went extinct for many years because of a particularly violent war. The packs 'claim' large herds and move with them rather than claiming territory. Many years ago, when the Storytellers were running strong, they had many packs to compete with over the herds. Eventually, another pack known as 'The Dire Bloods' overtook their hunters and killed many of them. They're known for being brutal and ruthless. They're not actually dire wolves, but because they are typically large and violent, that is the name they earned. So, anyway, the Storytellers died off all those years ago. Now, a group of wolves (my pack) have risen back up from the ashes of their ancestors. They're trying to recreate the old, extinct clan. They've hidden away in the mountains - where they are safe. They'll remain there until they're ready to reveal themselves to the other packs in the valley.

Wolf Names:
I try to stick to older, more ancient naming conventions based off of history. Like the ancient romans, old norse, etc. So far, I'm liking it. I've got names like Philo, Arler, Seneca, Iokaste, Freya, Tirzah, and most of their names' meanings are listed in their bios. Disclaimer than not all wolves in my pack follow this rule, and some of them are only temporary pack members to help bolster up the numbers and create wolves with better/more markings. Y'know, the usual :P


Posted 2020-10-19 11:54:21


I apologize in advance for the long post. Most of the naming conventions I've created haven't been implemented into my pack because I haven't bought/bred a lot of wolves yet. Each method of adding a wolf to the pack has a different naming rules, and age + bloodline factors in too. Pups are given nicknames based on their personality or appearance. When they become an adult and earn their place in the pack through role assignment, they get to choose their true name, which is when the other naming rules from their bloodline and origin come into play. Bloodline is the biggest factor, so I'll start with that. So far I've got three bloodlines going:

#1: The Matriline. Naming conventions for this one were inspired by the Vulcan species in Star Trek. The Matriline is all the descendants of the Three Originals - my lead (Drivas), her mate (Donroi), and my first breeding male (currently nonexistent, but I plan on naming him Grenzaiel). To honor the Three Originals, all males in the Matriline have names starting with G or R, and all females' have a D' prefix. However, this doesn't start until the 3rd or 4th generation when Three Original's grandchildren start the tradition.

#2: In progress. I know this one will be the descendants of the tutorial breeding where I used two NBWs, but I haven't finished creating the lore for it yet.

#3: The Novussan. Novussan is a shortening of the latin phrase "novus sanguis" which means "new blood". Basically the miscellaneous classification that I give all wolves in my pack that aren't of any notable bloodline. These include random NBWs + their offspring, and any wolves I've traded for.

If a wolf is Novussan, then their origin can play a role in their name. NBWs and their offspring have random names. Wolves that are traded for keep their name if they have one, but if they don't they're given one based on this criteria:

traded wolf is female and from a pack with a female lead --> name must have a prefix using the first letter of their previous pack leader’s name

traded wolf is male and from a pack with a female lead --> name must start with the first letter as their father’s name

traded wolf is female and from a pack with a male lead --> name must start with the first letter of their mother’s name

traded wolf is male and from a pack with a male lead --> name must have a prefix using the first letter of their previous pack leader’s name

Most of this is stuff I came up with while waiting for PA, I plan on creating more bloodlines + naming traditions as I go along.

Dr. Disco

Posted 2020-10-19 12:18:23

These are all so cool >:O I love seeing these!


Posted 2021-01-26 10:19:48 (edited)

I named all my dens after the four winds because a band I like, The Oh Hellos, has a series of four albums named after them. The first three dens have the first NBWs I found which formed the foundation of my pack in the beginning. Some of them have music-related names because the pack's name is Bell Pack, but I didn't keep that up for long because I thought it would eventually be hard to find unique names from that pool. I'm more interested in adoption and fostering than breeding, so the fourth den is adopted wolves. The plan is to mix the bloodlines of all the founding NBWs so that they have a permanent presence in the pack, like this:

Pair 1: [Eurus]x[Boreas] | Pair 2: [Notos]x[Zephyrus]

Pair 3: [pair 1 pups]x[pair 2 pups].

At first I was thinking about just keeping all the founder pairs and giving their pups the name of the den as a family name, but then I'd always have a million wolves in the pack, so instead, since all the third generation pups will be related to all the founders/den names, I can call their line the Anemoi, which refers to all the winds, and I think I might always choose the new pack leader from that line.


Posted 2021-02-01 14:31:47

My pack's lore and name come from poisonous plants, mainly their common names! The Poisonwoods was suggested by my twin, and I love how certain poisonous plant names sound (Oleander, Foxglove, Belladonna), so I decided to incorporate that into my lore! 

My lore is still a massive WIP, so I'm not gonna post it here, but it's likely gonna be about their collection of poisonous plants and their ways of working with it?


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